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Thunderpaws — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Sarah who has 159 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Datura Aquila
Datura, it appeared, was the only one who chose to pay attention to the content of the blathering little boy. But inference was something his brother had always been more gifted at. The pronouns obscured much of the meaning to Datura, but at some point he gathered that it began to rain. This he mostly gathered from the dampness of the boy and the fact that it had, well, just rained. He looked up at the distraught mother, wondering if any of her other puppies were alive given how carelessly she had kept an eye on this one.

"You're alright," he mumbled to Gilligan, granting him a begruding nudge. It was clear from the mouth of the babe that Gilligan was innocent, at the very least. Children this young, he was pretty sure, were not yet capable of telling lies. Which made them a lot easier for Datura to handle. 

Datura had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from laughing at the woman's accusations. Her own son had told her the truth and she had ignored him, and he had to wonder if any of the mere strangers congregating here would be able to convince her. This was the woman in charge of the wolves who had taken over his birthplace? Laughable. Phineas was quick to point out her errors, and the golden man's eye brows rose quite high. Things were escalating fast. Though, looking around at the assembled, it was clear it didn't really matter what Phineas said: the woman was in no position to fight them or anything of the sort.

Honestly, he wondered what she expected to gain by throwing around such accusations. An apology?

"I think we all need to calm down," he said, inserting himself in between his leader and the woman. His head turned to the little boy betwixt the legs of the viper. "Wanna tell us what you're doin' here, little guy?"
(This post was last modified: Sep 24, 2015, 02:32 AM by Datura. Edit Reason: things )
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Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
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Aleister Vuesain

Tempers flared and the tension in the air could be cut with a knife. The grown ups were angry, and it was all his fault. The white one spoke to his mother in a way that made the hair along his spine want to stand up (until his attention turned on the boy with his suggestion that he should be asked and then he shrank further under his mothers legs).

He expected the big gold one to yell at him and he cowered down lower to the ground beneath his mothers stomach. But the voice that came forward was friendly, and focused just on him. He stared into eyes as bright as the strange wolfs coat a moment longer than most might be comfortable enduring from a grown adult. “I-“ he started shakily, stepping forward from under his mother to better see the kerfuffle he had caused. “I fell down.” he said, still certain he was within the confines of Fallen Tree Cove. “The white bleater chased me and I fell down and then I got wet and fell down more.” He had already told them this, the knowledge bought a scowl to his face. Grown ups never listened.

“I don’t know you.” he said to all of the gathered wolves but his mismatched eyes rested on the big one that was talking to him. “Where did you come from?” It was then he realised he couldn’t smell the lake with its mineral tang and he became genuinely concerned. “What happened to the big water ma?” there was a hint of panic in his youthful voice. Had the sky water chased it away? What would they drink when they got thirsty?!

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Was asked to toss Vesper in, if anyone has problems with this considering the thread is so far along already I can have my post deleted.

It was useless on the tawny man's behalf attempting to soothe the worried mother of his brood, the signs of near frantic emotions etched deeply upon the silver face of his beloved wife. It was only with the downpour saturating the world outside the communal den that struck sense into the fretting woman and kept her from disappearing into the chill of the night in search of their lost prince. A haphazard rescue mission that surely spelled disaster had she ventured outside. Alas, the sun had parted the ominous clouds come morning leaving the matriarch more determined than ever to find their missing Aleister. Against his soft voiced pleas, Namid was dashing from the den quicker than a rabbit scurrying for home with a fox hot on its trail.

Time seemed to drag out as Vespertio manned his station within the heart of the territory, the remaining pups vigilantly under his watchful, golden gaze until the anticipation and worry became too much for even himself to bare. A call was ordered for the stormy pelted man and pack second, Anthem, handing the torch of pup sitting unto him before allowing creamy limbs to blaze across the rain slicked ground in the wake of his wife's trail. The low hum of conversation in the distance catching the regal man's attention as pads altered their path of travel to head towards the unbeknownst location of the missing prince and collection of tense wolves. One of which had crossed paths with the tawny man in a prior greeting.

Slowly the scent of his family grew stronger while the scent of others began to intertwine around them like a cacophony of aromas. All of which registered unfamiliar until a more dominate musk teased his senses. A cologne detected only once before.

