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Beyond The Horizon — Secret Falls 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski
For @Iopah - Set about midway between "Kingsfall" and "Secret Falls" on the map ^^

- Before noon, Patchy rain nearby - 67 ° F/19 ° C

It was more than high time he started investigating further beyond the pack borders. In the past months he had become a bit of a homebody, never straying far from Hearthwood territory, even n his frequent hunting- and tracking-trips. He felt a need to stick close, Aleksei was gone, Maksim was absent most of the time as well, and Kisla and the pups were so very vulnerable to any outside threat. This had prompted the young Baranski to take on the role of his brother and father, as protector and defender, patrolling borders and making sure that the pack was safe and healthy. But while he did this duty diligently, it was not where his heart was at. He guarded his family out of necessity, and love, but not passion. And every day, the extreme familiarity of Kingfall grew more and more pressing, the lag of novelty gnawing at the adventurous lad's insides like a nasty bug. Eventually he couldn't take it anymore. So on a day when all was quiet, and after he had walked the borders once to reassure himself that all was as it should be - which of course it was - the yearling prince headed out on a new adventure.

He went south, seeing rainclouds gathering over the lowlands to the north, and wanting to avoid the storm for as long as possible. Even if he was making this trip primarily to satisfy his selfish desire for exploration, he might as well scout out these lands for possible hunting opportunities, and tracking was made much harder by rain; Such a practical wolf I've become... He snickered to himself. The apparent maturity was only skin deep, Orren Baranski enjoyed hunting for the thrill, the absolute rush he got from adrenaline racing through his body, and the sense of power it gave to determine another creature's fate. That he this way had found a way to support the pack and provide for his family, while doing something he loved was a happy coincidence, and one he cherished every day.

Today he wouldn't think of them, he had decided, though it was hard to keep little @Inna and @Lekalta out of his mind for very long, and equally so his growing worry for @Karina. But he did his best, and in the joy of experiencing something new, he did rediscover some of his childhood carelessness. His path took him southward through the towering sequoia's, following an out runner of the brushing river from his home, that rebelliously refused to follow the strong stream out into the vast waters of Turtleback Lake, but instead curved oppositely, slowly leading him away from the forest of giant kings, and into more averagely sized cedar woods, similar to the ones where he was born; That now looked minuscule in his eyes.

Word count: 469

Thoughts "Speech." 
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
so sorry for the wait!
note to self: before Camio and Inkheart go missing

She didn't even mind the fine drizzle of rain. The ground was soggy underfoot and her coat was heavy in the warmth of summer. It was worth it, any chance to get away was worth it.

The pups were growing rapidly. It was a small blessing that they were most weaned and that their relapses were easily discouraged. They still depended entirely on the adults for food. As their limbs and bodies grew so did their appetite. She loved them all dearly, but it was a little overwhelming to have multiple litters rush her like a downed elk. She was already wishing for the day they could hunt on their own or, at least, chew on their own.

An ear flicked back, making sure she hadn't been followed beyond the border. It was a scenario that she wanted to put off for as long as possible and she was determined to not be the reason they ventured beyond the safety of home. The dampness proved to be a bonus. The woman was careful to slog through the dampest areas, waiting till her underbelly and paws smelled only like earth and pine before setting north. This forest was generally un-investigated. The encounter with Urien (an anomaly unlikely to be repeated) was too unusual to be used as any sort of measure.

