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you wouldn't clap yet — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

A chuckle sounded upon hearing her describe him as a chivalrous gentleman. ”Not a clue,” he replied. ”Go insane, perhaps.” Catching her wink, his grin returned, broadening his recollected smile. He was going to say something or simply shake his head, but an ”If you insist…” seemed to answer for him and he dug into the rodent between his paws. Arching his back in one last stretch as he entirely stood up, he waved his banner of a tail. Where to next? he mused silently to himself. Of course, getting her behind territory markers would be the next priority. Then… allow her to do as she wished? Let her scope out the land for herself? Surely, there were enough scents to trail with his and Alexander’s paths constantly criss-crossing up, down, and around the mountain...

Walking, instead of running, would suffice he figured and when she glanced at him with a determination to get a move on, he strode forward. He instantly set a slow pace, genially glancing behind him after a few steps to make sure she didn’t walk behind him. He did consider that he might have been exuding an air of superiority over her, but he certainly didn’t intend that it meant she couldn’t walk alongside him as they arrived home. ”So…” he began, beginning to recognize their surroundings with each footstep. ”Mind if I ask where you’re from?” Every wolf had a story, he was sure, but he was rather curious to find out; truth be told, he was rather engaged with her two-toned eyes now that his rage no longer blinded him and the daylight made them shine like a topaz and sapphire. He had never, in all his time traveling or scouting about Relic Lore, seen a wolf with such striking features like hers.

Entranced. To say Borden was entranced by her was to say the least of what exactly he was feeling. Whether it was a sprouting fascination he was starting to kindle or whether it was something entirely different, maybe something that related to all the things that had frustrated him in the Glade only yesterday. No worries, he reminded himself. He’d get to the bottom of this lingering confusion soon enough, but right now was not the time. Right now, he was absolutely consumed only by her company. ”…and where exactly you got those beautiful eyes from?” The tone in his voice was just as vulpine as the one she had adopted when referring to his character, playful and charmed… taken.

(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2011, 10:39 PM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

”Go insane, perhaps.” The female could picture Borden stuck in a mental delima, because no one would let him do a single thing for them. Constantly he was asking anyone in sight what they needed. Of coarse him being only cable of feeding himself. Rather silly, she smiled inwardly at her wild imagination. Then sincerly she made a mental note. He was only trying to do the right thing. It wouldn't do for his moral if she was always shooting him down. The urge to please not her greatest attribute, non the less, instinct was within her. She would do what she could not to bring any more misery to him, because she cared about his happiness. Though the facts didn't add up to reason. These thoughts brewed at her mind's front, as she began strides naturally taking up the place at his left side. Last time, she hadn't felt she could walk by him, but today was a brand new. However, she knew she wouldn't play the part of a weak female in need of a hero, but she would continue to accept his kindness. This was going to be an interesting day for the new member of Midnight Plateau.

Deep tone drifted to her ears, asking her whence she'd came. It cut through her train of thought, so she switched tracks. "The Torngat Mountains, near the coast. It's quite a ways northeast from here, actually. " The picture of the vast mountain chain recalled without trying. It was why she liked the mountains, growing up with there looming forms next to the Labrador Sea. This information was not a secret, and she didn't mind sharing it. Her birthplace was significant to her, but something she didn't dwell on if she coud help it. She doubted she would ever set foot near there again. Lips drawn to return the question, he asked another. And she had not been ready for one like that. Mistepping a couple steps utterly flabergasted; it took a lot of her energy not to stare at him, with wide eyes and jaw dropped consumed with shock,embarrassment,and enthrall. She manged to look taken back at the very least. A nervous laugh bubbled from her throat, trying to disfuse the sitation. How grateful she was she couldn't blush with color."When you decide to be nice, you go all out don't you?" An amused, and elated laugh followed. Making a point not to look at him, as she didn't trust herself, she minded her eyes down on the path. An enchanted smile wearing at the sides of jaw.

