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Pack Roles — Official 
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Posted by Sahalie who has 612 posts.


Well, there we 'ave it. We hope this article has been beneficial in helping your character develop and potentially earn Life Points for the loyal services they provide exclusively for their pack and family.

Please check with your pack Leader to find out exactly what your pack needs or requires and find out just where your wolf will fit in! If there are any questions concerning particular roles or sub-roles, please feel free to post in the Genius Bar.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I obtain a Pack Role?
    Each pack in Relic Lore operates and manages as their Leaders see fit. That said, a character may not obtain an official role until they have completed 5 threads demonstrating that specific role. Once completed, players must then PM their Leader to officially request the role, where the Leader may request a thread, or simply dole out the title.

  • What if my character leaves that pack and joins another? Can I get my role back?
    Yes, you may re-obtain that role in 2 threads rather than the full 5.

  • Does my character need to have specific Life Points to get a Pack Role?
    No -- they must only complete 5 threads demonstrating this role.

  • How does my character gain an advanced role?
    An advanced role will be given to a character by their Pack Leader. They must complete 3 threads demonstrating/practicing their role (after gaining the base role) and PM their Leader. These 3 threads must not include any of the threads that were used to originally claim their role title. 

  • Can more than one wolf in a pack have "that" specific role?
    With the creation of this guide, there is now no reason as to why not! While the management of each pack is left almost entirely up to the pack leaders, in general, yes. If they have two wolves who are both excellent hunters, there is nothing at all stopping them from having several "Hunters" in their pack. However, they have a right to refuse your request for a certain role, or find you more fitting for another, based on what skills your wolf has shown. Not being of a specific pack role, for example a "Hunter", does not mean that you cannot hunt anyway, as for a pack to function all wolves are required to do a bit of this and that at all times. However, a wolf ranked "Hunter" may take on a leading role in larger hunts, or train other wolves. The title is more of an acknowledgment than anything else.

    The best way for you to find this out is by sending your pack's leader/s a friendly PM (Private Message) and inquiring about it — there is no harm in asking after all! Please note though that any given role must be solved in character, so you cannot OOC'ly get a role.

  • Can a wolf who holds a specific role demonstrate a different role and get points?
    Yes, they can. In order to claim Life Points, however, the thread must meet the minimum requirements to be eligible.

  • Can a Leader have a pack role?
    No. They can demonstrate a role just like any other member to claim LP for, but can not officially gain any specific role.

  • Can a yearling have a pack role?
    Yes! They may obtain a role at any time as long as they meet the pack's requirements. 
