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worth more than diamond — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
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Aponi Donata
April 2nd, 2016
Approximately 2:15am, clear skies, 35F/2C

Also this is post 1/6 of Aponi trying to gather herbs, here she is trying to sniff them out.

Aponi had been living a nocturnal life since joining Oak Tree Bend, each day she spent more time awake in the night than the day. Since her scent began to change this became even more drastic, finding the best way to avoid the other pack members was by sleeping while they were awake. Whether or not @Kyna had noticed the change in her scent was yet to be seen as no words between them had been spoken on the subject.  Her daughter seemed happy enough here, constantly with @Sahalie or the other boy whose name she always forgot.

Shaking her daughter from her mind the silver woman moved through the trees that had once been so familiar to her. At her daughter's age this had been her home, a place she had fled to with Mercy when they had left the Keep. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she had lived within the den she stood in front of now. Tunnelled out for just the two of them the boy had wanted to do something so they could live truly as "mates".  Snorting at the memory she turned away, tail flicking behind her in dismissal. He had been just like the rest, there one day claiming that he was hers and hers forever and then gone the next never to return.  She had learned since then, rely on no one but yourself.

The memories laying within the Glen brought back annoyance at her young naivety. Oh how she thought she could be so happy here, with Mercy as her mate by her side, then with Phineas. This is where she had learned about her father's murder when her sister had showed up upon their doorsteps with that bastard she claimed was her love.

Still, despite the ghosts that lingered here it was quiet beneath the moonlight. While the snow had melted in the open areas a light dusting still remained within the denser woods and left her paw prints open and easily followed. Ginger however was her goal and she wracked her memory for the exact location it had grown within the Glen territory. She had never achieved her goal of bringing some home to Spieden previously and she meant to make up for that now. It was important now more than ever though her stomach had yet to turn on her the way it had with Kyna.

Nose hovering a few inches off of the ground it twitched lazily, trying to catch a whiff of the pungent scent the plant carried. Damn her younger self for not paying more attention to where the herb had grown when she had lived within these lands.

(This post was last modified: May 18, 2016, 03:31 AM by Aponi.)
[Image: AplcUOC.png]