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I'm Just A Ghost — Lost Lake 
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Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
Anyone is welcome, finally sending Hex off to hopefully develop herself more. FYI for @Namid and the rest of the pack if none of them join. If nobody joins will just serve as a one-shot for her departure from FTC.

Random Event: The sky is dark with storm clouds

 Tonight was the night things would change. Hexamora could feel the invisible rope tied around her embodiment being tugged away from the waves lapping gently for now upon the pebble dusted shoreline. A single pine green optic shone brightly in the receding light of twilight despite the lengthening shadows and ominously approaching cumulonimbus clouds with their looming threat of another autumn downpour. Swirls of dark grey and black slowly devouring the twinkling stars who first dotted the night sky. What could possibly make for a better, untraceable, ghostly escape than having sheet after sheet of rain to wash away one's scent? Come morning only an abandoned hole in the ground with tufts of shed pearly fur would remain as evidence Hexamora ever resided here. 

It was time this chapter of her life closed and a new one began. No longer did she need the wolves of the lake to protect her until she could stand on her own four paws again, nor did they need her as if they actually ever did. The Beauvau woman had come to grips with her acquired disability, learned to cope with it and now her freedom was calling like a siren on the open seas to sailors, luring her back to the vast open, unrestricted lands yet to be graced by her presence. 

Skull raised high and tail swinging idly at her rump the first drops of rain began to splatter against the top of her snout, provoking a small glance upward toward the darkened sky. Another tear shaped raindrop plopping between her eyes. Now was the time to move and ivory limbs failed to hesitate in creating a rhythmic sense of travel. The hushed splash of pads striking puddles of mud the only sound loud enough to overpower the low drum of rain as it began to saturate the world below. Tendrils of ivory hair beginning to become plastered to the slender frame of the fleeing phantom with each passing moment. There was no hesitation as the invisible barrier that marked the boundaries of the lakeside estate became broken. The final cord holding her back from moving forward sliced.

Instantly shoulders felt lighter and breathing became easier as the weight of being caged dissipated into mere nothingness, phantasmal form weaving effortless between the abundance of sturdy mountain pines. Their fresh scent cleansing the stench that had come to accumulate all around her over the past few months. She was free. Hexamora Beauvau was finally free.  

(This post was last modified: Sep 27, 2015, 07:14 AM by Hexamora.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart
this song is seriously adding to my feels


There was electricity in the thin mountain air, rendering a sense of impending upon the land. Despite his distaste for superstition, Nathaniel found himself with a feeling deep within his gut, whispering ominously that change was on the wind. Thoroughly uneased, he had separated himself from his siblings to seek solitude, and when that wasn't enough, it was Primrose's mangled face which crossed his mind and beckoned him toward the outskirts of the territory. Was it creeping under her skin as well, this feeling? Something within him had to know.

His pace quickened as the rain began to fall, sparse in number initially but steadily building into something dangerous. Her scent was fading far too quickly, urging him onward at an increasingly faster stride. The land around him darkened, dusk ushered unto them with unnatural swiftness by the storm. Lightning illuminated the horizon, and for a split moment, he saw her. Now sprinting to keep up, Nathaniel lunged after the fleeing woman, propelled by an instinct so deep he could not name it. With each strike, her features were available to him, pale and scarred and happy.

He could now place the feeling that had been plaguing him, knew now what was being taken from him. He broke the boundary with her, racing past it and leaving it behind in ravenous strides. It was known that this could not lost, he was not free as she was now. Yet he could still pretend, just for a few moments longer, that he was able to follow her back into the wild, away from the eternity he had damned himself to here.

Not a single portion of him wished to reign her in, to hold her back. Never would he be able to bring himself to take this from her, and yet envy coursed thickly throughout his veins. As the storm raged around them, soaking them to the bones, he at last allowed his thoughts to be as unbridled as the tumultuous weather. He regretted it, all of it. He regretted finding his siblings. He regretted sacrificing his autonomy, his liberty for them. He regretted swearing allegiance to a king he didn't know in a land that suffocated him. He regretted being too weak to leave.

