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Peace was never an option — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
Situated between Windsong and Turtleback Lake, but closer to Windsong

Autumn seemed truly lost to the occupants of Relic Lore as the first real chills that herald the coming of Winter covered the world in a blanket of frost and snow. Falling mist and the bone shivering, frigid temperatures working together to create masterful pieces of art by manipulating the freezing fog it caused. Anything the phenomenon touched turning into a crystallized version of itself until the entire forest itself mirrored a winter wonderland. Frosted copper fur and citrus eyes seemed to be the only splash of color in a sea of white as Eirian trudged through the eerily silent forest. Russet ears were set in constant motion to hear the slightest of sounds other than the snow crunching beneath the weight of his paws, yet even that seemed too loud for a world painted so fragile. Any moment now the Asurn male was sure he would watch the landscape around him shatter into a million pieces.

Wisp of steam bellowed from flared nostrils in the form of a heavy sigh, curling around the man's frosted face like transparent fingers before dissipating entirely in a silent goodbye leaving the man alone with his thoughts once more. Close to a week had come to pass since his departure from the skeletal graveyard of fallen Cedar soldiers and former territory of Broken Timber Pines. A pack now cursed to remain forever broken and forgotten under the piling snow that worked quickly to bury and distort any signs that wolves had inhabited the area. The ashes of hopes and dreams forged by the founding members buried with it.

Now under a weak sun that held empty promises of warmth and an inability to properly illuminate the icy forest, Eirian Asurn found himself lost in completely unfamiliar territory. "Where the fuck am I?" He cursed under his breath, warranting another thick cloud of steam to escape from behind his inky lips  Eek had spoken word of heading North in search of a pack they could lay low among during the duration of winter and Eirian had full intentions of finding her, but it seemed the snow had other plans. The powdery substance had masked any scent trails he hoped to find on the ground while the falling mist erased the air of any tell tale signs either. Together they created the ultimate hindrance, though, by making each direction his eyes looked appear the exact same. For all he knew he could have been walking in circles, but the freezing fog erased all traces of his former steps. The poor fellow couldn't even back track if he wanted to.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
you ain't a comrade or friend

The snow kept piling on, and there was no mistaking the throws of winter being upon them. There was much for Gent to feel apprehensive about, with this turn of season. Memories of the previous year began to plague him once more, and with renewed vigor. There was so much that had gone wrong before, and none of it could be allowed to repeat in this new paradise. It would be so much worse, even. No longer was his position and pack just a promise of greater things to come; that which he had wanted was now his, and he would not lose.

So, while he preferred to withstand the snows within his home, securing his border and watching over his family, keeping his children home, the size of the pack drove him to the outlying territories. They needed numbers to get through the winter, for hunting and guarding both. While the icy weather drove fickle wolves to promises, he knew by now that those loyal would easily survive the abandonment of shallower creatures come spring. He would use those that had utility and if they chose to throw themselves away, so be it.

This search was proving fruitless thus far, however, and annoyingly so. He hadn't even met a rogue since encountering @Emrys again, and it was quite possibly due to the proximity of other packs. The competition did not have him pleased, but would not discourage him either. Gent kept to the search, and in time, a lonely scent entered his lungs. Whether it was a reward or punishment would be determined, however.

Pursuing the scent, it wasn't long until the other man fell into view. Immediately the king began to assess him, and what he gathered made him apprehensive. The markings, the physique, the eyes were all familiar, not just in what had been described to him but also in his own son's developing frame and coat. Was this man... ?

A chuff was sent out, to echo through the snow. If he wasn't, then he could possibly be recruited. If he was, then he needed a thorough warning to not come a step further in White Fir Notch's direction.

and i'm a means to an end
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow

The winter was going to be bad. Sylva could feel it as she limped along the snowy path, an odd fog envloped the area, leaving the small wolf ‘s black and brown coat covered in a thin layer of ice as she moved along the path. Her falling out with Gent still bothered the Yearling a lot more then it should. @Emrys ‘s arrival still had the young medic in training on edge with the fear of being replaced. She was scared and somewhat depressed, not only had Sylva let her pack down by how she had acted in front of strangers, but with this injury and winter coming….She’d be almost useless in any form, at least that’s how she felt.

