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a little of the good life — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
He studied the male briefly, still contemplating what the male was truly thinking. They had not exchanged names, nor did Ruiko hold any desire to. The simple understanding between them both was that if one party found water, the other would be informed. It was a relief to him when the Plateau wolf gave his agreement, for it meant he had another pair of eyes on the lookout for the source.. especially in areas he could not travel to.

It was a brief alliance that occurred between them, only because of the dire times, and as Borden dipped his muzzle down in agreement Ruiko followed the wolf’s motion. “We’ll do the same,” he assured quietly, his tail shifting lightly in the colder breeze. Relief had to come soon – Ruiko was certain of that, but his worry only grew with the fact that it would come either with the magical appearance of water, or with the winter snow. Kinis and Borlla were strong.. but he was not sure how long they could last, and the realization that he might have to take them away from their home was a harsh reality he was beginning to accept.

Blinking, Ruiko once more dipped his muzzle to the male wolf. There was nothing more to be spoken of, as he had gained the information he had originally desired. “Thank you for your time. My well wishes to you and yours during these times.” With that said, the male turned his hefty figure, the sparse golds and browns of his fur shifting as a breeze swept past. Ruiko began to make his venture home, his pace slower than usual for he held no news to share with anyone.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Borden listened as the Swift River alpha confirmed his own half of the agreement, and though their meeting had been brief, it was sufficient enough for an exchange of information. <b>“Thank you,”</b> he called back, watching the tawny male turn about and head back the way he came. <b>“And, good luck.”</b> Once Ruiko had gone, Borden scanned the area of mountainside before him and when nothing and no one of interest caught his eye, he began to climb up the stony mountain side. The owl warned him again, but he ignored her, wanting nothing more of her sass. Returning to his perch, he continued his nightly watch over the territory, ever vigilant of what the night had to offer.


ooc: Sorry for the delay… Fffff… couldn’t figure out for a while if the thread was finished or not, but here: I shall have Borden retreat back up the mountainside to officially wrap this up?