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bend the bracket — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Adopt me! :D who has 19 posts.
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Niija Tainn
<i>Niija returns! Anybody from Swift River please!</i>

<blockquote>He hadn't come back. He had left them, where they had stopped to rest, to regain strength, to recover from the drought, and he hadn't come back. Anybody else in any similar situation would have assumed that he abandoned them. That he had left them there to rot. But after waiting, days of anxious waiting, seeing his face would not bring relief: it was an omen. And they had finally decided, after weeks, that he was not coming back. And they were saved.

She loved her brother dearly, but his absence had given her hope. Niija had led the rest of them back to Relic Lore in hopes that his absence proved what they had all been hoping for: there was water. And, alas, there was, flowing through the lands, bountiful and fresh. The first thing on her mind had been to return to the sacred grove. She needed to see everybody, she needed to make sure that everybody was okay. She needed to make sure that Borlla had returned safe, despite her ignorance of Indru's words. Niija had to make sure that her sister had made it alive.

So it was with great pleasure that she set paws within the grove again. The others were somewhere behind her, wandering, hunting, acquainting themselves with the lands and the others they had met before they left. Niija, however, just wanted to go home. Or at least, what they considered home now. A sigh pressed from her chest as she stood among the snow, feeling the chill of the afternoon wind tousling her coat, running its fingers along her back. Clearing her throat, Niija raised her head and gave a short, soft call, beckoning those she called her family, with warmth and hope in her heart and eagerness to see them all again.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As soon as Indru could see Relic Lore, when he had returned to scout for his family, he had felt the quickening of his heartbeat in his chest and any exhaustion he had felt from his near non-stop running was forgotten. Immediately he had rushed to the closest water source he knew off and, as he had hoped and dreamed, he was greeted with a strong, powerful stream of pure, fresh water. It had been a relief — beyond a relief, it had been a blessing, a great joy that he had not felt since he had seen that not all off his family had perished in the flames. As, to Indru, it meant that they could be together again, in their birth forest, with the spirits of their parents and Hotei around them.

His reunion with Ruiko, Kinis and Borlla had helped dampen his worry for his other family, the ones left behind, and although he felt anxious for their return he knew Niija was capable of looking after them, she always had been. Though this had not stopped the Tainn from scouting to the edges of Relic Lore each day, hoping to catch sight of his family in the distance, or their faint smell on the breeze. It had bordered almost on obsession and it was with a heavy heart that he had left his den in the heart of Scared Grove to go and wait vigilantly again.

As he neared the edge of the Swift River borders he caught a faint scent of the breeze, his sister Niija, and smiled to himself. It was an uncommon treat, but often the wind would bring a stale trace of one or more of his family members to him as to comfort him that they were safe. Yet this time, he paused, as it was not a stale and old trail, a faint scent that barely clung to a tree or bush in the Grove as they had passed, but instead the scent was fresh and new. Indru inhaled sharply, not daring to believe it, and immediately shot forward and off towards the scent, part of him expecting to find a small shrub layered in there scent as a sign his mind had played a cruel trick. He slowed as he neared her, his heart thrumming as he inhaled them deeply noticing that the scent was still fresh, and then, finally, eventually, he broke through the trees and could see her. Your here, he breathed reverently, staring at his sister with relief.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2011, 06:57 PM by Indru.)
Played by Adopt me! :D who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Niija Tainn
<i> <3 ahhh i really love Niija :'D</i>

Hearing her name spoken, the tousled girl turned her head slightly, allowing her gaze to rest upon the smaller female that had come up beside her. A soft smile drew upon her lips and she watched Torla draw near. Once she was close enough, Niija gently pressed her shoulder against her sisters, as though in an act of reassurance; she understood the pain that Torla was experiencing. Everybody did. Or at least they should - because they had gone through it too. But it had been many weeks ago, and for now, Niija's focus and attention was on returning to Swift River and making certain that everybody else had gotten there safe and sound.

As the sound of her call faded with the wind, Niija remained silent and patient, her eyes flicking through the shadows of the trees. Finally, the darkness had parted, revealing a welcome face. The cream and brown seemed to coincide exactly with the face that she had been hoping desperately to see, eyes burning with all the strength of a livid fire, the eyes of their brother. "You're here." He spoke, to which Niija nodded, her smile broadening slightly. Indru. Her voice drifted as a lullaby among the breeze, as gentle as the wind itself, as she greeted her brother with pride. He was safe, the land was safe - and for now, the tragedy of their past hung hazily in her memory, overwhelmed by relief.