He wished to call out to her, but could not dream of a single thought to say aloud. His voice was locked within his throat, panting breaths the only thing allowed to vacate body as his paws continued to pound the ground. Just a little bit farther, he told himself. Hold onto this just a little bit longer.
(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2015, 02:53 AM by Nathaniel.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
Oh god, the feels ;-;

Restlessness continued to fuel her limbs as muscles contracted and released fluidly with each given stride that pushed her further from the claustrophobic landscape she endured for the past countless months. All around her fleeing form the rain grew heavier and the world grew darker, unbeknownst in that moment that a shadow gave chase to her phantasmal form. The soft pitter-patter of rain drowning out the drumming of two sets of pads striking moistened and decayed debris that called the pine forest floor home. Lightning flashing across the ominous sky to illuminate the earth below for a split second. A second long enough to allow her shadow to catch another glimpse of her.

Ears angled to press against her skull, it was purely luck that allowed the ghostly woman to catch the faint sound of pine needles snapping under the weight of paws behind her. Rotating her skull back over her left shoulder as she ran to allow her single eye to view what moved in the darkness , it took another bolt of lightning to reveal the swarthy silhouette closing in on her trail. Those unmistakable icy blue eyes belonging to only one wolf she could recall. Nathaniel. A whine began to bubble its first uncharacteristic notes deep within her chest knowing it was him of all wolves from the Cove to follow in her steps over the threshold and into the darkness. Confusion was the second emotion to churn within her gut as her mind tried to wrap around what had made him seek the ivory woman out. The night was so perfect for escaping without a trace, yet here he was hot on her trail. Did he wish to follow after her, or had he come to attempt reeling her back into her cage? Had the claustrophobia become too much?

Just when she thought her rope was cut here it came to keep her from moving forward. Mud licked pads heaved to a halt, ebony nails scoring the surface of the ground in the process. A heavy sigh trickling out from her nose. "Nathaniel.." Her voice whined out beneath the boom of the approaching thunder. "You shouldn't have followed me." Hexamora was never good with goodbyes and how could she say goodbye to the only one who seemed to understand her? 
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart

Electricity connected the sky and earth once more, blaring its light throughout the forest. She had changed, the portion of her face that remained to be perfectly unmarred now turned to face him. The mirth was gone, replaced by something that he could only assume to be confusion. It was gone, all in a flicker, and he was able to shake it away, to hold onto this make believe scenario moments longer. Until the darkness no longer separated them, her shaded form suddenly discernable through the gloom as their proximity suddenly closed in. Seconds ticked by until it clicked within his mind that she had stopped, and his stomach dropped.

Digging in his heels, his own momentum was thrown to a halt, only moments away from colliding into the wraith-like woman. Purposefully, he retained space between them, but only a foot. It felt suddenly that the world was so fragile; a heavy breath, a wrong word, a brush of skin could bring it all crashing down around them. Already she had broken his illusion, ending the fantasy he had so foolishly placed himself in by riding her coat tails out the door. She was right. He shouldn't have followed her. Not only had it been foolish on his part to pretend such things, but now he threatened the true escape that she had been undertaking.

His pale green eyes looked up into her beryl pool, a beat of silence stretching between them in spite of how loudly the storm roared to be acknowledged around them. A large piece of his heart begged him to urge her onward, to lurch forward and herd her further away from the Cove, from the mountain, from all of it. Yet there was a selfish portion to him as well, and it demanded that he make the most of these final moments.

"I'm not following you, darlin'," he replied, lucky to retain all the emotions he was feeling from his voice. It was pure Nathaniel as they would know him, if he'd given them the chance. Suave-voiced, amiable, flirtatious. Except this time, the endearment wasn't just thrown out to earn him favor, despite how casual he had attempted to come across. It was something special that was escaping from him tonight; he knew this, despite how little he truly knew of Hexamora Beauvau. At that first meeting, she had been his friend, the first kindred spirit he had found in these lands. That meant something to the man, especially in the mired predicament he found himself in now.