"Hmm, my eyes,"She studied at the tiny details, the little divets in the trees, the heigth of snow, remembering. " I suppose I got one color from my dad for his were gold, and the other from my mom because hers were the same blue. My family was surprised as a grew one changed, and the other only lightened. My pupsitter always said it was because I got both my mom and dad in me evenly. My siblings were like one or the other in demeanor, and looks." She let that sink in, over her moment of abashment. Cocking cran to the side, a mischevious look 'pon her face, she gently nosed at his cheek. "And what about you? Where did you come from, your parents didn't fail to pass on some dashing genes."

it's all right wait and see,

your string of lights are bright to me.

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2011, 01:47 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Casting his eyes toward the edge of the forest not too far ahead, he listened as she answered him. Torngat Mountains… near the coast. For a moment, he wondered if that had been the mountain range he had spent most of the summer clambering about on. Northeast, she had stated… Nah. For all he knew, he had probably just scrambled about on the other side of the Mountain of Dire. ”Ah,” he mused, all different sorts of mountains coming to mind – some topped with snow or bare and rocky, others adorned generously with trees.

Urging him forward, determined to return onto pack soil, his conscience told him not to look at her, stare or even steal another glimpse of her eyes after he inquired about them. He heard her fumble out of step but quickly recover to her former, easy-going pace. She laughed. Nervously. When you decide to be nice, you go all out don’t you? He laughed along, ”Well… doesn’t hurt to go all the way. Besides, I do owe you quite a bit for tolerating my cheekiness yesterday.”

Putting up with Borden had always been considered a tough task, especially in the past when his pride caused him quite a bit of trouble. Now-a-days, he was pretty sure nothing had changed much aside from his ability to correct himself and actually apologize when he was through or realized the distress he had caused. As she told him of her parents, he smiled quietly, imagining a pair of alphas, her blue-eyed gaze meeting her husband’s deep gold irises. Then, a decent-sized litter of snow white yearlings with blue or yellow eyes, then a youthful, distinctly unique Jayse appearing among them. Charming… When she nudged at him, he finally glanced to her, taking in her impish expression. ”Me?” he countered. ”Oh, just… somewhere east of here, far away... A place called Bertram Valley. As for the dashing genes, nawww…” He chortled, stating modestly, ”I can’t be at all that dashing.” A dark-bridged muzzle with a white underbelly, a black-tipped tail, a pair of common dull yellow/green eyes, a large black nose, and four white limbs… A coat of generic browns, whites, blacks, and a hint of rust… According to Borden, there couldn’t possibly be anything unique about him at all.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

"Cheekiness? A rather nice way of putting it," This she mumbled, slightly shaking her head, a lingering smile. It was no big deal to her now all in the past, but at the time it didn't feel liked he'd simply ignored her. Then the owing part caught up with her brain as she recited the words back to herself. Stopping dead in her tracks, brow inclined, drawing her face inches from his. "How on earth, does that mean you owe me? You have already given me a home, and your friendship. Not to mention the fact you said you were sorry...." She wasn't shouting, but there was an edge to her words. She felt exasperated. Did he not hear how she already couldn't possibly repay him. Puffing slightly, she took a few calming breaths, one more puffed sigh. This time, more steady, more relaxed she looked down into the snow. Voice was a little quieter, she said, "Honestly Borden if you do much more for me...I.. Well I don't know, what will I do without you?" He was with her now,but what about the next day when he had pack duties? Or the day he got mad again and wanted nothing to do with her, or the day he found a mate? His politeness was to much. The only such niceness she had gotten for no reason was from her siblings, and first pack. Her second pack she had to earn the littlest thank you, or kind comment, and no one, no matter how rude they'd been ever cared to make it up to her. What more could he do? Sighing softly, a weary smile, there were so many jumbled emotions."I'm sorry, I've never met anyone like you before. You make my head hurt." She admitted, a tiny grin on her lips, hoping she hadn't ruffled his feathers or anything. She was trying to get along here. But as they say old habits die hard.