Briefly, Niija looked back at Torla, silently willing the female to join her as she looked back at their brother again and began to step forward. Her steps were graceful, her body bobbed up and down in only the slightest of motions as though her steps were that of a drifting ghost. The tawny female stepped up to Indru and licked his chin, truly glad to see him. The pack. They are safe, yes? And Borlla? She questioned gently, looking up at her somewhat taller brother.
(This post was last modified: Jan 11, 2011, 10:25 PM by Niija.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Seeing Niija was a relief as although they all loved their siblings equally his sister was the families backbone in a way, it was she they would all turn to if they needed guidance, to not have her here, in the centre of them felt wrong. She licked his muzzle and Indru smiled, her respectful gesture noted, and he nudged her back affectionately with his nose, truly relieved that she was well. Though he knew Niija paid no mind to her own rank he knew she respected and understood the importance of them regardless, a pack without a hierarchy was not a pack at all. Ruiko and Kinis made it through the drought. He explained, answering her first question, and the pride and relief in his voice at his brother's was clear. They had stayed behind (against Indru's and the rest of the families descision) but there was no bitterness at this just pleasure with their safety.

Borlla arrived safety too, I don't think Rui knew what was going on, he laughed lightly, his annoyance at Borlla's unauthorised departure had not yet surfaced with the joys of being home again. She did well to find her way here. The pups were a strong litter, all had survived even with such a disaster at a young age, all left without parents and he knew Borlla would be an asset to the pack when she was older. But the others? His voice was suddenly urgent again and he looked over his sister's shoulder wistfully as if expecting to see them jump out the trees behind them. They are okay? Following you as planned? The decision to leave his family had been difficult and he knew that if any did not turn up safe they would all feel the lose of their parents and Hotei all over again, their family could not lose any more. So it was with pleading eyes that he waited for the reassurance only Niija could give.

Played by Adopt me! :D who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Niija Tainn
i like to take long when i post /lame

It was nice to feel her brother so close to her again. Nice to feel the warmth of his body as he stood there, in true form, the flesh and blood - the real thing. Not just a memory, pleading to be proven to life at the keeping of his word; not just a faint smell captured in a dead leaf or in the tracks he had left when he parted ways from the family seeking their totemic refuge. She could feel him now, press her nose into his cheek and feel the muscles in his face when he smiled. He nudged her, and Niija stepped back slightly to allow some space between the siblings, reveling in his presence and enjoying the quaint reunion between them. The news of the good health of their other brothers caused Niija's smile to grow upon her visage. Oh, good. They are strong - I knew they could. She sighed contentedly, nodding. Never once had she lost faith in their brothers.

Hearing of Borlla's safe arrival warmed her heart, as well. It was Borlla that had concerned Niija the most, after having run from the group to return to the pack. She was careless in that sense, and though Niija trusted her younger sister's ability to survive, it was her judgment that concerned her. I trust she has been reprimanded for her recklessness, The female added, though lightheartedly and with a soft chuckle. Of course she would never think to punish anybody in such a manner that it could be considered punishment - why would she? As long as somebody recognized the wrong that they had done, there was no need. Niija knew that Borlla was aware of what she'd done and she'd probably been punished enough by her brothers, Niija wouldn't have to remind her of her wrongdoing.

It was the others now whom Indru was concerned with. Niija gave a firm nod, looking up at her brother. Yes, yes, have no fear, brother. They have all returned safe and sound, dispersed throughout the wood for whatever reason that may guide them, but they have returned. She assured him with a small smile and another feathery laugh. She appreciated that he cared so deeply for the family, but it had to be a given. They were too close knit not to care.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
We can finish it here if you want. :3

Indru shared her faith in Ruiko and Kinis but it had been a worry never the less, especially after the short time that he had been delirious from the lack of water which gave him a healthy appreciation of how important it was. Niija's mention of Borlla being reprimanded for her error was not worded as a question but instead a statement and Indru laughed, she knew them too well. Yes, she was, he added, a small smile on his muzzle as he thought back fondly to the first meeting with his sister, but I wasn't too hard on her. In fact, though he had made sure that she knew she was in the wrong, it was more playful than hard voices and angry faces, but in a way it had been more effective than before. Besides, it was an achievement that she had been able to find herself home safely.

Her words reassured him, like always, and he sighed leaning forward to place his nose on her muzzle in an affectionate gesture. I am so glad your back. Indru knew that Ruiko would be just as pleased as he, and Kinis especially, who had been out of sorts since Borlla returned. The two pups had always had a strong conflict, Kinis being the weaker one of them, and it seemed that her return had made him lose the confidence he had gained with Ruiko. He was sure Niija would know what was best to do, whether it was just leaving them too it. Let's go home. Looking to see if she was following Indru turned as to head back towards Swift River, he knew that the others would want to see her and he was keen to soon have their home alive with the scents of their family again.

(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2011, 12:48 PM by Indru.)