That encounter did lend an easiness to her steps. This was a forest she was comfortable in and it showed in her easy gait, the way a smoke-tinged tail swung at every promising scent. When the sight and sound of another wolf caught her attention she stopped, casting her ears forward good-naturedly and chuffed softly. She was not about to cause a problem if there didn't need to be one and she wanted to keep this forest as a place of refuge, should she ever need escape from the children again.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski

Despite his attempt at avoiding it, the rain eventually started falling, putting a dampener on his adventuristic giddiness. Still, determination kept him moving through the sticky dust of water, ears spinning constantly in search of anything of interest; He wouldn't return empty handed. Nose filling with the thick scent of moisture, it was hard for the aspiring hunter to locate anything in the mist, and he felt his motivation fade as wetness slowly weighed down his ears and matted his fur. What was the point anyway? He wasn't gonna track down anything in this weather, let alone catch it; Maybe I should just go home... The thought of turning back without anything to show for his trouble didn't please the yearling though. He had had plenty of unsuccessful hunts, and each one always left him with this raging bitterness, not only had he wasted time and energy, but he had failed. Failure was still something that hit the young wolf hard, he continuously struggled with his feelings of inadequacy and even the smallest miss would make him doubt himself.

Hunting was something he could do, he knew he could, which only made failing that much worse. But his pelt was thoroughly drenched now, and gathered water was running down his nose in heavy droplets; Staying out longer wasn't gonna do any good. So the defeated boy lifted his head to gaze through the rain, shaking his whole body violently to try and get rid of some of the water before blinking through the rest, clinging persistently to his eyelashes. The air seemed dense and gray, every contour blurred by the water masses, but in the distance he thought he saw a figure, pausing just as he did. The low greeting reached his ears, making them perk up from their defeatist position, so suddenly little showers sprang from them. The silhouette became a little clearer when Orren narrowed his eyes, the outline of upturned ears and lowly swaying tail adding to the initial call's friendly atmosphere.

Straightening up properly, the young Baranski took a moment to remind himself that he was acting as an agent of his family and pack, breathing deeply to settle his nerves; While he had no qualms with interacting with others, strangers and family alike, this would be the first time after he passed his first year and Aleksei disappeared, the first time so much could depend on his actions; And I won't disappoint! Letting his own tail wave leisurely around his hocks, the youngster called out through the rain, smiling even though the stranger probably couldn't see it; "Hey there!" His voice cracked a little and he cringed, clearing his throat. It' probably just from lack of use, he told himself, shaking his shoulders once more, a cloud of water standing around him. "You wouldn't happen to know somewhere dry, would ya?!" He yelled in question, this time with a voice clear and strong, waving an ear affably, then veered his head as water got into it. It would be awfully nice to get some shelter until the worst of this blasted rain wore of.


Thoughts "Speech." 
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

She could hear the smile in his response and an involuntary reaction caused her own to form. It was hard to see much through the rain. The forest was shaded by the towering cedars that did nothing to shield the water dripping into her eyes with every attempt inspect the unknown wolf. What she could see -the amiable swirl of his tail and the unconcerned shake of his shoulder- helped set her at ease. She watched and waited, not bothered enough to shake off the moisture that stained her ears and weighed down her ruff. It was coming down steady now, but it was just rain. The young male had much more of her attention.

Her head, already lifted to attention, tilted sharply at the yelled question. Of course she did, but Iopah was not about to lead Orren back to the Pines den. A water-stained ruff shook in bemusement and she called back. "How about not as wet?" Dry was hoping for a little much, but there might be a stand of trees that would afford better shelter. In all honesty the rain did not bother her, it was a break from her daughters who were likely slogging through the mud this very minute. Poor @Koda, getting stuck with cleaning a mud-encrusted Bracken.

She picked through the terrain with far more decorum than her younger daughter. Her approach was deliberate, but discreetly executed. There was a looseness to her gait, tail tapping idly against her hind legs with each casual step. She was in no hurry and did not want to alarm Orren. He was young, probably the same age as Silentium, and she stopped a good ways away. "There is a patch of alders nearby, sometimes it's drier there. It wouldn't be much, but it might shield them from the worst of it. If he trusted enough to follow her to the area, that is.

