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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
This is going to start out intentionally vague until the Volk x Ruiko thread progresses a bit more. This is set before AFTER the SR hunt, after Volk has travelled with Ruiko (and maybs Kinis?) to SR.
<blockquote>Things had turned around pretty quickly, and Volkan was just beginning to wrap her mind around everything as she neared Swift River's territory. Ruiko had pointed her in this direction; the onyx yearling vehemently suppressed the imminent feeling of unease that kept her heartbeat at a constant race. On the one hand, she was safe for now; Rhysis couldn't touch her while she was under the protection of a pack, even if he did manage to find her— a horrifying possibility that had struck her as soon as Ruiko mentioned that half-sibling of hers. She remembered the name well; <i>Sojourn Ranger Aquila.</i> While the news of a previous 'Aquila woman' having been in Relic Lore had certainly surprised her, Volk trusted that the large, stoic male hadn't been making up this shit out of nowhere; this meant that Rhysis could be and was very possibly nearby, searching for either of them in Relic Lore.

But that hadn't been the only reason Volkan sought a pack; her first meeting with Ruiko had stirred up something strange in her mind and heart, and soon after she left his presence that winter day, she knew she'd be seeing him again. And wherever he went, she had pledged herself to follow. Yet it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies the way she'd imagined, because now she was faced with the daunting task of joining a new pack for the first time. Even if they wouldn't be staying long— and the young female wasn't sure just <i>how</i> long— this was, of course, her first time being an outsider in such a tight-knit community... and if the Swift River wolves were anything like the Aquila Clan (which she hoped they wouldn't be), it wasn't going to be easy to fit in at first. It helped, she figured as she trotted along with a determined forwardness, that she'd been acquainted with a few of these wolves before... the look on Triell's face, she thought, had been interesting at the hunt, and she imagined his dark smile as she went onward.

Soon the scent of newly-enriched pack borders hit her like a wall, and she stopped, only to continue more slowly from that point onward, picking her steps carefully. While she was technically welcome here, it was practically a guarantee that not every Swift River wolf would have got that news yet. So she proceeded carefully, prepared at every moment for a face or a scent to pop out of the emerald scenery around her. <i>Here goes nothing...</i></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Sep 15, 2011, 09:47 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
I'm going to presume that Indru knows she's been accepted in the pack.. But not really had much/any contact with her since if that's okay. :3 Also as Kinis travelled to SR (and officially joined) separately we can just say she came with Rui maybe if that's okay?

The wind brought the female's scent and Indru would have bristled in anger if it hadn't been for that fact that he recognised it and knew she had reason being her. Quickly a name jumped to his mind, Volkan, and he remembered meeting the female with Triell, she had been pleasant and Triell had seemed taken with her but beyond that Indru did not know much about the female. She had come with Ruiko to join their steadily growing pack but he had not yet to meet her since and so she just didn't smell like a wolf belonging to the river quite yet. Scents of Ruiko clung to her but she did not have Indru's dominant scent on her fur yet, the one that would match her strongest to the borders and so he expected that certain members of the pack unaware of her connection to Ruiko would expect an intrusion.

You should be glad I know you, he called out as he approached her, a smile was on his face but his posture was dominant, with a vertical tail and proudly risen head. As you certainly don't smell like you should be here. The circumstances were different from when he first met her, they were not on free land now but his own and here he was the boss. Indru drew to a halt a metre or so from her and paused to regard her, his fiery eyes seeking out hers as he watched to see how she would react. Temporary member or not while she was part of the pack she would be treated as any other member and Indru felt it wise to establish his dominance from the off now they were meeting again, and with pups around it was even more important to do so. Have you met the pups yet? Corinna was fiercely protective of their offspring, as any mother would, and he knew that if she had any opportunity to meet the pack's more precious members it would have been with Corinna's say so.

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Despite repeating the mantra <i>someone is going to pop out at any second</i> over and over again in her mind, Volk found herself completely startled when a rustle of grass and a very strong Swift River scent hit her. There was Indru, the wolf she remembered from her first meeting with Triell. The nerves that kept her on edge subsided somewhat as she heaved a silent sigh of relief, very glad that it had been Indru who'd come upon her and not a Swift River wolf she hadn't met yet. Yet not everything was fine just yet; although he was smiling, the pack leader seemed far more intimidating than she remembered him, and the yearling took his dominant posture to heart. Immediately she lowered her tail and head demurely, pale eyes falling briefly to her paws as she issued him a small greeting bow.

