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Out is the old, in is the new... — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Morgan who has 1 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Soleil Cielon.
<b>Ooc~ Yay my first post! I'm still trying to figure this all out since I haven't played on a forum like this before, so bear with me!</b>

Upon arrival to the land, the light tawny female supposed this was her debut and decided to make the most of it by staking out the land of this vast wilderness, a feat impossible to accomplish in a mere afternoon. Drawing up her tapered muzzle to stare skyward, the falls ascended fairly high into the dense canopy and towered over her defined frame. Soleil gathered this would be a fitting place to spend her evening and slowly picked her way towards the water that pooled at the bottom of the cataract, meekly submerging her delicate paw into it's depths before fully plunging in unceremoniously. Dark shadows darted away from her impact point and it took a moment to realize that the small sillhouettes were fish. <i>Smart move</i> she mentally scolded herself, knowing she could've caught a well needed meal but instead she literally plunged into something without thinking about it, one of the principle flaws in her design.

With a pang of recollection, she mused over her family back in the southern reaches of Canada and wondered how they were doing; or more of how her younger siblings were doing for she had a special love of them and they seemed to have an <span class='word'>imago</span> of her. Pushing her reminscing aside for that moment, she remained perfectly dormant in her movements and watched in silent curiosity at how the meager creatures started to gather again as the undulates of the water ceased. Her back hunched tightly as she drew her foreleg back with claws poised to strike and eyes cast downward on one particularly promising figure, waiting for the right moment.

Soon enough the flickering movements of the fish reached her and she surged forward, her paw skimming the pool for a moment and curved so that she scooped the fish right out of the water and skyrocketed into the air, catching the fish clumsily in her jaws. Without any victorious cry she churned the water strongly with her paws and made her way back to the pebbly shore, settling down contentedly with her insubstantial kill. Her salmon hued tongue curled out of her mouth and scathed her lips as she took her first tentative tear into the scaly fish to reveal the rich pickings beneath it's oily skin and started to made good work of it. <i>It's not the best-- but at least it's something, there's a pack nearby, maybe they have something more promising to offer than the life of a dispersal...</i>
Played by Der who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaune Black
Though still unfamiliar to many of the territories in Relic Lore, she was becoming quite intimate with its water sources. For reasons she did not have, water was scarce throughout the valley, and she was keen on keeping tabs on the one thing she could not go without: at least for three days. The sight of the falls brought cheer into her heart, and she expressed this with a bark of pleasure. Racing forwards, stumbling over logs, and slipping through damp leaves, she skidded on a particularly wet patch and thought nothing of it--that is, until she couldn't stop. What was first amusing soon became terrifying as she continued to slide, up a small hump before plunging downwards. She was a wolf-slide. Pleasure turning into horror, she knew she would soon be getting all the water she desired. Much too quickly in her unacknowledged opinion. It might have been fun even then, she would only make a big splash upon entering, were it not for the sudden appearance of yet another obstacle that she did not know if she could overcome. She could not tell you anything about the obstacle, only that it was a wolf, blurred and cinnamon-flavored. Howling for the wolf to move out of her way, she closed her eyes and waited for her contact with either flesh or water. She bit down hard and tasted fish.