"I'm just wishin' that I could."

Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
Lungs fought the urge to gasp in that moment Nathaniel's form came to halt a mere foot from where she skidded to a stop, an inner swirling of emotions urging, nearly begging; something all together foreign to the wraith woman, to cross that fragile tightrope separating them from one another. All around them thunder drowned the world of its noise, but Hexamora could have sworn the hammering sound of her thudding heart in that moment overpowered the roar of mother nature. Her breath catching in her throat before his crooning voice broke the silence, bright pine and pale green optics holding the others gaze with ease. He wasn't attempting to follow her, but oh how he wished he could.

Unlike the shadow of a man that stood in her way to freedom, the ivory pelted woman was less capable of hiding the raw, foreign emotions that now flooded her veins. Thankful for the claps of thunder that hid the hushed whisper that escaped her lips while a single paw dared to take a step toward him, back towards the place she had tried to flee moments before. "Then why don't you? You don't need them. We could run away together." Oh how easily the words tumbled from her mouth without a thought, the realization of what she said causing the single iris to widen in shock. Had that really come from her?

(This post was last modified: Nov 18, 2015, 09:36 PM by Hexamora.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart
-desperately cpr's thread-

Something unexpected flashed through that single eye of hers, and Nathaniel's tender smile began to fade. When she moved closer, he couldn't bring himself not to take a step back. What was he doing, tieing these strings from his heart to hers? If he kept this up, she might not leave. He would hold her back from the freedom she deserved, and in that moment he couldn't imagine anything more selfish than keeping Primrose trapped within the slate cage of this mountain.

No; she needed to go, now, before his fickle heart decided to turn cold to her needs once more.

"I can't," he expressed, pain evident within his voice no matter how hard he fought to hold it back. It nearly hurt him physically to hammer this final nail into his coffin, but it had to be done. There was only one thing on this earth that he wanted more than the opportunity begging him to follow her into the storm.

"I came all this way to find my siblings, to have family. I can't lose them again. As long as they call this... fucking place home, so will I."

He wanted her to understand, it seemed. Perhaps he wanted her to know that it had nothing to do with her, maybe he wished she would be able to offer him a word or two of guidance. Whatever it was, he was wasting his breath; he should be chasing her away, not baring his emotions.

"You got the world at your paws though, Prim. Don't waste another second of it on my account."

Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

OOC! Oh man ;-;

Yet as soon as the words left her mouth she was regretting them, pale ears swiftly ducking back to tuck flatly against her skull. Rejection was the only thing the wraith colored woman could decipher from the situation. From the receded step backward as she advanced forward to the refusal lining his words to seek uncharted landscape at her side regardless of the pain that lingered beneath those uttered syllables. He didn't want her and she was a fool to ever think someone, let alone @Nathaniel , would ever want to tie themselves to such a beast. The pack hardly wanted her when she lived among them, why was she stupid enough to believe he was any different?

Family meant nothing to the Beauvau maiden in comparison to the male befor her where all he cared about was family and she almost snorted as he voiced it so. It was them over her. Selfish as Hexamora was she had to accept there was no room for her here. There never was. At his later statement the snort that burned at the back of her throat came forth, ivory skull angling away from his swarthy face to stare unfocused into the night's abyss while doing little to hide the disappointment and pain that began to contort the features of her marred face. Yes, she did have the world at her paws, but what did any of it mean when there was no higher purpose to pursue? Obviously her time was over here.

A heavy sigh and a hardened resolve, Hexamora shoved her emotions down into the darkest recesses of her mind behind a solid wall, the features of her face gradually hardening as the length of her jaw clenched to ward the burning beginning to manifest near the corner of her single functioning eye. Standing there quietly she let the silence engulf them, coral tongue suddenly feeling like a lead weight behind sealed lips. This was utter bullshit and not the escape she had in mind. She shouldn't have stopped. She shouldn't have cared..

(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2016, 11:00 PM by Hexamora.)