His words made her smile, though she hoped it didn't come off as uneasy as she felt; she <i>was</i> very lucky that he knew her, and she nodded in agreement. Indru seemed so much larger and more powerful under these new circumstances, and while it made her a little nervous, she respected the fact that it was those qualities that made him a leader she would be willing to follow, however temporarily. <b>"Hello Indru,"</b> she responded, ignoring her jitters and approaching him to give him a small lick beneath the chin. They weren't much more than acquaintances, but the young female, despite her spoiled upbringing, knew the respect a leader demanded of a subordinate. And she couldn't afford, at this point, to start off on the wrong foot. It was vital that she did everything right; while this was what had made her so nervous, she inwardly thanked the strict ways of the Aquila Clan for giving her some leader-subordinate interaction to observe as a pup. <b>"Thanks so much for this,"</b> she told him genuinely, pulling away from him, beaming. <b>"I'm glad to help in any way I can, and grateful to be a part of your pack. And— no, I haven't yet!"</b> she added, about meeting the pups. <b>"Triell told me that you were a father— it's exciting, congratulations!"</b> She hoped it was alright that Triell had told her this...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Sep 15, 2011, 09:45 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Presuming this is before the meeting. :3

As was right of any River wolf Indru watched the she wolf's posture change in his presence, both her head and tail dropped to a respectful height, her eyes avoiding his, and she approached him to lick beneath his chin in acceptance of his right as leader while she offered a verbal greeting. Quickly Indru balanced the weight of his muzzle on top of hers in acknowledgement and approval of her actions, her nerves (though well hidden) were noticeable and it was meant as a reassuring gesture to the young female as well. Volkan, he replied charmingly, a small smile on his face, he had liked her from the get go and his opinion of her was only steadily improving.

Her enthusiasm was catching and his smile turned into a bemused grin as he nodded his head in response to her thanks, pleased with her eagerness to help the pack even if the stay was only intended to be a short one at the moment. Thank you, and the pride in his voice was clear, the pups would healthy and strong, even more so now that the pack had been increasing steadily. Well you really must, you would love them. They are two boys and a girl, Rihael, Fenru and Kisla. The Tainn's tail, still held above the height of his back but not quite so rigidly as before, began to sway in his pleasure of thinking of them. You'd have to ask Corinna of course — or else wait until the meeting. The whole pack will gather then. His mate, like all mothers, was protective of the pups and it was only a thing Indru would forever be thankful for, it had kept them alive and safe after all even though the chances had been against his family. Corinna had taken to motherhood like it was a thing well rehearsed and not her first time and that only granted Indru comfort when he had to stray from the den to perform pack duties; he knew if she was there she would let no harm come to them.

However, first, we can't have just any old stranger meeting them. They have to smell like a River wolf of course. With a mischievous grin Indru tried to quickly dart to Volkan's left, aiming to rub his body tightly down her side as she passed, mixing his dominant scent that would declare her pack down her side before swerving around and up her right so she matched the borders. We can't have anyone thinking you're a trespasser after all. We all know what happens to them.

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>As soon as the leader spoke her name, eradicating the brief terror in her mind that he had forgotten her name somehow, she felt her heartbeat slow down a little. She was new to this. Never before had she been introduced to a new pack; she had always been a recognized, even respected member of the Aquila Clan, able to do or say almost whatever she wanted. While her father had been strict regarding his subordinates, his children had relatively free reign. Growing up like that, Volkan realized in hindsight, was not normal. Most pups, or even pack wolves, were not bestowed that kind of power.

The female listened to the names of his children with pleasure, hoping she'd remember their names, and picturing them as smaller versions of Indru bounding around a clearing. She was also careful to note the name 'Corinna'— this was an important one, as she gathered that this was Indru's mate. And of course, the pack meeting... Volkan's heart skipped a beat as she stared at him, a blank expression slowly turning into a smile. So... that was really going to happen? Boy, this new pack thing was becoming a reality very quickly, wasn't it? Even if it was temporary, she was glad for it, new territory though it may have been to her.

As Indru circled her confidently, Volk remained perfectly still, claws instinctively rooting her to the soft earth as she braced herself. She knew he wasn't going to hurt her, but being approached so suddenly was not normally such a friendly gesture. As his soft coat brushed upon her, she felt herself scrunching her eyes shut, simply allowing him to mark her with the pack scent before beaming as he pulled away. <i>Would've been useful for the hunt,</i> she quipped inwardly, though knowing that it had been her fault for not seeking out Indru immediately upon her arrival to Swift River.

