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my heart beat like a hammer — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Ghost who has 35 posts.

Oct 4. Light Snow, 38F/4C 

Oddly enough, it was snowing. Now Tano had seen snow before of course but it still seemed surprising that the precipitation was happening so early. Or had he lost track of time since he had left home? No that was impossible, he spent every night staring up at the sky reading what the stars and the moon had to say. Then again the yearling was pushing the boundaries on how long he had ever fasted before. Often the lines between this world and the world of the guides began to blur slightly, which was the point of the fast.

Still the flakes fell, melting the second they touched the earth and landed on the tawny pelt of the teen. They left his pelt dancing with a hundred, maybe even a thousand crystals the reflected the light, dancing in the rays of moon that shone through. Peering intensely at one of his front paws, squinting until his vision smeared the image in front of him. Willing the guides to come to him now, to open his soul up to the world around him so he could see something.

Sighing and releasing his hard stare Thano gave his attempts a break. The guides may have nothing to show him currently but he could feel them everywhere in this grove. It was like the area was pulling them all in, if he had it his way he might never leave this place.
(This post was last modified: Oct 21, 2016, 11:49 PM by Gitano.)
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
Please excuse the wait, my area got hurricane-stomped this weekend. #evacuee ...Also, I can't remember if I've done a thread with you involving older Karina, so just so you know the deer is a hallucination of Karina's.

There was a frosty nip in the air tonight, and Karina couldn’t help but think back to when she had traveled this way last winter.  There was something familiar about this place; its power and serenity, and it was normally the sort of place to which Karina would feel drawn. However, the same notion that made these trees feel familiar also created a feeling of dread in the back of her throat, as if there was something terribly evil here that Karina ought to avoid. If only she could recall... last winter’s journey was a blur in her memory, the details lost to the delirium that starvation so often caused.
Snowflakes began to fall, and Karina took that as a sign that she should turn back. She didn’t want to miss seeing Bennet experience her first snow, after all.  Despite Karina’s wishes, the doe insisted they continue further into the grove, stamping her hooves as if to say, “But we already came this far!”  The doe was also drawn to the holiness of this land, it seemed.  The priestess gave in to the wishes of her daemon, continuing on for what she told herself would be just a little ways more. Karina was not altogether surprised when she came upon the stranger standing in the dark, neck craned toward the heavens. The doe often led her to other spiritual wolves, and there were few other reasons she would have been so insistent that they continued forward.
The man sighed and turned from the tapestry of stars, and Karina cocked her head.  “The heavens have no messages tonight, Brother?”  Her tone was empathetic-- she certainly knew the frustration of waiting for a message that never seemed to arrive.  Although, the Mother worked in mysterious ways, and when she expected guidance in one form she would typically receive it in another… sometimes from the tongue of stranger such as this one. 
 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Ghost who has 35 posts.

Tano had been so concentrated staring at the droplets on his pelt and the way they reflected the moonlight that he had missed the approach of another. His heavy sigh had apparently been heard and thankfully the voice that accompanied the arrival of the woman was friendly. Rising from his lounged position the teen shook his tawny coat, sending the moisture flying about him. Smiling warmly at the term brother he chuckled, "Ah the stars have much to say to me, unfortunately my water gazing needs much work before the droplets will speak as freely."

Looking closer at the silver clad woman and her stunning blue eyes the smile widened. Her spirit glowed around her giving off an aura of something so powerful, the way that everyone's did who was in touch with their guides. The home pack had always spoken of others out there who did not live among them but knew of their ways, Gitano had just never been lucky enough to meet one. Now some wolves were more in touch than others of course, but it was rare to find one so familiar with the other realms that they gave off such a bright beacon.

Tail wagging behind him in welcome Tano gestured with his muzzle that she should come closer. Glancing upwards briefly to see the misty clouds beginning to part he returned his attention to his visitor, "I am Gitano, I'm travelling as part of my quest to strengthen the bond with my guides. Would you let me do a reading for you?" He knew this woman would need no more of an explanation than that, her guides had clearly brought her here.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
Karina smiled demurely, surprised and delighted by the stranger’s joke.  It was unique for someone to be both spiritual and humorous—Karina herself often struggled with being a little too serious at times—and so it was refreshing to meet someone with this combination of gifts. Karina could already tell that she had much to learn from this new acquaintance. Her eyes lit up at Gitano’s offer, and she stepped toward him in curiosity. From his words, it seemed that Gitano had more gifts to share.  “Gitano,” she repeated with a smile. “I’m Karina. Yes, please do.  And for my family—my pack—if your guides allow.” What a relief it would be to have some reassurance that everything would turn out okay for her and Dragonveil Fold.
The priestess was very interested in Gitano’s concept of guide; was this how he interpreted his gods? Or the wisdom they sent? Perhaps his guides were similar to Karina’s daemon, who now that she thought of it, did often seem to guide her from place to place.  She and the doe did not always see eye to eye, and Karina wondered if a spiritual journey like Gitano’s might strengthen their bond. It seemed they were stuck together like it or not, so they might attempt to get along a little better. Karina met the doe’s gaze with a questioning look, but the daemon only blinked knowingly.  
 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Ghost who has 35 posts.
Used a random generator to pick which words would describe @Karina 's past, present and future and well it turned out dramatic 

Gitano didn't notice that the woman had left out her own name and had chosen instead to only repeat his own, he was too happy that she had been so willing to be read. Willing may not even describe it properly, the woman was downright eager for not only her own reading but for that of her family and her pack. Another wolf may have  found her description of a pack curious since she smelled of only another few wolves but Tano certainly wasn't one to hang on such things.