It didn't take long for the king of the lake to reach the grouping, hearing the golden one speak first before Aleister spoke his piece. The tension thick enough to temporarily force the Vuesain to press his ears against the back of his skull and tense his own body before righting them as his side pressed reassuringly into his mates. Silently informing her that he was there and he wouldn't let anything happen to those he loved. hoping it would put the femme at ease. Scanning over those present he couldn't help but feel his stomach clench a bit upon settling his golden optics upon the ivory male. Quick flashes of their last encounter danced across his mind and the poisonous words that Phineas has spoke about his ex-lover. What karma it was that his words had come true and now he be at Phineas' front door with his own son.

Waiting until his son finished speaking, Vesper interjected in hopes of keeping the situation from escalating. He hadn't been there more than a minute or two and already he knew things weren't looking too good. "I believe a misunderstanding is at hand if I understand my son's words." The last thing any of them needed was a donnybrook to break out.

Played by Ace who has 56 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Gilligan Aquila

Gilligan physically relaxed when offered a nudge by his own father, deeply relieved that the older wolf believed his explanation.  It helped that the puppy’s tale did not differ that much from his own, and thankfully, his alpha was quick remind the woman just who’s territory she was actually on.  Fortunately, the wolves of Silent Moon Plateau were much less interested in bloodshed than the half-mad mother, and the ginger stuck close to his father’s hindquarters, puttering after him as he moved.  Peeking around Datura’s bulk, he fixed his bright orange eyes back on the center of attention as his ears continued to swivel.

“That’s what I said,” he grumbled.  Had he been able to read minds, the youth would have sympathized with Aleister’s thoughts on the matter.  How many times would they have to explain it to the adults until they understood it was just a chance meeting?  Glancing down at the boy, he rumbled softly.  “We live here.  S’why I was confused to see you, yeah?  Thought you were someone I knew, for a second.”

This time, Gil was careful not to tack on his slang, very aware of the golden bulk hovering right in front of him.  He glanced from the child to Phineas, waiting to see if his alpha had anything else to say when yet another wolf made an appearance, stinking of the same pine that the wraith did.  Ears folded backwards worriedly as the odds changed yet again, and the redhead mumbled softly as he ducked his head, rolling his eyes.  Obviously it was a misunderstanding.  Thank goodness someone finally picked up on that.

“Maybe you should…take your kid…and just go home, yeah?  No…harm done.”

And don’t come back, his mind offered bitterly, but even loose-tongued Gilligan knew such a threat was not his to make.

@Namid -- ACK!  Sorry for the wait.  For some reason, didn't realize it was my turn!  x __ x;;

Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Her accusation clearly hadn’t pleased the large white male as he quickly released a snarl from his jaws, posture rising sharply. Her auds flickered back for a moment and she tensed, chin flicking down to protect her throat while the best of her body bent to cover Aleister. His words came like venom, accusing her of her parenting skills and being stupid to boot. Her mismatched gaze narrowed to daggers and she choked back a growl of her own, knowing full well that if this escalated into a fight she would not turn out on the winning end. The lake queen took deep, fiery breathes in an attempt to still her rapidly beating heart. A young voice peeped out from beneath her and she moved to look at her son, her attention finally being able to move enough to hear his words. He was clearly in a panic, but he spoke of being chased by a bleater…a mountain goat, she realized. Perhaps Vespertio had taught him the word, but she was well enough to realize what it was. It had chased him, apparently, and he’d toppled down to where they were now. Truly, he was lucky to be alive, but at the moment she realized that they both were. Her foolish instincts and the fear for her child had driven her made and beyond her wits, and she was paying for it. “We are not in the Cove now, darling. You have wandered too far, we are not home.” she said gently to her son. Namid straightened, about to open her mouth to speak to them when the scent of her husband made her attention snap to him. Relief flooded her, but she remained rigid  and unwilling to give. She couldn’t look weak now, not in front of them. Vespertio spoke, yet she didn’t trust herself to. She had caused enough damage already. Perhaps the white male was right about her.

Made by  esa
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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris

His patience had long since passed – the woman lowered her muzzle to protect her throat and her son, as if the wolf was going to take her stupidity out upon the poor cub. Another was also upon the scene then – Vespertio, the male he had initially met when the Cove pack had initiated claim. Given that the pup clearly belonged to this woman and not Athena, he could predict exactly what had happened to the white ghost and her ease of abandoning those she claimed to care for.

