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lets get lost — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It had been a long time, too long, since Indru had smelt the familiar scents of Sacred Grove and felt it's soil under his paws, it's tall trees surrounding him and the gentle bubbling of the Swift River which had caused him and most of his family to leave in the first place. As much as he hadn't wanted to leave Indru would not watch as what was left of his family weakened at perished slowly, the lack of water making Relic Lore a death sentence in his eyes. It had always been home — even when his parents had perished — and leaving it, especially when he knew Ruiko, his closest friend and brother, would not be coming with him had been unimaginably difficult. Relief and then joy had washed over Indru in waves at the first recent scent of his brother he had found once he had returned, it was clear proof that he had survived, despite the odds, and that another Tainn was not lost for good again.

The Tainn growled lowly in his throat in excitement at his homecoming, a slight flick of his tail indicating his pleasure of his brother's dominant mark on the territory they had claimed as a family, and paused abruptly in his hurried, excited pace. It was Ruiko's land now, not his own, and he knew to respect this so he did not cross the strong markings that surrounded and barred him from his old home, instead lifting his head gently to the treetops and letting a low howl be carried away by the winds.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko prowled the length of the pack borders, stopping every so often as he caught any unfamiliar scent upon the breeze. Lone wolves had been respectful lately, not showing up to play havoc with his pack or intrude across his borders. It was a small fact that he was grateful for, and it offered the male more time to spend with the youth of the pack, Kinis and Borlla. They were aging considerably fast now, both beginning to lose the final parts of their puppy fat and growing to the size they would become. Ruiko taught them the ways of the wolf – from hunting tactics, to how they could integrate themselves better in the pack ranks when they were of age. There was tension between the two siblings, but the tawny wolf was their guardian, mentor, and brother.. not their psychologist, and he instead gave them the room to figure out their problems with one another by themselves. He held no doubt they would, for it would be a shame to see their relationship destroyed by rivalry and distrust, like he and Ioni.

These thoughts had distracted him for a moment, and it was before the familiar scent reached Ruiko’s nostrils that the tawny beast glanced up, his eyes falling upon the haunting and yet achingly familiar sight of his brother. There was a pause of disbelief, and the regal male blinked, wondering slightly if he was mistaken as his stomach lurched excitedly. But there could be no mistaking his best friend, and a growl of excitement escaped the hefty male’s jaws as his tail gave a sudden swing. “The hell you doing on that side of the border when you belong on this side?”
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Waiting so eagerly for his brother as Indru was he was relieved to catch a very fresh trail in the distance, heading towards him, and it wasn't long until he saw his brother's form loom from the shadows. Indru met the growl with his own, his mouth curving into a grin as he dropped the front half of his body down to show his pleasure. At his brother's words he laughed, pleased, stepping towards him and nudging his muzzle affectionately, though keeping himself lower down that he would before when greeting Ruiko. The power in their relationship had shifted — something that was not an uncommon experience — and Indru planned to respect his brother's position. Well, it is your call now, Ruiko. The boy replied with a grin, licking the underneath of the other Tainn's jaw in respect.

It was easier than he expected to return and no longer be the leader and Indru suspected it was a mixture of his new maturity with everything that happened as well as the slightly unsettled feeling of being away for such a long time. How have you been? Kinis and Borlla too. Though they were his siblings, much like Ruiko since their parents death Indru had taken a more paternal role with the youngest of their siblings. Especially Triell, who had travelled with him and the rest of the family. We wanted to come home, so I rushed ahead to check the water. Indru explained, knowing that Niija could handle the nomadic pack his family had become allowing him to move quicker and warn them if all was not well. Niija is with them all at the moment. Watching Ruiko, who sat comfortably in his new position, Indru grinned, realising now how much he had missed his brother in their time apart. It's good to see you.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
His gait couldn't have brought him to his brother's side soon enough, but Ruiko drew up to the tawny male as Indru bowed his figure playfully, leaving Ruiko open to nip Indru's ear with a playful growl. This sense of play did not last long, for Indru drew up to nudge Ruiko's chin with respect, leaving the regal male's position amongst the pack uncompromisable for the time being. The power had shifted to him, though Ruiko was no fool to think that this would not be challenged or changed in time. It mattered little; having Indru at his side meant more than he had ever imagined before. As brothers and best friends, they needed one another. Swift River would flourish under their leadership.