-still snickering at the image of Bracken covered tip to tail in mud-
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski

He had to blink constantly to keep the water out of his eyes, ears flopped miserably against his dark-furred head. The stranger was little more than a burred shape in the distance, and it unnerved him slightly, not being able to clearly differentiate her posture. But her voice had seemed friendly enough, and when she called again to answer his question, he still detected only kind emotions in her tone. His ears flicked, again making water jump, head tilting a little at her words. Then he shrugged, figuring that whatever she had in mind could not be worse than the current situation. Realizing she probably wouldn't see the gesture though, he yelled back: "Anything's better than this!" Shaking his head vigorously as a trickling droplet of water managed to make its way into one of his nostrils.

Meanwhile the woman started making her way towards him, movements gracious and strong as she traced around puddles and patches of mud. When she came closer he began seeing her more clearly, the mottled grey separating out into patches of cream, buff and slate hues, on a slender, well-muscled frame. She looked to be older than his mother, probably closer to his dad's age, sharp golden eyes watching him closely, even as the rest of her posture announced no bad intent. The River prince nodded awkwardly as she came to a hold a few steps away, ears kept flattened as he looked to meet her gaze, trying to appear as non threatening as possible. He smiled at her suggestion, nodding his approval; "Sounds good." Then he motioned lightly with his head, encouraging her to lead the way, ready to follow.

The rain continue to trickle down his fur, and while he was certain he couldn't possibly get any more drenched, every drop still seemed to leave a fresh, cold trail. It was hard to fight the urge to shake out his pelt, even though he knew it wouldn't help anything, and his head hung low, feeling several pounds heavier from all the water; Dryer would definitely be better! Glancing over at the female, the yearling cleared his throat, trying to ignore his discomfort; "I'm Orren, nice to meet you."


Thoughts "Speech." 
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

Her nostrils flared once as the youth fell into step with her. The rain was heavy and soaking, but there was more than enough scent for her to know: Orren was a pack mate to Kjors. But, by that same token, he was also a pack mate to Naia, a woman that Iopah had far more trust and respect for. One had attacked her and the other had engaged in an amiable conversation.

They moved for the alder stand and Iopah surreptitiously considered him. Which elder pack mate would he take after? Was the one-eyed male the exception or the rule to Heartwood River? She was glad then, that the path to this alder stand did not coincide with any that lead back to the Pines. Until she could be sure of how war-inclined the River alphas were, she preferred to not have them near her family.

She glanced sidelong, a brow raised at the clearing of this throat. His name was offered with a sincerity that seemed genuine and discomfort that certainly was. Oh, how much more intractable @Kjors' way had been. However had such a leach fallen into the ways of the River wolves? "I'm Iopah." She offered back, a rivulet of water running down her muzzle to drip from the tip of her nose.

"It's probably going to rain all day," -and the red cedar forest already seemed thoroughly soaked- "At least everything else will be as drenched and miserable as us, even the prey." She commented off-hand, knowing that mule deer tended to shelter from the weather in this particular stand of alders. Perhaps they would be there today, as well.

Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski

The rain truly seemed never ending, every drop as cold, wet and heavy as the last. Orren shuffled alongside his newfound companion, nose hanging close to the ground as he tried to look ahead through half closed eyes. He was thankful for the shewolf's guidance, to him everything looked mostly the same through the pouring water, but she seemed certain of where she was going; Her pack must be close by… She gave her own name in response to his introduction, and the boy nodded heavily, a small rumble given in recognition, as he realized she might not see his gesture.

Iopah commented on the weather in a manner-of-fact tone, making the young man frown; How much water can possibly be up there?! He glanced briefly up at the clouds, blinking against the falling rain, noting with a sigh that there indeed didn't seem to be any change on the way. As his head came back down, the older woman continued to speak, and copper ears perked at the word prey. Orren looked over at her, eyes glinting now, despite the rain. An aspiring young hunter, the Baranski prince would never pass up an opportunity to learn more about his craft, and his voice was eager as he asked: "Ya think we could catch somethin' off guard?" It had sounded to him like she knew a thing or two about hunting in the rain, and a rush of thrill went through the young man's chest at the thought of turning this apparent disadvantage around. Suddenly, he wasn't bothered by the water at all.


Thoughts "Speech."