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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

Nineva was the only one that still could not be trusted alone. It wasn't because she lacked recognition for rules, in fact they were already becoming a very deep-rooted and dearly-held concept within her. But there was just one law she could not bring herself to obey. To stay inside the den was to be trapped, and bored, and starve her mind. There was so much outside of the home, so many new things to learn every second and every inch further she traveled from it, that she simply did not yet possess the self-control to keep herself away.

So, while at rare times Korrin and Rose would be left by themselves, Nineva always required a sitter. Rose was not allowed to fill this role; she did not have the ability to keep her sister in check and more often than not, the two ended up fighting if together for too long. Korrin, however, was more able to persuade the girl and keep her within paw's reach. This was why, when Ash had come to see if his children would like to join him for a walk, only Rose was able to go with him. Nineva had been fast asleep, and their father did not wish to wake her; so Korrin was asked to stay with her and look over her.

About ten minutes later, the little girl began to stir. She felt the absence of both Rose and their mother, and the more firmly her mind grasped upon this fact the quicker the tiredness drained from her body. Shuffling awake, Nineva rolled onto her feet and gave her downied self a shake. Her mismatched eyes scanned, assessing this rare situation she had awoken to. The little black button at the tip of her muzzle wriggled uncontrollably as she tried to make sure that no adults were around them, before she turned to her brother.

"Korn! Korn!" she urged, placing a paw on his shoulder to shake the attention out of him. "Le's go outside, peeeeeease!"
(This post was last modified: Jun 19, 2015, 09:34 PM by Nineva.)
Played by Mily who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Korrin Hervok

Bit by bit, the green eyed pup was gaining more freedom, and Korrin relished it. Not the freedom itself, for it was a small perk, but the fact that his parents, especially his father, were beginning to trust him to behave himself while alone. He didn't need a sitter, unlike his sister NIneva who always felt the need to wander. Sure, he was curious about the lands they lived in, but his curiosity was nowhere near her own insatiable one. When his father had come to ask who wished to join him, Korrin had wanted eagerly to accept, but his father appointed him to Nineva's side and he would go through with his wishes. But Korrin was not perfect, in fact, he was a pup and no trained Guardian. At first he had been at attention, his gaze as alert as a pup's could be, but soon his eyes betrayed him and his tired green eyes started to close. It was time for a nap. Surely Nineva wouldn't do anything crazy in the couple of minutes he needed to rest his eyes.

The touch of a paw snapped him away from his almost slumber and he looked at Nineva's pleading gaze. "No Ninnie," his voice tired, like someone who had been asked the question a million times before. Now that Nineva was awake, he had to convince her not to do anything that would get them in trouble. His small muzzle scrunched up as he opened his maw again. "Da' no wanna." Unlike someone, Korrin followed orders.

"speech ”Speech”
ConvulsionStock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Sep 28, 2015, 10:50 PM by Korrin.)
[Image: korrin-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
Of course he would say no. Korrin always said no the first time. But some days, when she was very lucky, Nineva could change that no into a reluctant yes. In the end, the days she had her brother with her were always the best ones to have adventures. While he may restrict her here and there, in the end he wasn't as strong as her and she could not only get away with whatever she wanted, but had company along with it. Despite her misbehaving when it came to exploring, and her occasional tussles with both siblings, she loved her family and their presence very much.

"PEEEEEASE?" she begged again, stomping her tiny paws in the dirt. Her eyes were as big as they could get, just beginning to change colors from one another and bright with both adoration and pleading. If she put on a big enough show, Korrin would have to venture out with her!

"Not far, jus' a lil ways! I need to stresh ma legsss! They all cwamped Korn!"
(This post was last modified: Jul 22, 2015, 04:04 AM by Nineva.)