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the greatest gift — Broken Timber Pines 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
RE: A rather sudden thunder storm trembles the very grounds of Relic Lore.

It was quiet lately. The large male made it a point to circle the perimeter of Broken Timber Pines just before the sun found its final spot in the heavens for another warm and uncomfortable summer day. Already his pelt was beginning to shed but it was light, a few gray hairs would attach to the bark of a tree he had marked for intruders or litter the base of a tree shrub that was vibrant with green leaves as he passed by; sniffing at his stench he could sense that it was heavy with that of Broken Timber Pines. They had occupied this spot of land for months now and it felt perfectly like home, it was quiet and seclusive, and it did not remind him of the incidents of the year prior like Secret Woodlands or that of its neighboring lands--this was home, and it was permanent.

He had become fully aware of his apparent absence as leader and father, and though he had never left the confines of his home since founding it, the large male had become a hermit in nature toward the very wolves he'd accepted into his pack. He knew it wasn't fair to them and surely it wasn't fair to Iopah who had the weight of those social issues on her shoulders but from the looks of it she had been handling those issues well. Those who had helped to found Broken Timber Pines still remained and he was happy to see that their offspring was budding as well--it was all working out in their favor.

After coming to rest his feet near one of the many fallen trees he stopped to watch a bird swoop just short of where he stood with what looked to be a rather small mouse in its beak, this was a reminder that these lands were still thriving with plentiful prey and that the wolves of Broken Timber Pines had yet to properly hunt together. A pack hunt was crucial to keeping the members fed as well as building loyalty that would hopefully last the length of winter and beyond, shaking out his fur he thought to see if he could indeed find a hoofed creature suitable for his families consumption. It had been a few minutes or more before he noticed that dark clouds were beginning to replace the fluffy white that had greeted him from the early morning and he sighed at the thought of rain hindering his objective, he only hoped he could find someone else to accompany him.
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hope this is alright :)

She continued to explore, a tiny, dark shadow in a world of gold and green. Every day, the curious pup ventured further and further from her den, her thirst for knowledge insatiable, and the wish to learn conquering her wariness of the unknown. The land belonging to Broken Timber Pines was vast and diverse, the borders that she had been instructed to never, ever cross, so far away, that the mandate seemed pointless. She could spend hours on end, just stalking through the underbrush, marveling at the strange and new, and studying the well know, yet another time, just to be sure she knew everything about it. Since the pack meeting, Nalda had come to feel a little more at ease in her home; still a wall flower, content to observe others rather than interact, but she had come to consider the rest of the Pine wolves a sort of extended family, nothing to be scared for at least, meaning she could now walk the lands more calmly, knowing that she would be safe within them.

This morning, after receiving her breakfast, she had declared that she would go investigate, assuring her parents that 'no she would not go too far' and 'no she would not leave the territory' and of course 'yes she would be home on time'. It could be tedious to have to reassure them like that, but at the same time she understood them and knew that their concern came out of care. Still, it didn't take her long to forget about their worries, consumed in the study of the world surrounding her. In fact she was so focused on the next interesting thing, and then the next and the next, that she didn't realize just how far she went. Cornflower eyes darted from flower to flower to disturbed dirt and bushes and a particularly large or small tree, and a wondrous smile was on her rose stained muzzle.

The next prey to her acute curiosity was a bug, suddenly taking off from the flower she had been sniffing, buzzing loudly as it whizzed past her ear. The dark pup spun around, zeroing in on the insect right before it disappeared over a small cluster of bushes. "No-stop!" She exclaimed, bouncing after the critter as fast she could. The bushes were covering a couple of the fallen timbers that littered the forest, and she huffed at the sight, jumping up to squeeze between the trunks. More bushes formed a thicket on the other side, and while Nalda was still wiggling her way through the gap in the trees, the colorful bug flew out of sight somewhere beyond them; "Hng... Wait!" The girl cried out, panting slightly as she finally got her but loss and thumped to the floor. Quickly scrambling back to her feet, she continued through the bushes in a big leap, in a hurry to reach the insect before it disappeared again.

But what she found on the other side was not a tiny, winged creep, but rather a very familiar, very large, wolf. "Oh..!" The gangly pup gasped, staring up at the giant with wide, surprised eyes. She was frozen to the spot, not knowing what to do, suddenly face to face with an adult she had otherwise had so little contact with.

Word count: 550

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier

He took a single step and the roar of thunder made him dunk, ears perked and eyes searched the dark clouds as a lightning streak shot across the heavens--the storm had begun. He was grateful that no rain had started but was confident that it wouldn't be much longer before small droplets made their way down and he was still at least a half hour or more away from the den. He shook his pelt feeling a strong gust of wind whip past his pale coat and started once more toward the center of the land, knowing that an attempt at a hunt was mostly pointless with threat of a storm on the way.

