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Hide your skeletons — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by TABs who has 12 posts.
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Víðarr Eyjólfur
Just warning you. This will be a slow thread. I get on most during the weekend then in between classes sometimes during the week.

Vidarr wandered through the oaks along the border adding his own scent to the mixture. It was the only thing that he felt full confidence about doing without injuring himself. Hunting usually ended in him spraining a paw or ankle. Though he did find fishing to be a fun activity. Guarding a border in his opinion was a much easier duty. Normally he just trod around the borders fluffing out his chest in a comical way, though he thought it made him look bigger and scarier, then set his mark all over the trees and roots. Vidarr was unsure of what he would do if he found a loner at the border though.

The young wolf had not really seen his pack mates around either. Or maybe they just avoided him. This bothered the white wolf often enough that he actually tried to stay in the den for a while to see other wolves, but for some reason they didn't come around. Who knows? Maybe he was sitting in the wrong den. Maybe they all slept someplace else. Or again, maybe they were avoiding him like the plague. The few times he'd seen some of the wolves had all been at a distance. He didn't know anyone's name yet, spare for the lovely queen lady who had accepted him.

From the five wolves he had seen and smelled at a distance Vidarr had come to the conclusion that this pack was made up primarily of black wolves. This was very much unlike his own family that had been mostly white and gray wolves. The lean wolf wondered if maybe they just didn't like his white coat. Maybe it makes them all jealous? That thought had made the white wolf stop while on duty and look over his coat. Determined to be noticed by someone he wandered over to a patch of mud and began rolling in it. Having an artistic mind made Veed angry when he stood back up and saw small patches of white fur still sticking up out of the heavy uncomfortable mud. He continued to roll around in the murky brown and black liquid until he was thoroughly and completely a brownish black mud covered wolf.


Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
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Sahalie Leigh
If the wolf had not been so big, Sahalie surely would have assumed that the creature rolling around in the mud would have been her brother @Drift. Her next guess as she peered out from behind her tree trunk would have been Anna. @Anneliese was pretty much the only other pale wolf in the pack. As she squinted harder, she realized this wolf was much smaller. And male. It was hard to tell what their original fur condition was like underneath their cosmetics now, but maybe it had been that wolf that her brother had sat with at the meeting. She still didn't know his name, and for this she felt awfully sorry. This was a good chance to rectify her guilt.

Stepping out from the shade of her tree, the little girl piped up, "Whatcha doin' that for, mister?" She didn't quite see the connection between the mud and her own dark fur. Just the similarity in practices between this wolf and her brother. But what did they do it for? "D'ya know my brother? Is he makin' you get all muddy? Cause I can tell him to bugger off." Drift could be very annoying at times. Other wolves seemed to like him, but Sahalie didn't know what they were seeing. If they were able to see anything underneath all that mud on his coat. "Just say the word!"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by TABs who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Víðarr Eyjólfur
I totally forgot about Drift doing this too. Sorry for unintentional copying of behavior to whoever plays Drift!

The next time the white wolf stood up his entire body was coated in murky brownish black mud. He heard a voice just as he looked down to check his body paint which caused the male to jerk his head up and to the right. A huge smile shown on his features and his heavy tail began to wag and splatter mud in all directions.

Oh it's somebody new! Thank the gods, and its a cute puppy too! His excited thoughts bounced lightly through his mud coated skull. Then Veed turned to face the lass fully while listening to her words.

"What am I doing? Oh this...." Vidarr looked to his mud caked body then back to the child who was nearly the size of a small wolf already. Then she spoke about her brother and he had to shake his head softly "no". "I'm afraid I have not met anyone other than Miss Spieden and now you so far. I've seen others, but haven't spoken to them. " He answered her query about this male sibling that she thought he had met. Then he remembered to answer her first question.

"All of the wolves I've seen in this pack so far have been black or dark like you. I thought that maybe that was why nobody wanted to be around me, because I had white fur..." He trailed off and looked to the forest at the end of those words feeling a pang of loneliness though the emotion lessened considerably with the young girl chatting to him. That drooping muddy tail stopped wagging before a sigh came out form Veed's muzzle. Then a moment later the young man turned back to her with a bright smile.

