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Facing tempests of dust — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski

Aleksei lowered himself to a sit, staring down at the icy shores of Turtleback Lake that laid nearest to his mother and father's territory. A lot had happened, it seemed, in his self-imposed absence and Aleksei deeply regretted the days -- weeks, months? -- he had spent far from his family's side. And yet, part of him was bitter. The place he had been born was all but wiped from everyone else's hearts (as far as he could ascertain) yet Cut Rock River could never leave the yearling's heart. Not now, not never. That was his birth place, something tied to his very soul. The cedars were rooted into his flesh and the river coursed through his veins. Perhaps that was why @Rook had acted so selfishly ... had that land he claimed been his sacred soil? Could Aleksei really hate the man for his actions, when they could possibly share that love for the Cedarwood in their hearts?

He lowered down, laying upon the snowy bank with a long, drawn out exhale. He watched as condensation drifted from his nostrils, twisted lazily through the cold air before disappearing from sight. Aleksei stretched out, laid his chin on his paws and simply took a moment of meditation, of reflection. He simply needed to think a moment, to allow his mind to catch up with all that had happened.

Most of all, he just wanted to escape the guilt he felt whilst navigating Kingsfall.

Yes, he felt excruciatingly to blame for everything that had tumbled down hill. Perhaps if I had been there, what if I could have stopped it ... over and over, thoughts stung him like angry hornets. "Keep it up, Aleksei, and you'll end up with a boiled brain," he muttered quietly to himself. "You've really gotten yourself into a mess, haven't you?"

(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2015, 06:49 PM by Aleksei.)
Played by Rachel who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lekalta Baranski

Lekalta  determined at the very knowledgeable age of six months that adventure was simply just outside the borders, practically waiting to sweep her off her paws. Of course, she wasn't aiming to have too much adventure.. like @Kjors, who had lost his eye to a witch. No, she was simply hoping to breathe in a bit of new air, and become even a little more worldly than her sister, who she had noticed was slipping past the borders more and more these days.

Despite living by a rather abundant water source, Lekalta's nose still managed to lead her to more. Her green eyes were bright as they drifted across the lake, intrigued by how large the body of water was. The river at her home would fit within it multiple times over, and preening toward the edge, Lekalta lifted a creamy paw to delicately dip it in to the frigid water. A smile would smooth across her slender features, and blinking, she finally allowed her gaze to take in more of the landscape about her.

It was only then did she notice a tawny male at the water's edge -- her ears cupped forward, though she was unable to discern what he had said. There was something achingly familiar about him, and so the Baranski cub pushed down any sprinkle of doubt and logic that had surfaced, and began padding her way toward the stranger.

(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2015, 11:38 PM by Lekalta.)

are you deranged like me? are you strange like me?
lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski

The sound of snow compacting under another's foot caused Aleksei to lift his head, ears swivelling in the direction of the approaching wolf. He pushed himself up into a sit, if only to be more presentable. He scented the air, tried to determine just who this approaching lass was, but he was promptly met with the scent of his mother and father, leaving him speechless if only for a brief moment.

So this was one of his youngest sisters? Guilt wriggled its way into his heart; oh, what a fool of a boy he had been to leave! He had missed out on their growing up ... their childhood.

"Do you know who I am?," he tested softly, watching her carefully, "my name?" Even though he knew it was highly unlikely, part of him clung to the hope that perhaps his parents had spoken of their first born son, spoken of wishing to see him again. Why would they share that with a cub, he found himself questioning. Blood or not. "It's alright if you don't, I just -- well, never mind that, hm? Come here, take a seat. It's a nice day, don't you think?"

Pausing, Aleksei found himself shaking his head, smiling slightly. He must have looked positively daft in the girl's eyes, tripping over his words and asking pointless questions. "I'm sorry, really. It's ... been a long time since I've been around family."

(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2015, 06:49 PM by Aleksei.)
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying