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Omnivorous Furniture — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
Like a pressure on the front lobe of her brain, Atiris could feel herself being weighted down, and yawned. The sun was warm on her back and she had just caught and had eaten a pheasant. With her stomach quite happy and with the warmth shining on the cinnamon fur of her back, she knew that the next thing to come was the inevitable sleepiness that always accompanied these two things. They were triggers, and Atiris knew this...But the pheasant had been too tempting and she'd gulped it down, shredding the feathers from it quickly, as soon as she had caught it. She could have taken it back to her pack land where she could curl up in the nook of her den and pass out...But she didn't.

She was in the orchard and kept walking, knowing that this would keep her more alert. She headed back toward her pack land, though the weight that kept bugging her grew stronger and stronger. Her path veered sideways and she caught herself and kept walking. Her eyes squinted as though she was staring straight into the sunshine- but she was looking straight ahead. She wriggled her nose and coughed, she shook her head and rolled her shoulders as she moved- anything to shake off the nasty feeling that was beginning to overcome her senses.

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2011, 12:54 PM by Indru.)
Played by Vero who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avalloc Branor
-Nuzzles- sorry I forgot :( <3

His quest was really rather simple: go hunting in the Orchard. Avalloc had been in the area for at least an hour in search of a good meal. It was there that he saw a nice, juicy, plump pheasant that was all his for the taking. That is, at least right before, a cinnamon furred slink stole his game. Truth was, he never truly had the opportunity to go after it, for his then rival had been watching it long before him. He knew this in the back of his mind, but chose to ignore it. Instead of causing some scene, or stealing her game, Avalloc simply walked away. He was to 'good' to do that sort of thing, and simply turned up his nose to either of those options. Yes, instead Avalloc continued to search for game elsewhere, but little did he know that he would come in contact with her yet again.

Gliding through the trees Avalloc saw her again. His eyes fell into slits as he watched her with a little envy; her stomach was nice and full while he had to continue on searching. Avalloc's attitude, however, would quickly turn from envy into amusement. It was quite a jump, but her behavior was incredibly strange. Smirking softly, the large male moved out from the shadows and towards this peculiar wolf. "Are doing alright," he asked her in his cultured tone.