"You're always welcome here," he returned with a sardonic snort before taking a step back to regard his brother. Indru looked well, which reassured Ruiko that the rest of his siblings must have fared the same. "We've been fine. Borlla found her way here without problem, it seems," he offered, though his voice quieted. Borlla had initially left with Indru, and Ruiko had never asked why she left them to come home.

The large male gave a nod to his brother's reasons. It would have been obvious to Indru that the water had returned and with it the prey was slowly trickling back to the lands of Relic Lore. "We've all been well. The pack has grown.. but it will be good to have you all here again. We belong here."
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

With Indru confirming his acceptance of Ruiko's new role, the new power shift, he was pleased that there was no tension. It had been natural as them since they were young pups to compete against each other (albeit in a brotherly way) but at the moment Indru was more contented to just rest easily with Ruiko. They had a byzantine relationship, but it was very strong one and something Indru knew wouldn't weaken whatever they had to go through, they may argue amongst themselves but they would always unite against anything else. Ruiko's words helped soothe Indru's unease at being away for so long slightly more, and he nodded in appreciation of the remark even though he knew with Ruiko it would of been a given.

It was no surprise that Borlla had returned, Indru had followed her stale scent — and later fresher ones in Relic Lore — home, relieved that she made it here safe. That's good, the pleasure in his voice at being told every Tainn under Ruiko's care was safe was undeniable, particularly as they were Kinis and Borlla, among the youngest of them. I was worried about Borlla leaving early.. but you know her, when I told her no she sneaked home. Indru's voice was laced in a confusing mix of annoyance and affection for his youngest sister, she certainly had personality, he had to give her that.

Indru's ears twitched in obvious interest at Ruiko's mentions of the pack's growth. He was surprised — he had led his family away for a reason after all — but pleased at the same time. Are they recent additions? He inquired with genuine interest, the back of his mind already analysing the change their old family-orientated hierarchy would recieve, perhaps it would be good for them to have a shuffle and not sit so comfortably in the ranks they had settled into before. It was going to be a change for him. You'll have to introduce me, a sly grin broke his face as he gave his brother a knowing look. It certainly would be interesting around here for a while.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The brothers had never been absent so long from one another, and while Ruiko knew the love for his brother would be endless, he had somehow expected Indru to come back changed. Yet the Tainn’s met, jovial, relishing at their reunion, and his brother’s chatter seemed to break any silence he might of held for the tension he had expected. Indru was, in the end, the same wolf that had left here before, and Ruiko flashed the male a smile at the relaxation his sibling took at the mention that Borlla was fine. Indru had always been more fatherly in that aspect than Ruiko. “What of the rest of the family? Are they well?” Ruiko too worried for his siblings, but the concern did not seem as apparent in his voice as Indru, for the tawny wolf was never one to wear his emotions for all to read.

Indru’s query lifted a shrug from the regal wolf, his eyes darting briefly back to the path where the pack den rested. “More or less. We’ll introduce you soon enough,” he assured his friend, his tail giving a light flick of contentment. “But first you have to tell me about everything.”
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It was surprising to Indru how easy he and Ruiko managed to avoid any awkwardness their reunion could create, especially with the rank change, and how quickly they slipped back into their camaraderie after such a time apart. It would be a lie to say that he didn't wonder over any conflict over rank in the future, but at the moment with everything so new and fresh, it wasn't an issue. They are fine, everyone is. Indru understood his brothers' concern, having experience it himself for those that had stayed behind, I think we faired better than you, here. As Indru had experienced first hand the dangers the lack of water can do to your body and then had felt the lesser effects as well as witnessed the dehydration slowly damage his family.

