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Wonderful Life — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Anna who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aura Artemieva
The warmth sliding down her back as she lay there, soaking in the calmness around her left Aura feeling fresh and revitalized and rearing for action. Lean muscles tensed as Aura pushed up her upper body, swiftly sliding into a sit. Two russet ears swerved upon her skull, as her attention turned towards the ice-white landscape around her. The view seemed so barren and lonesome without the sight of lush green grass and the small animals that frolicked like children within it. Aura couldn't help but feel a little disheartened. The bridge of her muzzle wrinkled into a dismissive snarl. She desperately needed to rid herself of such depressive thoughts. Her tail flicked once behind her flank as she quickly made the decision to leave her rock behind and get her paws moving. A ripple of lean muscle cascaded down her slender form as she gave a quick stretch before setting off. Pale golden eyes wandered across the view in front of her as she sought out a place of interest.

Today it seemed that the lands to the South were calling to her as she abruptly made a sweeping curve in that direction. She passed quickly through the western regions, stopping only once to watch a menacing raven that seemed to circling her. She quickly scared it off with a few powerful leaps and the sharp snapping of her jaws clapping together dangerously close to the bird's tail feathers. The lands to the south, she found, were of far greater interest to her curious mind. She enjoyed strolling through the darkness of the forest; the air seemed to warmer there. When the sound of moving water caused her ears to perk, she instantly made a whole-hearted sprint in that direction. Large paws ground to a halt just a few feet from the water's edge as her neck craned down to linger dangerously close to its rippling surface. Salmon pink tongue slipped slowly from her charcoal lips and quickly grazed along the water. The sharp stinging sensation which filled her mouth caused her to spring back a few steps, Aura’s jaws gawking in shock. Nostrils flared as she re-composed herself, feeling a pang of embarrassment.
(This post was last modified: Feb 03, 2011, 04:52 PM by Indru.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It wasn’t that Ruiko was afraid of another drought, but it was becoming quite a habit for the regal male to be traipsing about the banks of water, whether it was Swift River, the creek, or even the falls. Never before had the stoical male bothered to take in the beauty of such simplicity, but as he arrived at the edge of the Creek his russet ears preened forward, reveling in the song of the flowing waters while his bright eyes drank in the sight. It seemed impossible that only a month or so before the creek had been barren of its majestic resource.

With a swish of his tail, Ruiko began to prowl the edges of the water, his eyes affixed upon the waters as he searched for a meal. Fish were rarer during these times, but the waters had not frozen so the tawny male knew it was not impossible. A startled figure was caught in the tawny wolf’s peripheral vision though, and jerking his muzzle back up sharply, Ruiko’s lips curled back in a silent snarl at the initial disruption. Blinking, the wolf watched the female recoil from the water, her muzzle open wide in what he could only assume was shock or pain. Unmoving, the Swift River leader waited to see if his presence would be noticed.
Played by Anna who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aura Artemieva
The dark brown fur along Aura’s spine bristled suddenly as the icy water ran down the back of her throat. It caused her muscles to tense instinctively from the feeling of discomfort and she found her breast shivering softly beneath her thick winter fur. It felt as though her organs where freezing, turning hard and brittle within her torso. Slender brows furrowed into a defiant frown as she flicked her tail wildly through the air, trying to distract herself from the pain. Her chest heaved for a moment as she caught her breath before she rose to stand calmly at the edge of the creek. Lucid golden eyes trailed daringly along the bubbling water surface as her head cocked to one side, feeling half-tempted to try her luck for a second time. Large russet ears perked forwards curiously as she gazed at the water flowing inches from her paws. If it were summer she would no doubt be in the water by now, up to her shoulders, enjoying a refreshing bathe after a long day exploring. But it seemed for now she would not be permitted such simple pleasures; not even the luxury of a drink. Aura’s head slunk low to her chest, discontented.

The thick musk of a male began to dominate the air she breathed, clinging to her throat and nose and making her lungs feel stuffy and clammy. Aura grimaced, not out of disgust (for the aroma was pleasant), but for the lack of fresh air entering her lungs. A low murmur growled in her throat as she attempted to clear it, whilst her eyes searched around for the male responsible. Golden eyes fell upon a figure, larger in size, standing a few metres away – evidence of a snarl upon his curling onyx lips. Aura had to admit it left her feeling a little intimidated, but determined not to appear helpless, quickly flashed an equally determined snarl back at him. Pearl-white fangs glinted between her swarthy lips – but her insecurities were still evident as she glared at the male, her ears flattened against her skull. For a heartbeat, she observed the male silently before her chin canted anxiously: if he would prove to be of no threat to her, perhaps she would put up with his presence for now.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Crap post is crap.

She had caught him off-guard, and as his eyes remained riveted upon her pale cream and silver figure, he felt a flash of annoyance and intrigue as the she-wolf mirrored his threat, her own fangs bared in vicious warning. He ignored the delicate cant of her features, as if questioning him to what he would do now and instead acted upon his instincts. A low growl seeped past his lips as he shot forward to the girl, the muscles in his large body taut with annoyance as his muzzle lifted regally; he was the dominant wolf in this scenario and he would make sure the girl would realize that.

As he neared her, his russet brown ears remained smooth against his skull as he strode forward, his chest and body pushed up and out to his full height while his tail arched higher. His hackles bristled as he began to circle the female, not speaking. Despite these antics to prove himself above her, the River wolf could already feel a burning curiosity for the she-wolf before him. Never before had a lone wolf challenged him so, and his intrigue went beyond this reasoning to notice the gentle blend of her fur and how beautiful she actually was.

However, there came a moment's pause. Disinterest suddenly flashed in his eyes, and as the she-wolf kept her defensive stance, the regal wolf erupted a low snarl before snapping his jaws in her direction. With that, Ruiko turned, his large figure stalking away from the she-wolf who had interrupted his potential meal, and back to his pack lands. The brief interlude made little sense to where the initial challenge had come from, but it was not the first time Ruiko had a rougher meeting with a wolf outside of his pack.
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2011, 03:17 PM by Ruiko.)