She nodded, taking in the name. Also east of here. She'd never heard of the place, but wondered what home had been like for him. She had no clue. Something to ask another time. He had taken her other comment better then she had hoped.Damn. Yet, he hadn't laughed at her. She knew he wasn't perfect, but other then getting mad was there nothing else? ”I can’t be at all that dashing.” "Again you are to modest, good sir, and dead wrong." She wasn't bluffing, but still carried that air, as she spoke matter of fact. Like her word was the truth, and nothing but. She had a strong urge to get something into that steal head of his, this was a matter she would not let go. "I rather like your coloring. Your sharp masked face of black and brown, and your jaws wrapped in cream. You have a strong stature, and kind, intelligent eyes with a little green. What girl wouldn't fall for that?" She stole a side ways glance at him. Jayse sounded like she was teasing in all serious. What he'd believed she thought, time would tell.

who you are is not where you've been,

your still an innocent.

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2011, 01:47 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Bahhh… lol. [scolds Borden for being so difficult.] I don’t wanna make this a drama-fest all over again, a repeat of what happened in the Glade… >_> I don’t wanna obligate you to deal with whatever I’m/he’s trying to figure out, so if you’d like to finish up the thread by having him walk her up the mountain we could or if you have something in mind, please carry on. Either way, up to you.

Push, pull. Shove, drag. Whichever it was, Jayse’s sudden halt and closeness brought him to stop and draw back from her quietly. He must have said something… something out of line. What’d he say? She brought up all that he had offered her: a home, friendship, and an apology. Oh… It became apparent to Borden that he was the one constantly giving and yet he was still offering to make things up to her; any “normal” individual would have drawn the line somewhere right after the list. What he didn’t understand was what was wrong with just giving and giving and giving… ”Honestly Borden if you do much more for me…I.. Well I don’t know, what will I do without you?”

A pause filled the air. Oh, his mind repeated...

Underneath the mask he wore the emotions he had bottled up and stashed away rattled in the corner of his mind. He waited for her to speak, not knowing what to say… afraid to say something wrong, out of line, or uncalled for. His ears lowered slightly, but perked up again to take in her next set of words. ”I’m sorry; I’ve never met anyone like you before. You make my head hurt.” Seeing her small smile, he mirrored the expression, nodding silently. ”I… tend to do that,” he grimaced.

Stepping over the moment of shock, he heard her compliment him, stating that he was being too modest. In all honesty, he’d never thought about his appearance, thinking himself just like any other male if not less. He might’ve considered himself the strongest of his litter and possibly even more handsome than his brothers, but out here where his siblings were nowhere near to draw comparisons, he felt no need to draw attention to himself. ”What girl wouldn’t fall for that?” He withheld the urge to shrug at her statement, choosing instead to take one step forward and slightly smiled despite not knowing what to think of her rhetoric question. ”C’mon,” he offered, encouraging her to keep walking along. ”The Mountain isn’t too far from here.”

Even through the façade he fought to keep up, he was sure someone would see him start to slowly breakdown inside. His heart warred with his mind and vice versa, and he wasn’t sure what to do with all the conflicts he kept secret to the world around him. He missed her, he liked her, he had helped them both and wanted nothing in return; he wanted a better life for each of them – Jayse and Vlar – and he wanted to ensure that each had a chance to prosper and find all that they needed... His heart thumped in his chest as he found himself lost in thought again, remnants of yesterday trying to break free from the deepest parts of his mind. He swallowed and began to walk at a leisurely pace just as before. Almost instinctively, he steeled himself against what questions or situations would spring up next; for once, he felt afraid, unsure of what he’d say or react if she brought up more pressing queries. Perhaps he spilled his heart out in a jumble of words like he had the day before? Or, even, goodness forbid, bring up Vlarindara in her presence? He shook his head and walked quietly, trying his best to appear as jovial as he had been moments before he realized he found himself somewhat smitten with her.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

OOC: lol sorry, she was trying to be good. ya i don't exactly want a drama fest either, but as said if he explodes on her or whatever he does. whatever you'd feel is best, or in his nature to do she can take it, and i don't see her holding it against him but herself. she doesn't see how he can hold that in, and feels awful how bad she keeps making him feel. *shrugs* lol to much emotion here. just do what feels best, it's all good.