Something small bumped the top of his ankle and he looked down to examine Nalda standing quite puzzled near his feet, the horror that overcame her features sent him backward as he searched for the source of her sudden appearance, only once he realized that she was much too far from the den for her own safety did he step toward her. "Nalda, do your parents know you're out this far?  his voice boomed, a slight frown brought his brows closer together. He wasn't so much angry with her than concerned, he hoped the young girl wasn't being followed by any others, and what worse, that she hadn't any ideas to try to cross the border, "it's too dangerous out this far, and a storm is coming." he explained while motioning to the skies, nudging the smaller girl softly with the bridge of his nose back toward the center of the packland. The last thing he needed was to lose a puppy on his watch. No sooner did he move did another bright light flash across the sky and a loud boom echo shortly afterward, he was certain a storm of this magnitude could frighten the young Zamora, she was probably usually safe in the den when these appeared and now she stood out in the open with her leader as he sole protector. "we've got to find shelter before the rain starts." he spoke, stepping over her as he did so in search of a wide enough tree that could be their temporary shelter.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

He was so big! Nalda was no tiny pup anymore, but she still felt miniscule in comparison to the pale giant, towering over her on those massive legs, face so far away she found it hard to tell his expression. Still she could see him looking directly at her, making it very clear that he knew she was there, but that didn't stop her from cowering against the ground, covering her snout with large paws and glancing fearfully up at him while he looked around, scouring the surroundings. The thundering sound of his voice didn't do much to soothe the timid girl either, a small whine escaping her as her eyes turned to the ground, trying to escape his glowering. His question made her wonder though, did they? She hadn't told them where she was going, since she didn't know when she left; It certainly wasn't her plan to wander out so far, it sort of just happened, like always. The solitary daughter didn't want her parents to worry about her, she'd always thought that staying out of everyone's way would mean that they wouldn't, but maybe straying so much would be course for concern too? Her head felt suddenly heavy with all these thoughts, and she shook it vigorously in an attempt to get rid of them.

"No!" Her weak voice sounded, more of a squeak than an actual word, but then she looked up, pushing out her chin. The accusation had initially unsettled her, but now a sudden burst of rebelliousness flashed through her; "Bu' 'am a big girl! ...A'dn't go 'cross th'border." The audacity quickly dissipated, and while her first statement was loud and bold, the second was added after a moment of thought, in a much more muttered tone, like an excuse. Her eyes shifted, first to the surrounding forest, and then to her paws, heat rising in her cheeks. Koda's next words made her look back up though, eyes widening as they followed his gesture to the churning, dark clouds. Mouth opening in a silent 'woah', Nalda didn't even register the comment about danger, all of her attention turned to the storm.

The push to her rear came completely unexpected, and she stumbled forwards a few steps, looking back at the adult in surprise. He seemed determined to get her back to the den, and again she felt that obstinacy, puffing out her chest and frowning. "No." She said firmly, planting her butt on the bed of dirt and needles; "A'wanna see th'storm!" If there was one thing that truly fascinated the curious little girl, it was the sky: ever changing, clouds and stars, sunset and moonrise, an ever changing image of shapes and colors. Now it was about to do something that she had never before been able to witness in its full glory, and right from this spot she had the perfect view. No way was she gonna leave!

A bright flash suddenly lit up the led-colored clouds, a forked streak of light reaching towards the ground in the distance. It made the russet tainted pup pull back a little, but she still watched with fascination, that was until the booming thunder rolled over them, making her ears ring and eyes water. She jumped from her seat, instinctively running for the safety of an adult body, snaking in between the pale giant's legs to hide under his belly. He was taller than she was used too, but the warmth and shelter of his form above her was still familiar and soothing, her gangly body leaning against one of his legs while she looked around in fearful search for the source of the noise. This time, when the lead male pressed the need to leave, she didn't argue, swallowing hard and nodding gravely, ready to follow wherever he walked.

Word count: 635

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
@Nalda !

His stern gaze studied her, watching as she cowered from his towering frame and instinctively he wanted to pull her by the scruff and settle her upright on her bottom, assuring her that he had no intention of harming her regardless of how disappointed he was that she'd ventured so far from the pack land. This had not been the first time that Nalda had attempted to make herself smaller in front of him, it seemed that each encounter that he'd had with the masked beauty had been one of her fleeing and him attempting, rather unsuccessfully, to get her to trust him well enough to not be afraid--he was a gentle giant toward puppies, really. Biting his lip, a slight roll of his golden eyes, he bent to her level and nudged her softly wishing to get her to her feet before the rain fell upon them.

Her words of defiance sent his head backward and he studied her without a word further, knowing that the usually shy and reserved pup was testing the waters of her feelings, unfortunately she was doing so at the wrong time. He growled slow and low, but it was not a growl of anger but warning not to test him during such a potentially dangerous time. He knew what thunderstorms could do, they had caused fires in his homeland and caused him to become separated from his own family those many years back, he couldn't risk Zia being angry that he, as the leader and only adult, losing her daughter. His paws moved forward to nudge her once more after her stumble, as if forcing her forward the moment her rump contacted with the dirt in rebellion--he didn't have time for a tantrum, not now! They needed to move, and move fast, as another rumble shook the land and without further warning raindrops began to make their slow descend to the earth, there was no longer any time to make it back to the communal den, they needed to seek temporary shelter under the trees.

