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having dinner at the country club — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
for @Drift!

September 20th, 2:30pm, Sunny 56F/13C

Since @Lila no longer needed her milk to keep her going Aponi had regained much of her freedom that she treasured so dearly. While she still spent a lot of time with the child, teaching her and playing with her, especially since the bear incident  she also had more time to herself. Once again she had the time to do long thorough border patrols, leave the territory on short hunts if she wanted, spend time with the few wolves she oddly enough thought of as her friends. @Serach in particular the mother enjoyed the most when they had a chance to make a patrol together, conversation light despite both their own responsibilities.

Right now however Aponi was doing absolutely nothing productive. Instead she was soaking up what she knew could very well be one of the last remaining warms days before fall really held them captive. Taking up a fallen log in a small clearing near the northern edge of the territory the silver form lounged on the bough. Eyes closed and dozing in and out in a light sleep the Aquila's body mimicked that which might be seen in a jungle cat high in the trees. Head nestled into one of her forearms her other front leg dangled towards the ground while her rump lay sideways carrying most of her weight still firmly on the bark.

Sun streamed through the opening in the trees illuminating the silver pelt and the mother was more than happy to soak up every last one of its rays.

Played by becuffin who has 42 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Drift Tainn

Drift had been keeping a low profile since the Reiko incident. If he did look after the pups it was only by the oak or down near the stream. He wouldn't dare to take them that far out again. Oh, the long list of potential outcomes made him want to wretch, he truly was useless. Ever the social butterfly he tried to catch his sister when he could but it was rarely more than a passing nod before someone interrupted, and he wasn't comfortable around her friends. Instead, he busied himself checking the borders and scouting around for dead things or chew toys for the children.

It would be a stretch to say the boy had padded out at all, all wiry muscles and such a tiny frame, although the absence of mud could be said to be what made him look so twiggy, fur sticking this way and that, but he could trot along for days if he had to. So as he passed the northern border he thought once more to check on the fallen tree he had intended to show his brother, finding instead the silver wolf that had called for help, while he was struggling to decide whether he should come home or not. She looked so peaceful there in the sun, but he owed her a heads up, didn't he?

The boy cleared his throat and tried to conceal his grimace as a small brown mouse made its way up onto her back. Well, that sealed it didn't it? "You ah... you know that tree is full of mice? I only know cos Reiko ran off after one and I lost..." Oh shit. He hadn't told his father or Naira yet, @Darrah was the only soul that knew besides the boy himself. He flinched, cringing down towards the earth. When would his fucking mouth stop getting him into trouble?

(This post was last modified: Sep 27, 2016, 12:38 AM by Drift.)
[Image: drift-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

The slightly annoying sensation of something on her back was met with a simple rustling of her pelt, her dozing mind thinking it nothing but a fallen leaf. After all, the trees were all turning and the first few pieces of foliage were beginning to litter the ground and would until the snow covered them. But then the feeling continued, it was almost as if something was crawling on her. Lip curled in warning and Aponi emitted a low growl to whoever it was that thought disturbing her nap was a good idea. Then came the clearing throat and a warning of mice infesting the very log that she thought was a perfect sunning spot.

Opening one eye and focusing on the way that Drift ducked down in shame Aponi turned her head like a flash and grabbed the rodent on her back. Piercing it's neck with expertise she tossed it's carcass down onto the grass before hopping off the fallen bough. It would make a nice toy for @Lila at the least. Stretching out her limbs lazily the mother shook out her silver pelt before eyeing over the yearling curiously, "You lost Reiko?" There was no accusation in her tone, only amusement. The boy had been returned safely and as far as she knew had befallen no injury so no harm done but Drift obviously felt differently about the experience.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]