July 7, Early evening, Sunny 88F/31C
It was almost silent. Pale ears rotated at every scrap of sound that came her way. The warm air held little breeze and the ferns rustled only the slightest, a soothing hum that echoed in Redfern Forest. The birds were lulled by the lazy warmth and by the coming dusk, their songs were simple and infrequent now. Uncomplicated harmonies plucked at her attention as she ambled through the neighboring forest. It helped to have another set of parents, it gave her more opportunity to get out and stretch her legs. Iopah had always held a curious streak, and it was not likely to change now. She wanted to be familiar with this forest and learn of the wolves she shared it with.
The soft brush of her ivory and grey coat against copper-stained fronds gave away her presence, but hers was not the only one in the forest. The tread of another, as familiar as her own, made the woman stop and curve her head over a gray shoulder. Her muzzle broke into a grin as she searched for him, eyes flashing merrily. She expected him to be close by, whether trailing behind or leading out of side; it only mattered that he was near. It was not often they had opportunity to slip away together. The silence held for a minute as gold eyes cast around, then she called out with a low chuff. On the heels of that playful sound was a mighty rustle of foliage as Iopah dashed away, inadvertently announcing her location in the impromptu game.