The lack of words he had, seemed to bring him back into his reserved state. Clearly not something she had wanted, nor was trying to do. Of coarse she'd accomplished that in a matter of minutes. Why couldn't she keep her mouth shut? It was always bringing some kind of trouble. Did she learn? No, and they' been getting along so well. He'd been so cheerful, and now she'd ruined it again. Is there no end to your stupidity?" Why couldn't she for the life of her she do something right? What next would blow up in her face? She really wanted to say something upon his grimace, make it go away. Go back a few more minutes, and not say what she had. He was drawn back by her words, and perhaps she'd affended him. Good job Jayse, good job. Sarcasticly she chided herself. No wonder she couldn't get along for the life of her. Affending the first wolf she'd mananged to come across in months, who had been so nice to her that was a brilliant way to start. Knowing she could not explain her odd ways, she would not try to do so ever again. Tacking this lovely mental note away, she considered sticking to thank yous, and nods.

A small smile lit his lips by her words, but again he lacked to believe them, or it appeared. Immediately, her head drooped, tail hung more loosely, and visage drew a blank. She could feel her spirit drop from bad to worse, like a pretty window falling into millions of piecse of broken glass and debry. A dry itch swelled in the back of her throat. Nothing was coming out right. Yeah, why don't you cry? That'd make him feel better. Right. Pushing back the swell of female emotions, she did best to keep them in check. It wasn't hard to fight back the tears, after her steady training, and the fact she'd let them get to her yesterday. Stubbornly she demanded she was in control, hoping no mostiure had escaped.

Nodding briefly, he reminded her why she was here. -To climb the Mountain of Dire- Perhaps she'd have to make an excuse to escape, or she'd say something worse.- Lose his friendship entirely, nothing less then what she deserved.- She wasn't very happy with herself, she needed to become an emotionless void. Maybe she'd go find a stupid hole to bury herself in, and pray no one would find her never ever. Falling back into step with him, lingering near his haunches, not quite all there either, she fought her own inner demons, and turmoil. Sniffing, she stiffened her shoulders, feeling the need to appoligize for the umpteenth time, but refusing to succumb to the urge. Swallowing back with effort, not to let her voice give away, she decided to break the silence. Stick to a subject she hoped would be safe. "Um, so. We don't have any rival packs do we?" If they did then again she hadn't had a great idea. Bringing up a delicate matter. Then maybe it was just her purpose to screw up, so everyone could look at her and say, at least I'm not as dumb as she is. That sounded like a wonderful reason to live. The poor example of a wolf, others shouldn't live by. On the other hand, maybe pretending she was deaf, and mute would be better. No reason to talk, or hear a thing.

wouldn't be shattered
on the floor now.
if only you'd seen now, then.

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2011, 01:46 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Heh, Borden was just trying to good also. Think he just took it a bit too far... touched on something that wasn’t meant to be hinted at. D: I don’t get it… “he” just takes on a mind of his own sometimes; totally meant for this to be a grand, regal homecoming for Jayse. :c I’m the one who should be sorry. Heh.

Disappear, his inner self persuaded him. Hide away for a brief moment, then return… for the prestige. She’ll be here. He brushed the thought away; he was no magician. Not a good one anyway, and apparently not a good companion either, right now. Her head lowered and her tail had sagged down behind her. His teeth clenched together behind his closed lips. The web they had begun to spin yesterday had been delicate to begin with and already it seemed it was unraveling.

Everything in her eyes might have been crumbling in embarrassment or some other emotion Borden couldn’t exactly call to mind at the moment, but in his world, his act, his show was falling apart. The trapdoor nearly gave out from underneath him, the wrong card had been produced, and his bird had not survived the trick... He choked on his words, on the ones he meant to say to cover up his errors. Perhaps, this was what he deserved for socializing too much or not socializing at all. They had walked a good distance in silence before she asked him a question. Thankfully, not one that further provoked him into revealing anything he had not meant for her to hear.

Feet continuing to bring him up onto a few rocks and onto a dirt path, he glanced behind him before answering. He just wanted to make sure she could get up without any trouble. ”I… wouldn’t call them rivals,” he said quietly. ”But the wolves of Swift River are a neighboring pack. I’m not sure how many of them are there though; I’ve only met the leader for a few brief moments, but they don’t seem all that bad... at least for now.” He looked up the familiar path as the wind began to slightly pick up.