A soft sigh escaped as she blinked away a few tears that had started to form, though quickly covered up by the continuous onslaught of icy mist that kept blowing into her muzzle. The injured wolf was on edge more than usual as she limped through what seemed to have become unfamiliar territory, all of this constant snow and icy trees had long since made slip the girl’s sense of direction. Her nose twitched slightly, a scent carried on the breeze made the ebony wolf both perk up and become cautious, she wasn’t sure who she could come across out here, her last encounters with loners or outside packs had made the usual social wolf a lot more quiet and even shy, terrified to disobey Gent’s strict forbiddance on interacting with strangers.

There, though, she squinted through the snow, a large wolf stood, the distinctiveness of his pelt indiscernible but...there seemed to be an odd familiarity to it. It can’t be…[/b] She thought hesitantly, but there was something about that shape, something she {i} grew up with. SHe heard a chuff of warning, unaware that it was the very wolf whose law she had been going to extremes to follow stood nearby, lost in both her reminiscing, confusion and the bad weather as she tentatively called out “E-echo...mom?” At the distance she stood, squinting, she hadn’t realized that the unknown figure was male until long after her hesitant greeting went out. Limping slowly toward it, stopping as she realized it indeed, was not the wolf who she had lost over a year ago, almost to the day.

Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Bulky frame came to an abrupt halt and russet ears immediately pricked forward when they caught wind of a chuff on the swirling snow, the man's head turning toward the direction he assumed it to come from while citrus eyes narrowed against the blinding flurries in an attempt of catching a glimpse of the sound's maker. Upon a large snow drift a dark silhouette appeared and for a moment Eirian thought he may have found the nub tailed woman despite Mother Nature trying her hardest to throw him off course, but upon further examination there were details that didn't fit the bill for his partner in crime. Why the fur looked a rich ebony color from this distance that was fitting for Eek, the glisten of bright blue eyes and the presence of a full length tail deemed this creature not to be the woman he was searching for. 

A snort of annoyance departed from the man's snout in wispy tendrils that became lost in the freezing fog realizing that he would be forced to share his precious time with another stranger, that was until motion out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Dark lips twitched uncomfortably with the idea of being presented with a second unknown wolf, lids narrowing further to watch this new stranger; whom also bore a coat of black hues, a full length tail, and brown eyes, clearly not Eek either, make their arrival while the Asurn's body began to grow tense.

Until a familiar moniker was muttered along side the word mom by the new arrival which caused creamy brows to knit together. That piece of information conjured up quite a few questions in Eirian's mind. One, who the fuck was this? Two, why had they referred to Echo as mom? Sure, they looked like one of the rarer genetic combinations of the Asurn bloodline, but the other not so much. Had more Asurns infiltrated Relic Lore without him knowing?

Remembering that the first to arrive was still present, the copper male's gaze shifted back to the other man. Voice void of any pleasantries. "You better have a good reason for bugging me." After all it was him who stopped Eirian, not the other way around. 

@Gent @Sylva

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
The man's attention was caught, and his gaze settled up Gent. The two regarded each other quietly and boldly, until a third presence captured both of their focus. The prickle of irritation raced along the shadow king's spine as he swiftly recognized this other party to be his own subordinate, who truly had no business being out this far. Worst yet, was the incredibly odd (even for her) question that fell from her lips and carried to him only by grace of the wind. Fangs bared, a warning growl was sent in her direction, eyes pointedly demanding that she stay back. If this man was indeed an Asurn, then Sylva had to keep her distance.

Confident that his wordless command would be heeded, his frigid gaze settled back onto the other male as testy words left his black lips. The attitude fit, but it was still all assumptions. Tail hiking a few inches higher, Gent decided he would rather be bold, consequences be damned.

"I want your name. Mine is Gent Lieris."

Hopefully the equality of the exchange would be enough for the man to return the offer, despite the bluntness of the Notch alpha's approach. If not... well, Gent wasn't above chasing the brute off regardless of whatever blood ran through his veins. He certainly wasn't desperate for recruits; this opportunity could be passed up.