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the queen — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren
@Namid Sorry this took so long!

The little wolf had only recently gotten comfortable enough to sleep inside the pack cave. Mostly, she would sleep outside, or somewhere in the forest, where she would have some shelter from the winds. But now, on one of the first mornings that Eido had been able to sleep in the den, she woke warmer and more content than she had in a long while. It wasn't that she'd slept pressed against another wolf or anything; it was just being in such close proximity to her packmates that brought such a sense of peace and security to the yearling. Sure, she had screwed up with Cernan pretty badly, but he hadn't seemed angry at her by the end of their conversation - he'd told her as much. And it wasn't as though she'd had bad interactions with anyone else. She hadn't known why she was so scared about entering the den, apart from the idea that she'd be contaminating it in some way

The pale-furred wolf set foot out into the snowy world, closing her orange eyes and relaxing slightly as she did so. She looked around, wondering which - if any - of her packmates she would meet that day. She thought of seeking out Vespertio again, to maybe talk to him about the idea of becoming a scout, or maybe trying to find Cernan and make up for her blunders several days ago. But, she knew that any one of them she came across would be a good interaction - she was determined of it.

As soon as she left the den, however, her stomach gave a mighty growl that reminded her that, though she was in a pack and eating better than she had been as a lone wolf, she still got hungry and had to take care of her physical needs. So, she set off into the forests, aiming to find some food for her pack, and for herself.

Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
You are totally fine!! I'm excited for this c:

Despite the light snow it was really turning out to be a decent day the temperature was slowly rising into something warmer than usual, and while it was still freezing it was better than what it had been. She’d gotten up early with her husband, parting ways with an affectionate goodbye before moving to do her rounds, perhaps stop off at the medical den to see if Draven or Neha needed anything, and open up the watering hole.

On her way she passed the scent of their newest member, her name having been told to her by Vespertio. Eidolon, certainly unique. She’d been meaning to meet with the new girl, and now that it seemed that she was comfortable enough to join them in the communal den she thought it to be the perfect opportunity to do so. Altering her course she followed the trail of the girl at a leisurely pace, offering a woof of greeting when she appeared in her sights. Her characteristic, warm smile graced her features and while she held herself tall she was still very relaxed. Slipping back into her leadership position had been like pulling on a favorite old sweater and she savored it. But, she had never been one for posturing unless it was absolutely necessary. The Lake Queen prefered to be relaxed when meeting with any of her members, having the mindset, of course, that they were all friends and family. No need to exert your power over your friends and family, right? “Hello! You must be Eidolon. I am Namid Vuesain,” she said, walking to a slow stop in front of the pale yearling.

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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren

The ghost yelped and spun at the woof, even if it was soft and friendly. Her tail tucked instantly and she lowered herself to the ground, recognizing the name and understanding that this was Fallen Tree Cove's alpha female. She wagged her tucked tail hesitantly and approached to give her a small lick on the underside of her muzzle. She didn't seem like she was angry or overly-dominant, or anything of the sort, but Eido had come to find that in these types of situations, it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Hello," she greeted, orange eyes round as she stared up at her new alphess. "I, um, you don't have to call me by my whole name. Eido is easier to say," she offered, relaxing a bit at the comforting aura the leader was giving off.

The little wolf perked her ears, realizing she'd forgotten some of the formalities. "Oh! It, uh, it's nice to meet you. I met your mate, Vespertio, and your son, Cernan, already. They're both really, really nice. Cernan showed me around, and he was really kind to me," she scrambled to explain, rambling a bit as she always did when she was nervous.

Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I have loved the stars too fondly

Her approach seemed to startle the girl, her small frame spinning with wide eyes before dropping and tucking tail. Her brows rose in surprise at this and she allowed the girl to crawl forward, lapping at her chin to which the queen gave a gentle nip to her cheek. Namid was never one for dominant displays unless really needed and she didn’t consider this moment a need. Her head bobbed in understanding at the name, “Eido it is,” she responded with a gentle wag of her tail.

Her smile widened as she mentioned her son and husband. She was pleased to hear that Cernan was doing what he had been raised to do; be caring and helpful to all. She’d tried her hardest in her life to instill that value in all of her children and it seemed that it was paying off. “I am very glad to hear that! He is a good boy and has always been a bit of a pushover, but he is loyal through and through. I hope you two can become good friends,” she replied happily. “How are you settling in? I know that the mountain can be very challenging if you have no grown up or been on it for a long time. If you need anything do not be afraid to ask, I love to help,” she continued. The woman knew she was a chatterbox, it was certainly part of her character, but it was also something that she found to comfort the newest members because she was so open.

To be fearful of the night
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