At the talk of trespassers, she lifted her brows, the marking having been completed. <b>"What,"</b> she replied, tail sweeping a low semicircle at her heels, <b>"Thrown into the River?"</b> It was meant as a joke, though she knew it was a dumb one. Voicing her actual memories of Aquila Clan trespassers might have portrayed her in too violent a light for this pack, which she gathered had a happier disposition than she was used to. But she was glad for it— <b>"So, there's a meeting? Soon, I'm assuming?"</b></blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

When done marking her with the packs scent he turned back to face her, a grin cracking his muzzle at her suggestion and a small laugh escaping him. Something like that. Though the pack had not had many instances with trespasser's they had experienced enough for Indru to show the pack would not be taken lightly, sometimes he had been alone others with members of the pack, but each time the wolf had been chased off with a few cuts and bruises to remember them by.

Yes very soon, I think. Indru answered in response to her next question, thinking over it as he did so. It made sense for the pack to be established now they so many new faces have joined the ranks, no pack would be strong if the members didn't know each other or where they fitted in. So many new faces, it would make sense for everyone to rally and familiarise themselves with each other. Plus, perhaps most importantly, it would be important for the newer wolves especially to meet the pups - the future of the pack and the offspring of the leaders. Besides, everyone should meet the pups. Though her stay did not seem likely to be a permanent one, she seemed loyal to Ruiko and he found himself curious as to how that had come about, Indru was eager to see how the young Volkan fitted in, her main competition for dominance would be Borlla he presumed, seeing their similar ages, but he knew his sister was not one to be easily dismissed. Yet this female had a quiet confidence about her too. She would be missed he thought if she did leave, perhaps by Triell especially. Have you seen my brother yet? A small smirk curled the corner of Indru's muzzle, but he kept his tone as innocent as possible, he had not forgotten their first meeting where he stumbled across his brother and Volkan.

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Oops I made a mistake :[ This is actually set after the hunt. Hope that doesn't change things too much; I went back and edited my posts accordingly. It just made sense for this to come after, since the hunt was backdated. ._.
<blockquote>From the nature of Indru's response, Volkan assumed that the punishment for trespassing at Swift River wasn't exactly death. This was a strange concept to her, but she appreciated it. Not all conflicts had to be solved that way, she realized. A part of her had always known that, but it had never been her place to voice that opinion. Now that she was gone from the Aquila Clan, she was glad she hadn't, that she hadn't ended up like Sojourn. Of course, not that it mattered; she and her half-sister now faced the same ominous fate...

...Which was why she should probably stop spacing out and pay attention to Indru. He spoke then about the pack meeting, and wondered briefly about who the other new faces of Swift River could be. She and Ruiko, for sure, and the other young male he had been traveling with— she couldn't remember his name. But she agreed with him, and was beginning to feel excited, not to mention nervous, about this meeting. The gathering would be the final test of her acceptance into the pack; once it was over, she could be a River wolf for real, for however long Ruiko intended to stay. Yet for the time being, she was happy to be where she was. It also helped that she didn't have a choice.

Volkan's brows lifted at his last question. <b>"Who, Triell?"</b> she confirmed, though she knew by his expression that the leader was referring to his dark-furred sibling. A smirk crossed her face to match Indru's, though the slight embarrassment she felt caused her pale gaze to fall to her paws bashfully for a second. Was he... teasing her? Ha, the nerve! She laughed as if to deny any connection between the two yearlings, tossing her head. <b>"Yeah, I saw him at the hunt for a bit,"</b> she concluded. <b>"Y'know, coming here, I wasn't sure if he'd still be around."</b> Duh, what a lie. Of course his dark face had flashed across her mind the moment Ruiko mentioned Swift River.