A quick flash of light and boom of thunder recollected his thoughts and he scanned the land for a place suitable enough to hold them and low enough not to cause a potential router for the lightning that had come with full force. With Nalda now tucked safely between his thick legs, having become frightened by the boom of the storm, he could concentrate on getting them to safety much clearer--but where could they go. This land had been stripped of most of its towering trees, they laid like dead snakes on the ground and what little trees that remained were still too small for adequate shelter; they may have to risk running in the rain. He sighed, knowing that having Nalda could slow them down and at this stage of her growth, she was too large to carry by the scruff the attempt would only cause her pain and discomfort. "Follow me closely Nalda, the storm has already started and the rain will most likely get faster. I need you to stay calm though, panicking could separate us, do you understand?" he spoke slow and calm, craning his neck to stare into her young eyes. He moved without warning, hoping the young pup would be quick to follow suit and without missing a beat the rain began to pummel them drenching his towering form instantly as he struggled to see a mere feet in front of him, the blinding rain would prove to be quite the obstacle, "stay close Nalda!" he bellowed when a boom of thunder rocked the sky above.

(This post was last modified: Sep 29, 2015, 01:53 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Safely sheltered between the giant's pale legs, the child watched with wide eyes as large raindrops began to fall around them. The water fell at high speed, splashing over the ground on impact, and Nalda stared, mesmerized, eyes aglow with amazement. She could have watched the rain for hours, why had she never noticed before how interesting it was? But as the adult growled, she felt the rumble resonate through his bones and into her body through the silvery leg that she had leaned against without noticing. Her ears fell back and muzzle tilted upwards, but she didn't pull away. Standing under his belly this way, like she had so many times with her parents, she no longer find him that frightening, right now he was safety, her protection from the raging storm.

Like this, she could have stayed, watching the wonders of nature unfold, but her guardian had other ideas. Suddenly his face appeared in front of her, making her instinctively pull back, tucking down her muzzle, eyes wide and serious in response to his severe expression. She nodded frantically as way of answer, and then they were on the move, rushing through the pines as the rain fell ever denser. At first, she was good, running as fast as she could, protected underneath his large frame. But eventually she fell behind, tiny, dark body exposed to the elements, and as the ghostly silhouette of her pale protector began to blur, she released a wet wail. Her awkward puppy-paws stumbled on the wet, uneven ground and she had to turn her eyes down, slowing as she fought to regain her footing.

Up ahead, she could hear his voice, the roar of the rain and nearby thunder almost drowning it out. Her head jerked back up and she sprang forwards, panic in her eyes as they scoured the haze of rain, finding nothing. "Hng... Wait!" Her tiny voice cried, throat starting to burn as she gasped for air, continuing to run, even though she had no idea if it was in the right direction; "Come back!"

Word count: 346

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
@Nalda Is so adorable!!

She was nervous, and rightfully so. Along the ridge of his back he felt the rain fall relentlessly, soaking the outer layer of his pelt and threatening to seep into the crevasses of his pale skin. He shook violently though the attempt gave little relief and immediately the pale elder moved in the direction he had spot lined trees in the distance. He could feel Nalda underneath him, she had become accustomed to seeking shelter beneath the towering adults and Koda found himself stumbling from the foreign body at his stomach. He ignored his bodies natural reaction to Nalda's form, not wanting to lose the child in the storm but the crack of lightning and boom of thunder sent his legs on autopilot and he did not realize the cold that immediately followed once the agouti child broke away from him.

He paused only when he heard the soft whine through the eerie silent that followed an obnoxious boom of thunder; through the rain he saw Nalda standing there, seemingly shocked from losing her guide. His first primitive instinct was to keep going, he knew that she was a smart pup and could use her senses to find shelter but the parental side of him could not simply leave the young girl in the midst of a raging storm without at least trying. He turned on his toes, feeling a combination of mud and freezing water seep into his genetically webbed toes he ran back in the direction he came and paused only when he noticed that she had begun to run once more-- but in the wrong direction.

He could not see from this distance but Nalda had become frantic in his absence, and he was quick to retrieve her before she ran back into nothing but open land, "NALDA,"  he bellowed through the wind to gain her attention and when he was upon her situated himself above her where he knew she would be most comfortable. He would not lose her, not in this storm. "there is a line of towering trees in the distance, their branches span at least 6 feet. We should be safe beneath them. Do not let the storm disrupt your instinct to sniff at the scents surrounding you, they will be your guide when I cannot." his lengthy words vibrated down to his rib cage and when he was finished he nipped at the loose hairs along her skull to regain her attention. "Now pay attention young Zamora," and he started to move once more, anticipating this second run to go much smoother then the last.

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2015, 02:23 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.