"My name is Víðarr Eyjólfur, but you can just call me Veed. What's your name? " He asked curiously while tipping his brown head to the side.


(This post was last modified: Oct 18, 2015, 06:08 PM by Veed.)
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
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Sahalie Leigh
Sahalie chewed her lip as she nodded sympathetically along with the stranger's words. That was pretty much how Oak Tree Bend was. Sahalie had made her attempts at trying to change that, to get more people talking, but so far they had not exactly worked. Currently she was working on a plan but, really, this plan was no farther than the desire stage. Could she host a meeting? Speiden and Drestig had not really explained the whole idea of a meeting, so she was unsure if it was something that only leaders could do. "Mmm...yeah."

But when the wolf went on to make the connection between his loneliness and his pale fur, Sahalie's eyes widened. "Heh?" her head tipped to a severe angle. "We got all sortsa colors here, my own brother is white." Then again, her brother somehow felt compelled to cover himself in mud, too. The other white wolves in the pack, on the other hand, did not. "Wolves here... just aren't so talkative is all. It's nothing against yourself....you... you just gotta start the conversation yourself if you wanna meet people here." Her voice trailed away uncertainly, for she was not sure if this would make a lot of sense to the white wolf. Maybe it was his white coat. Certainly some of her pack-mates seemed to like her better — but of course she would think this.

"I'm Sahalie!" she crowed brightly, "My Dad's Triell....he... he used to be the leader..." Her ears fell back against her skull and she looked down at her paws. "But he's off lookin for a nayeli now. You don't know a nayeli, do you?
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by TABs who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Víðarr Eyjólfur

Vidarr was glad that the child was so talkative. He didn't really know what else to talk about since he was still so new in the pack. However if she kept going he would have no problem being a good listener and soaking up whatever information she decided to part with. He was also glad to hear that not only was he not the only wolf in the pack who was white, but that it was Sahalie's own brother who bore a white coat. That fact alone gave Veed hope that he might be able to integrate into the pack someday soon.

He nodded again listening intently as the young girl spoke. She gave him some advice about meeting the other wolves which made Veed throw out a bottom lip and pout.

"I always feel like I'll get in someone's way when they are busy or something. That's why I haven't tried to bother them or ask for their names..." He confessed before looking away at a particularly gnarled oak. The tree was wide and severely damaged by disease that killed off the top of the tree before going down to its roots. His ear tipped towards the dark she wolf as she spoke her name then mentions her father Triell.

"I'm so happy I got to meet you!" He yipped bouncing happily before landing into a play bow. Then he frowned and tilted his head to one side. "Your father used to be leader? ohh.. oohhh.." His words trailed off as she explained that Triell was looking for someone called Nayeli. He stood back up then and sighed before glancing back to the youth. "I'm sorry but no. I don't know a Nayeli. I knew a male named Nartok and a female named Norddra though." He shrugs before the scent of fish invades his nostrils. Fish certainly sounded like a good meal right now.


(This post was last modified: Nov 12, 2015, 01:54 AM by Veed.)
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
note to self, sahalie is 4 months here

A noncommittal shrug rolled off her jet shoulders. There were some wolves with whom you did not really want to bother, like @Jessie when she was having one of her moods, Anna when she was hot on a trail, or the old woman her dad had taken with him who could be quite prickly at times. But some of the others were just fine with striking up a conversation. Sahalie considered the possibility that perhaps the other wolves treated her differently because she was young, but it was hard to say. She did not often catch other packmates interacting with one another. In fact, she had quite a poor grasp of the relationships in the pack that did not involve herself. "Idunno, how else are you gunna become part of the family?" Either he could join in and maybe step on a few toes, or he could be another lonely ghost roaming the trees. But she was unable to articulate all this, and instead just gesticulated with her nose as if to indicate something matter-of-fact, something like "well, you know.."

He hadn't heard of Nayeli and she was not particularly surprised. Sahalie had not even heard of Nayeli until a few weeks ago, and Veed was way newer than she was. It didn't matter much. Easily distracted, the girl noticed that the man appeared to be smelling something. "Got something in your nose?"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]