<b>"I'm just glad that I met the both of you before joining the pack,"</b> she said, hoping her attempt to change the subject wasn't too blatant. <b>"It helps that there's a few familiar faces...."</b> Joining a new pack wasn't easy, and she hoped the leader understood.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
I'm so sorry for this horrific delay, I suck majorly. ♥♥♥

A small grin flickered across Indru's muzzle in friendly amusement at the young female's bashful reaction at the mention of his brother. She laughed quickly after though, her bashfulness would have been unrecognisable if he had not seen it previously, and Indru rose an eyebrow knowingly, the smirk that curled his muzzle handsomely still there. He wouldn't leave, it was Indru's knee-jerk reaction to her idle comment but he pondered briefly on it, worried even, and wondered about the truth of the statement. Triell was growing after all, he was an adult now in size at least if not mentality and skill yet, perhaps if a female caught his eye he might leave in the future to start a pack. Indru shook his muzzle slightly to try and stop himself dwelling on the thought, that was a long way off surely, and Triell was bound to stay nearby if he did... Wasn't he?

Indru's worried expression reverted back to a smile again, though lacking the teasing expression, as she swapped the topic, a fact he was rather grateful for. He could understand her worries and how daunting it must be not to know many within a pack as even if he had never permanently stayed in a pack that his family did not dominate in terms of numbers, just recently he had been welcomed into a pack of which he had no ties within before. Yes, unfortunately for me I recognise this face. He grinned at her toothily, leaning forward to try and bump his nose against his cheek to show it was meant affectionately. But even so I'm sure all the River wolves will welcome you and you'll make friends quick enough. The young wolf was friendly after all, and had a quiet confidence about her beneath her initial shyness, Indru had taken a liking to her quickly and could not vision anyone doing otherwise. I hope you enjoy it here, Volkan, and the sincerity in his voice was clear.

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Me too, apparently ._. I'm ending this now as it's becoming dated, hopefully that's ok :]
<blockquote>Volkan caught Indru's smile as he mentioned that of course Triell was still going to be around. Whether the leader had smiled because he was simply pleased to be able to report the dark male's continued presence in the pack, or because he picked up on her outright lie— the latter was Volk's own knee-jerk reaction— she smiled in return, tail swishing thoughtfully as she listened to him. Accepting his touch with a chuckle, somewhat shyly tucking her head between her shoulders, she watched him as he pulled away. Of course he would say that; she knew Indru must be aware of the harshly dominant nature of Marsh, but he seemed too optimistic to acknowledge Volkan's inherent awkwardness in this situation. Or maybe she was just being hard on herself.

<b>"I really hope so,"</b> she admitted in response, a thought nagging at her mind: <i>tell him about it. Tell him about what could happen.</i> But... no, she couldn't do that now. Indru didn't need to know about it right now, not while she was so new to the pack. That could make her seem selfish, like a weasel, only slithering amongst the low ranks of Swift River to cower in fear from an impending threat. And besides, he seemed to perceive her as something other than what she was, and for the moment, she wasn't about to change that. Besides, just the thought of mentioning it made her heart race, made her head feel like it was ready to explode at any second...

...Avoiding the anxiety, she shoved the thought to the back of her mind. <b>"Thank you, Indru,"</b> she said at last, having gained the confidence to give him another gracious lick under the chin. He had broken the physical barriers between acquaintances, and she now understood their relationship as leader and subordinate.

<b>"Anyway,"</b> she continued after a moment, feeling a little embarrassed at how sentimental she'd probably just seemed, <b>"I think I'll go get to know the territory more. I don't think I'll be much help if all I do is stand around and chat all day,"</b> the young female remarked through a grin. She issued him a final, small nod before, turning to leave.

<b>"By the way, I owe it to you!"</b> She called back with a smile, making a swift exit through the trees. <i>More than you know.</i></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Oct 25, 2011, 10:37 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Fine with me! :)

The young she wolf seemed just as eager to settle in as he was her to do so and even though at the moment it seemed her stay was a temporary one, Indru was pleased to have her in the pack. Volkan seemed a strong wolf, one willing to pull her weight, and he wondered whether her presence would perhaps be a helpful thing for Borlla who had not experienced much in the ways of competition or other females her own age. She thanked him before placing another respectful lick to his chin and Indru dropped his head to bop her muzzle with his chin in response, a small smile on his face one more.

Yes, definitely. I'll be watching you Miss, River wolves have no slackers here. He teased, his lips rising to flash her his teeth quickly in a wolfish grin. With a quick nod she then turned to leave, and Indru suspected to sate her curiosity of these new lands, he watched her go feeling lighter now that the strength of the pack was slowing returning, with promising wolves to add to the ranks. When she was almost gone she paused to call out over her should and Indru flicked his muzzle upwards in a jokingly dismissive way as she did so, his tail waving lightly behind him before he too turned and went deeper in the pack lands.