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Jean Valjean Is Nothing Now — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Caroline who has 51 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Kenelm Ashfoot
ooc: @Katariina tentatively dated 9-22-15, or more concretely the day after this thread. If anything needs changing, please let me know.

His leg was feeling leaps and bounds better than it had out in the elements, though the gash still had a long way to go before it was fully healed and the wound showed signs that it would leave a nasty scar long after the flesh had sealed itself together again. There was no helping it beyond what had already been done by the pack's healers, so for now Kenelm put the thing out of his mind and avoided paying his leg any attention at all when he could help it. The latter was a tricky feat to accomplish, as the limb still ached to have weight put on it and twinged if he shifted a certain way, but he managed.

The damage had not been bad enough to take his feet out from under him entirely - Kenelm had known that much as soon as the injury had been inflicted upon him - but his time without any proper medical care had resulted in the man sustaining a nasty infection, and the gash was deep enough that the ashen man would need to take it easy for a few days, yet. It irked him to lay around and do nothing; guilt still gnawed at him for the lie he and @Nineva had used to weasel their way into the pack, and with little to do but shift every now and then there wasn't anything Kenelm could do to escape it, much less assuage it by doing anything to make up for the lie.

Kenelm picked listlessly at his rabbit, his mind bound squarely up in just how wrong it had been to lie when the truth would likely have earned their way just as easily. The longer he stayed here, the more convinced he became that these were good people - the leadership here was nothing like the kakistocracy of Spirit's Gambol, and this pack was no uneasy gathering of families. The sooner he could make up for his dishonesty, the better Kenelm would feel about the whole thing. @Rook deserved as much for allowing them to stay, as did @Veho and @Titan for tending his injury and Morgan for her offer of aid when he was out in the wilds--

Kenelm's thoughts came to a screeching halt; the bone he had absently begun to gnaw at snapped in two between his teeth. Morgan was a member of this pack. How had he forgotten that?! Morgan had been the one to tell him Rook's identity to pack outsiders - had been the one who told him there was even a Grizzly Hollow at all! She knew... how much did she know? Kenelm's mind tore through his memories of the encounter with the woman. She knew he had been seeking out his sister, alone, and that he had not been this badly injured when she encountered him. She knew exactly enough to out Kenelm and Nineva to Rook. If she talked...

But he hadn't seen her yet, something he chalked up to having been put on den rest. Slowly, the ashen man lowered his head and dug into his half-eaten rabbit again. Maybe if he kept a low enough profile and let Nineva take the limelight, he could continue to escape Morgan's notice until he was well enough to seek her out and ask her - privately - not to breathe a word of what she knew to anyone. His search for Calanthe was on hold for now, and if she came here while Kenelm was a member, he would recognize her and could plead with Rook to let her stay on his own merits. He just needed Morgan not to recognize him until he was well enough to seek her out and explain things to her; if she recognized him on her own, there was no telling how ready she might be to listen to him before racing off in search of the King, and Kenelm was in no condition to outpace a healthy yearling.