Yearning for snow was very much unlike Borden, but as he looked to the sky, he studied the clouds. What little sunshine was left was slowly being covered by a large gray cloud. He anticipated the arrival of a blizzard; it might have been a bit too hopeful, but he wanted anything that would allow him to get lost in the haze of harsh weather. If he could bring her to the pack den, perhaps he could excuse himself and go for a run or hide out on his ledge to welcome the storm. He would tell her that Alexander and the others would arrive soon, then run off, pretending to gather up wayward Plateau wolves.

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2011, 10:01 PM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc:lol i don't blame him, just jayse not dropping things, and the hint was all right lol. she as you can tell, doesn't know how to take it and as for home coming don't beat yourself up about that lol.

Numbness enveloped her, where was the dull edge coming from? She usually brushed herself up, glewed the broken pieces of the handle she had had on life and moved on. She pictured the moments passed,and desperately would use a silly time machine to go back, tell herself to be good and cheerful. Instead of ruining it. Did she intentionly sabatoge things before they even had a chance to turn out? Something she would dwell on when no eyes were upon her, for that was something a little to deep for the pressing time. Eyes flickered upwards noticing the light dissapearing, and her body sensed the change in the air. A storm was brewing, of coarse the weather had to reflect the mood. Brown hide brought her back to reality as he started ascending onto the trail they'd take. She herself did not move, steadily watching his graceful movements. It took her breath away, and he didn't think he was anything great. Numbness, became frustration, and desperation.The silence between them was sharp, worse then white noise full volume in the ears. She wanted to make it right.

His voice distracted her, taking her mind to a different place, describing the other pack in the valley. She'd managed to do something correct, and breathed a silent sigh of relief. It was good news to her ears they had no enemies, and only one other pack in the lands. In her homelands there had been three, and the tensions between them were high. The breath of the wind brushed stronger at gray threads, and she looked to the rock where he had made his first move. She was very uncertain now, instincts telling her to head for cover, and the fact she didn't know how surefooted she was. She had been a very clumsy youngling, like most, but her feet could still get the best of her. An uncofident wolf with tripping tendencies living on a mountain? That was as dumb as a claustraphobic rabit, leaving in a burrow. She would be a laughing stock of the town. A slight gulp of air, hind legs pushed off the earth sending her flying unto the first rock. Unbalanced she fidgeted, leaning her weight this way and that before frame steadied.

Meaning to simply step to the next, body swayed back, then left. She froze but too late she was leaning foreward now and the shift in weight brought her crashing face down instead of feet first on the second stone. A pulse like lighting shot through the nerves in her jaw, her sight going that weird, fuzzy color. Right away she shook her head, her face tingling like she'd hit a funny bone. Without thinking things through she got to her feet, but tumbled onto her back in dirt. A little giggle bubbled in her throat, shaking her chest as she now was looking straight up to the tinted sky. A couple more giggles fled, and she squeezed her trap tight trying not to let them leave. Heaving a great sigh, the world wasn't spinning but her head was. "Borden? If you'd like to leave me here, I'm sure I'll catch up eventually." She was half joking, half serious, and not wanting to move.

wasn't it beautiful,
running wild
till you fell asleep.

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2011, 11:13 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Calling, almost beckoning to him, the wind whistled in his ears, bringing to his mind images of the forest as the trees swayed and creaked as he passed them at a swift run. If only the wind came to bring the creatures of Relic Lore into hiding, that would be enough. It would mean no one would go out looking for him as they waited for the snow to hit. He watched as she attempted to climb onto the cold boulders that had served as his stairway. His stocky form leapt back down to the ground as easily as he had clambered up.

Laughter lifted into the air and Borden could help but to at least slightly smile. She addressed him by name and offered him to simply leave her where she laid. ”You alright there?” he asked, drawing near and lowering his head to check that she was indeed okay. ”The Mountain will take a bit of getting used to; height, scale, and all.” The image of what he must have looked like when he first came to the grand landmark must have been something like her antic, but of more embarrassing proportions. While she had mustered up the guts to follow in his steps, his first day on the mountain consisted of him crawling and pressing his sides against any surface he could manage while he climbed.