Tail thumping through the hair behind him for moment the tawny teen turned away before the banner behind him stilled. Closing his golden eyes the yearling steadied his breathing for a moment before gazing intensely at the night sky above them. Each pinprick of light sang a story, the moon a graceful narrator of all the voices. At first he was silent for a minute of two, making no movement besides that of his pupils wandering across the open air above them. Then Gitano smiled, "Oh miss, your past and your present speak of happiness, I can see-" Suddenly the joy on his face fell into something more troubled  and the eyes widened.

Well that just couldn't be right could it? Squinting back towards the constellations he tilted his head from side to side as if this would somehow change what he had seen. Tearing his gaze away he looked towards the greyish woman with trouble brewing in the young eyes, "You should be very careful, the stars say the future will not be kind for you. They tell me, well they're whispering of death." Ears fell back at the last word but his gaze never wavered, this was something he had to be sure she was taking seriously.

Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
A soft smile graced the young mother’s features as Gitano spoke of her current happiness.  It was true; she could think of little more she desired from life. She had a beautiful home and a daughter who was perfect in every way, and she was able to serve the Mother freely and without question.  Life in Dragonveil Fold was a dream come true. The Mother had blessed her obedient service. She continued to smile as she watched Gitano read the sky, fascinated by the gift the Mother had bestowed upon him.
Karina’s breath hitched as the man’s face fell, and she leaned closer to catch his words. Her ears flattened as he predicted a difficult future for her, his golden eyes full of sympathy. She and Kjors had enemies, to be certain... did this mean that their past would come back to haunt them? She had not expected the life of a priestess—a prophet—to be easy, but she did expect the Mother to shield her from certain dangers and circumstances.
He went on to predict death, and if a wolf could pale Karina would have done so then.  “W-what do you mean? Who’s death?” Death was a fairly constant presence in the life of any wolf, Karina had come to realize, so it must be an especially significant death for Gitano to speak with such gravity. The young mother’s thoughts immediately jumped to her daughter, and it felt like something was squeezing her heart.  “My daughter— can you see her future up there?” she asked breathlessly, the desperate question tumbling out as quickly as she could say the words. Please Mother, protect Bennet.
 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Ghost who has 35 posts.

He heard the way that her breathing hitched at the very fall of his face, the first sign that something was wrong. Gitano couldn't deny what the stars had written for her life and its happenings but he dreaded having to tell her this. The way her ears had fallen back but were still open and the concern swimming in those cloudy blue eyes, it tormented the teen. Still he did not falter in giving her prediction and he could do nothing but watch as the horror spread across her maw and the questions began to bubble forward.

This at least gave him the opportunity to look away, to cast his golden gaze upwards to the heavens once more. Staring up at the exact point that his prediction had gone so wrong he held his breath, praying that at least he could tell her no it isn't your daughter. All the air left his lungs in a gust as he found his answer, looking back to the pleading eyes of Karina he gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile. "It's not your daughter, it predicts the death of a male of great importance to you but the guides will tell me no more after that. " They tended to rather tight lipped about the future, giving only a glimpse before slamming shut.

Dipping his head Gitano's eyes held the sorrow of everyone who he had ever had to tell such unfortunate news to. In this moment he looked years older than his yearling age, "I'm sorry Karina, I wish I could tell you more."

(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2016, 07:25 PM by Gitano.)
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
OOC|| Spot on prediction.. uncanny really. Just read Kjors’s death thread. </3 ||

Tears of relief shimmered at the corners of Karina’s eyes when Gitano assured Bennet’s safety. Thank the Mother. The young man’s next words were not so comforting, however. The foreshadowed death was to be of a man of great importance to Karina, and after her father’s passing and Orren’s disappearance there was only one. Only him. She met Gitano’s gaze with a look of heavy understanding, and the gathering tears spilled silently down her cheeks.
It felt laborious to speak after such shocking news, but despite her grief Karina was grateful for the knowledge Gitano had shared with her. So she swallowed hard and stammered out, “It’s.. it’s enough. I know what—I know who they mean.” Karina stepped forward suddenly, laying her head against Gitano’s shoulder. She would not have been able to say which of them the embrace was meant to comfort. Thank you,” she impressed, “I am grateful for your gift to me, and for all your guides have revealed.” She could not have imagined the living torment she would have experienced had she not known whose death was on the horizon.
Karina stepped back, feeling the intense desire to get away.. far, far away, so she could think. And prepare. And mourn. “I- I need to go.. to speak to my own guide now.. and.. make arrangements.” Make arrangements didn’t seem like quite the right way to put it, but Gitano would understand.  
 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Ghost who has 35 posts.

one more post from you and we can archive and I can get Gitano some lp!

The sight of the tears that began spilling down Karina's cheeks was heart-wrenching and not for the first time Gitano wished his guides would only reveal happy fortunes. However hard he wished though he knew that ignoring upcoming negatives would be ignoring half of life and it just wasn't feasible. Draping his neck around her he pressed his nose into the soft spot behind her ear, thankful that she wasn't angry that he hadn't given her what she wanted. Instead of responding to her thanks her hummed in acknowledgement, words escaping him in this moment. What do you say to a woman when you just predicted the death of someone valuable to them?

Karina's next words stammered out into the quiet that surrounded them, her desire to run written all across her muzzle. Nodding in response the sadness was still deep in his golden eyes, "I am sorry Karina, if you ever need me I'm sure your own guides will bring you back to me." Deep within his gut Gitano knew that this wasn't an empty promise, that she would need him again and that he wouldn't be far off when that time came. The guides could be cruel at times, predicting the death of your loved ones but they never tortured you, they knew when you needed relief.