His eyes narrowed as Datura made to step between him – an act he took as insubordination and belittlement. His own form slid out from behind the brown wolf, taking to the man’s other side and baring his teeth at the wolf – if he wished to challenge him, he could try.

Yet he remained silent for now – the boy had spoken his piece for why he was here, and the Argyris noted darkly that the story seemed to miss anything about Namid’s assumption of stealing. Perhaps, had the panicked woman apologized, his anger would have soothed.

But no, she seemed to hold on to her ignorant stubbornness.

His ears flickered at Gilligan’s words – no harm done here. A snort ushered past the regal, and his eyes flickered to Vespertio. “There is great harm done here. Take your mate and your child and leave,” he practically hissed, his tail giving a flick through the air. “I will not have my members be insulted upon their own lands – there are none here that would think to steal a child and your accusations disgust me. We stick to ourselves – we ask to receive the same treatment.” He shifted his weight then, his shoulder aiming to brush against Datura’s with the faintest hint of admonishment to the male for the actions he had tried. “Now get off my borders.”

(This post was last modified: Oct 27, 2015, 06:24 PM by Phineas.)

Played by Sarah who has 159 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Datura Aquila
Someone must have called in the cavalry, since now yet another Cove wolf was here. He appeared to be the other leader. Datura could hardly prevent himself from sighing: if a month-old pup and its parents could make it here so quickly, the pack's situation seemed quite precarious. Sure, Datura had known the location of Fallen Tree Cove having passed it on his way south, but had not imagined the distance to be surmountable by a pup. If this was how they were raising their cubs out there, Fallen Tree Cove and Silent Moon Plateau were likely to see more of each other.

And probably not in a good way.

Apparently his leader had misinterpreted his attempt to act as a shield, indicated by a growl now directed at him. Wow. Datura's ears drew back and he stepped aside, feeling the barb deeply in his pride. He had only tried to help, only tried to stand in front of his leader should the she-wolf throw herself at him --which hadn't seemed outside the realm of possibility. Shrugging his massive shoulders, Datura figured he had nothing else to do here. He trotted towards Gilligan, wondering wryly why Phineas had not also chosen to chide the loose tongue of his son. Subtly, Datura nudged Gilligan's ear.

He simply wanted this ridiculous encounter to end.
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9pm - 10:30pm EST weekdays
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Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

The tension in the air was palpable. While he couldn't yet fully grasp big words like misunderstanding he did understand his mother when she told him he had come too far and this was not home. Worry lines were emphasised by his dark facial markings, batty ears exaggerating his concern as the satellites came to rest against his crown. "Oh dear." he muttered quietly, extracting himself from beneath his mothers towering form as the big white one spoke angrily. This was all his fault.

With his parents so near his fear and frustration had evaporated, leaving instead a burning feeling beneath his skin that he couldn't quite find a word for. "I'm sawry." he finally spoke to the toes of the big white wolf. "I didn- mean ter get lawst." his voice had shrunken until it was little more than a muttered murmur. Shyly, his eyes sought out the one that had found him first, offering a small wave of thanks. Maybe when he was bigger, and his mother wasn't so mad, they could meet again and do something fun. Right now though, he was sure he would be in a whole lotta trouble when they finally made the long trek home.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

A subtle prod of his muzzle to the base of Namid's ear was a small attempt at dousing the flame burning within his mate upon hearing the faint notes of a growl in her throat. He hadn't needed verbals words to convey his 'Don't' statement. A fight was unwise when on the grounds of another, less being outnumbered with a child at risk. They would have to accept their wrong doing and hope the ivory coated man would let them go with nothing more than harsh words to scrape their ears.

Indeed it would seem such as Phineas's voice filled Vespertio's eardrums, forcing rust tinted audits to once more seek the comfort of his skull. The tawny patriarch couldn't disagree with the hissed words pouring from white furred lips, a single paw beginning to step backwards to start his path of retreat. Side pressing harder into Namid's to advice she do the same with Aleister in toe. "I apologize for my mate's behavior and we will do our best to avoid future altercations." With that spoken golden irises shifted from the face of Phineas to his wife and son, urging them to begin heading back for the safety of the lake ahead of him. "Come, it's time to go home son." His heart ached hearing the shrunken voice of Al attempt to correct the wrong that had occurred, but what was done was done. No apology offered now could fix the great harm caused as the heights patriarch had mentioned. It was too late.

(This post was last modified: Nov 18, 2015, 03:28 AM by Vespertio.)