A wag of his tail signaled his relief to see her at least partly joke after her tumble. ”Somewhere around the foot of the mountain, down that way,” he pointed with his muzzle to where the trees dared to grow slanted as they, too, claimed the mountain as their home. ”There’s a roomy, abandoned burrow. It’s been empty since I came here last autumn. If you’re unable to make it up to the pack den, feel free to stay there.” He was quick to add what he nearly forgot to mention, “No one’s claimed it yet, so if you like it, it’s yours to take; I’ve my own little place on the side of the mountain… way up there.”

Pack duties summoning him as the wind continued to weave across and around him, he raised his head to scan their surroundings. He was sure she had time to locate the den before the weather grew worse. ”I don’t want to leave you here,” he admitted, gazing down at her. ”But, I need to make some rounds before I absolutely have to take cover. If someone doesn’t come around to collect you after the storm dies down, I will. Be alert.” He caressed his muzzle to her forehead. ”Welcome home, Jayse. Be safe.” After hesitantly moving from where he stood, he ran straight toward he edge of the forest, disappearing from sight behind a rather large tree.


(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2011, 04:05 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc;ha ha i love the word of the day, hope i used it right though.

"I'm fine," She stated after her ambisinister landing. She could feel his eyes checking for wounds. She was perfectly all right, nothing she'd feel later. Proving so she flipped over, standing tall. A faded smile came, upon his words. Eyes were wandering the mountain side."Yeah, I can only imagine. You must be as swift as a mountain goat." It looked easy for him, given time she'd get better. She couldn't get any worse. The positive thought had a tiny rippling effect, it was hardly adequate enough to make her forget her mistakes though. All silliness gone, she took on a mask of staid, eyes following the edge of nose to the oddly growing timber. So, he was going to leave her. An assumption had been there yesterday he wanted to vanish out of thin air. Maybe he'd felt that way all along. She wasn't very good company especially now, and had wanted to run off as well. The timing though she was not prepared for, and she nodded slowly to hide any suprise. Already deciding she would not stay in the den. The wind was picking up a fiecer speed, but as long as she could see she would see how high up she could get. This reckless, bold behavoir would be the drive she needed.

Taken back, she wanted to trust his words, but his action spoke more loudly. When he said because of pack duties, she felt them more believable. Knowing what came first, and the fact she'd kept him away from them. She could see it likely how he wanted to check on things. She'd be the same way, but knew better them to offer any help. Bobbing head this time in understanding, it comforted her knowing if she got lost he'd look for her. The light touch to her head, only brought back chaotic, confusion. She smiled half-heartidly,"I'll be fine, you be safe too," she murmed, nosing his muzzle one last time. Exactly like smoke drifting into nothing he was gone.

"Miss you already," She murmered, softly to herself. Undenying the fact she did very much. Emotions pulled at her in different directions, she found a fierceness in her to beat the snow and held fast to it. Mindful of his tracks, she made a good point to stay clear of them. Figuring best to stick to the path, she started her long hike. Sensible in each movement, she picked out each place with precision before setting a paw in place. Flurries soon beagan swirling around her, tiny white flecks no single alike, starting to fall, and fly on down. Storms were nothing new, and she had been in her share. The begining was not bad, it was when more flakes fell. Piling up, piling high, and the wind picked up making a pure wall of white did she worry. It had yet to do so, and she pushed on further. The snowflakes soon grew in size, and it was then the wolfess started to look for cover. The den Borden had mention was no longer near her, this didn't scare her. Using instincts, and falling a couple more times she jogged on the side of the hill, keeping an eye out for any holes in the snow. Lucky for her she found a tunnel that had caved in. Immediately she started carving away at the cold snow and dirt. It took her a time, her coat was pure snow by the time she finished. It was much better then sleeping in the open. Well worn she entered the tiny, make shift den, and tried to sleep. {end}

lost your balance
on a tight rope.
it's never to late to get it back.

(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2011, 04:01 PM by Ruiko.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]