Ruiko did not seem to concerned or eager to introduce the newcomers and he wondered idly if their joining the pack had been a temporary truce to band together and find water opposed to the more loyal, solid bond a wolf typically has to their pack. Perhaps he did not think they would stick around. At the request however, he smiled, nodding his head as he turned to look at his brother with orange eyes. We travelled outside all of Relic Lore, he explained, knowing Ruiko would know the significance of their travel due to their awareness of the Forests' size, the water was fine there, free flowing. I wanted to make sure that we weren't affected by the drought spreading further than here. On his way home Indru had noticed signs suggesting that the lack of water had eventually spread beyond their small portion they called home, the signs of recovery had been promising though and he had hoped that it had not come to late for his brother. We just stayed, waiting, for a sign of when it started to return, and it was this that caused a curious look to appear on his face. Did you ever find out what caused the water to return? The cause of the drought had bothered Indru the whole time they had been absent from the forest, he had found no cause and yet it had seemed to magically come back one day.

So, he began, a small smile on his face, how about you? What happened here?

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It was a relief to know that his siblings were well, though under Indru’s lawful guide, Ruiko had never been in doubt to such a thing. Their return would bring changes to the River pack, for the Tainn’s looked to Indru as their leader.. Not Ruiko. Yet as was usual between the brothers who consistently butted heads over dominance, the hefty regal was not about to back out of his position without another spar. It could be said by him that as the one who had stuck to their lands without abandoning them, they now truly belonged to him. These thoughts brimmed at his mind, but they did not surface to his features. Instead, his bright eyes regarded his brother with contentment.

It was strange to him that Indru had kept the family on the move. The large Tainn had expected his brother to settle them elsewhere for a time being so they could gain some normalcy. What mattered though was that they were fine.. and finally, they were home where they belonged. Upon Indru’s question regarding the return of the water, the male gave a silent shake of his muzzle, not truly caring what had brought it had. It was the largest difference between the two brothers; Indru would be more keen to find out the reasons why to ensure it would not happen again, while Ruiko would put little thought in to it until the time came once more that he was to worry over it. One brother was logical, the other moved completely from his instinct.

“Nothing.” It was a simple answer, but the truth. “Kinis was excelling greatly until Borlla came home. There’s a rift between the two of them.” Ruiko shrugged then; a rift between siblings was not something that the Tainn brothers were unused to. The tawny male would only hope it would not reach a breaking point the way it had between Ruiko and Ioni.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

His brother had always been short and brief on words and though Indru knew this, he couldn't help feeling a bit annoyed when Ruiko decided to elide on the details. At the moment, though, it wasn't his place to complain and he nodded along, worried about the seemingly growing rift between their youngest siblings. The conflict between them had been apparent before but for Ruiko to mention it Indru knew it must be getting more serious, even if his brother was showing nonchalance about it. What happened to make it worse? Indru couldn't help asking even if he knew there was a good chance Ruiko wouldn't give him the answer he wanted, and a frown made his face wrinkle in concern for their family. Another rift was not what they needed.

Indru rose awkwardly as he tried to keep himself below Ruiko, a feat as the pair were almost equally matched, and dipped his head slightly to show his movement was not a challenge. But more serious issues concerned him now than whether or not he was being respectful and with a wary look at Ruiko he stepped over the borders and back into home. It felt tenser now he was here, and now that the family had issues, as Indru was unsure where his authority lay, though Ruiko was now the pack's leader Indru still felt he perhaps had the authority within the family and was unsure whether this had changed too. Shall we go? He asked awkwardly, unsure whether proceeding on his own when he had just returned to annoy his brother.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Indru was curious to exactly what had happened, and Ruiko blinked at him, wondering how Indru could not discover the obvious for himself. “Kinis was beginning to grow in to himself without Borlla and Triell around. That’s all been cast aside for him now.” Ruiko kept his tone even, not revealing to his brother the worry he felt for such. Kinis had made strides in his self discovery, but neither Ruiko or Indru could spur him to be a more dominant wolf. Come their rightful age, the pups would settle themselves among the hierarchy where they belonged.. it was simply the way life was.

Indru rose, and Ruiko bristled for a moment. Yet his brother kept his head down, not willing to challenge him just yet. It was a spark of electricity that Ruiko knew was being avoided for now; soon enough, once life around them had settled down once more, Indru would challenge that normalcy for a new one, and Ruiko was not willing to back down as easily as he had before. He had watched over these lands for three months now while Indru and his family had left them. They belonged to him now. His features were emotionless, though his eyes followed the steps of his brother. With a nod, the Tainn brother fell alongside Indru as they made their way home.