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blue skies — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Leaf who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reikan Tova
<blockquote>Reikan fell into blissful reverie. His paws tread upon the fallen plump fruit of a dark cherry and the scarlet juice squelched beneath his paw and stained the fur. His eyes glimmered with glassy interest as he reared upward, powerful haunches straining to push him into the graceful leap of the wild wolf, and his jaws snapped shut in perfect timing, one of the berries caught neatly between his pearly carnassials. As he landed, forelegs absorbing the impact like springs, he looked about himself and found that for now, he was alone. A vagabond as always. As he had been born the son of a lowly omega and his partner, Reikan Valor Tova had been looked down upon as a cub. If they could see him now.

Was he not one of the greatest wolves. Now he dipped his head slightly and his thoughts grew modest. For now he was not but subordinate, a simple pack wolf that did his simple duties. Perhaps someday his rank would rise but he was content. However, the secrets in his darkened heart had begun to fester, and his desired place in his birth-pack had been taken in a swift move of replevy by a jealous pack member. Now, he was starting a new life, and none could blame him for any sin or wrong doing. The air was still and hot, but it hardly bothered the timber wolf, for there was contented happiness in his heart. So simple were his even his deepest yearnings right now. He dropped himself to his stomach and his eyes swept through the orchards again, this time with rapt curiosity. Reikan waited. For what? The next adventure of life.</blockquote>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Introductory it is. :)

There was an enticement to life since the water had swept back across the lands of Relic Lore. The timing could have been better in his mind – after all, he would have been exalted to see the refreshing source come back to the land over a month ago, but the regal tawny wolf was at least grateful that it was back now, and life could return to a certain normalcy.

The tawny Tainn had slept outside the family den that night, protective of the two youths that remained within its walls. He had been woken from something gentle and cold upon his nose, and as his amber eyes had started, his focus soon fell upon the swirling flurries that danced across the winter night air. It was finally here, it seemed, and while Ruiko was anxious to wake Kinis and show him of the magical substance called snow they had discussed before, he had refrained for the moment. The snow had not accumulated just yet, but by the feel of the air as he meandered toward the Orchard, Swift River would soon be buried under a white winter.

He wasn’t sure what he was exploring for this day, but he knew he would not be gone for long. His creamy paws lead him to the same spot he had met a jet black she-wolf, and yet it was not the same wolf his eyes fell upon now. A silver agouti male laid across the grounds, and while Ruiko was emotionless in his observation, the leader did dip his muzzle down to the stranger in quiet greeting.
Played by Leaf who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reikan Tova
<blockquote>Reikan could still sense the horrible feeling of betrayal lurking beneath his pelt, itching like a flea had bit him, though his coat was clean enough. Calm radiance rose through his form, though his mind was aching to discover some truth. The truth of what? It was a question he could not answer, though he felt as though he had been wronged some time before. Reikan burst another plump berry between his teeth, and in his angry abandonment, cracked the pit as well in his carnassials. It splintered and he spat it upon the ground at his paws. Then his ears swiveled and rose, the rust tips standing straight, and he turned his head abruptly to see another form approaching. A wolf.

Slight and unsure recognition arose in the golden eyes of the subordinate. His glance was not wary, but as this tall, proud male dipped his head in silent greeting, there was some kind of curious gratitude to be found within Reikan Tova and he lowered his muzzle as well, speaking in his throaty, bass voice. <b>"Good day, sir. What brings you here?"</b> It was a simple, much explanatory greeting that would let the meeting moments pass easily. Reikan had not properly engaged in contact with other male wolves for a while, and his muzzle tensed in a kind of apprehension, yet it did not show through his thick, coarse fur.</blockquote>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
I've confused myself. ;-; Are we saying Ruiko already accepted him to SR, or that he's still a lone wolf?

Ruiko blinked as the male's words echoed across the silence of the winter air. The dusky silver male did not challenge his regal stature; which had not been entirely expected, for Ruiko did not know this stranger. Still, it was the idea of being called 'sir' by one he did not know that threw him off from his original thoughts to the wolf that laid before him.

"A walk," he answered briefly, his eyes regarding the wolf with mild interest. His eyes then swept to the pits of the cherries that lay abandoned by the male's paw, and the regal wolf shrugged his hefty shoulders. "I take it you're here to enjoy nature's little treasures?" He drawled the words from his lips, never quite understanding why so many seemed to take interest in the tiny fruit. Ruiko despised the taste of them, and the thought alone of eating one was enough to turn his stomach.