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Studies in Light — The Wildwood 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The trips that he'd been taking from the notch had been growing in distance the closer spring became. His wandering heart as well as his desire to know how close the rest of the lore was to waking up drove him to travel further. His pace was quick as he moved through the different terrains he crossed over. As always he kept his eyes out for prey to bring home since he couldn't not bring something home. His luck was always better away from the notch so he didn't feel so bad for traveling more. This venture had taken him most of the day but that didn't bother the healer, he'd been missing the traveling he used to do as a loner.

As the day wore on he was sure that he would have to find a place to stay for the night and head back the next day. It had been sometime since he'd slept under the stars since he usually stayed in the communal den. With it being a little warmer than it had been he didn't think it would be too uncomfortable to sleep outside of a den for the night. Entering a more sense area of the lore he recognized it almost immediately as the Wildwood. It had been a while since he'd been there and like the rest of the lore it was still covered in snow. Moving through the trees just a little deeper brought him to a creek that wasn't entirely frozen which allowed him to stop for a drink. He lowered his head to take in some of the water but stopped when he thought he heard something nearby.

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2017, 02:44 AM by Emrys.)
Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren

The colorless being had just been wandering with no direction for some time now. Her time with Eskil had been very nice, but she absolutely required alone time to just be on her own. She was even finding that she didn't mind meeting other wolves, as long as they were nice. She just didn't actively seek them out - that would be dumb. So this excursion had been for the sole purpose of just spending a bit of time on her own, to think and reflect and see new things.

She'd just been picking her way through the Wildwood when she realized that she wasn't quite so alone as she thought. At a small, unfrozen creek a bit downwind of her, stood a solid white wolf that blended with the snow better than she did herself. He was male, around her size, but heavier. She wasn't going to approach him, but when she turned to leave him be, she managed to step on a twig and snap it. The man, unsurprisingly, heard the noise and turned bright blue eyes toward her.

Caught, Ash sighed and decided that she might as well greet the white wolf. She dipped her head, posture taking on a natural lower state. "Sorry to interrupt."

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The Wildwood would be a good place to bed down for the night so as he moved through the trees he looked for a place that would serve as good shelter. A drink of water was however at the forefront of his mind and as luck would have it he found a creek that wasn't frozen. He considered just staying by the creek for the night so he could drink in the morning before leaving for home. The snap of a twig caught his attention, he raised his head to see what exactly had caused the sound. A deer or rabbit that he could hunt so he could eat before turning in.

That was not the case however when he looked up he found a wolf with a coat almost as light as his own. He could tell she was on her own because she didn't carry the scent of any pack on her. She seemed a nice enough girl as she apologized for interrupting his drink, “Don't worry about it,” he said as he turned to face her. “Did you need to get a drink too?” He didn't want to keep her from getting a drink if she needed to. He wasn't expecting to run into anyone but now that he had he didn't see any reason he couldn't talk with her. Make sure she was doing okay being she was a lone wolf.

“How are you getting along ?” He asked concerned. He knew what it was to try and survive the winter as a loner.

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2017, 06:18 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren

Were none of the wolves in Relic Lore cruel? Asha knew that thought was ridiculous the moment it popped into her head, but she hadn't met a single one so far that was angry at her approach or cruel enough not to speak to her, and certainly not one that was cruel enough to harm her or chase her away. This one just turned and greeted her as though it was normal that she just approached in the middle of his drink.

Or, well, she hadn't really approached, per say. She'd been trying to do the opposite, actually.

"I do need a drink," she replied and picked her way down to the water. She pressed her muzzle to it and lapped at the frigid liquid, cutting her icy eyes to the side to make sure he wasn't going to leap at her or something. He seemed nice, but it was better safe than sorry.

She raised her head when she was finished and licked at the droplets clinging to her whiskers. "I'm getting along well," she told him, tipping her head to the side. "For a loner, I suppose. What's your name?"

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Knowing what life could be like in the lore as a loner Emrys was concerned for the girls well being. She'd made it this far through the winter but there was still plenty of it left that she would have to survive. She also seemed a little shy to the healer so he was careful with his movements so he wouldn't scare her. The last thing he wanted was to do that before he could get a good assessment of her condition before he would have to leave her to return home.

He was worried that she had been coming for a drink so was sure to check with her and as it turned out she did want a drink. So as she came closer he backed a little further down the creek to give her some room. As she lapped some of the water he lowered his back to it and drank some as well. When he finally lifted his head she had as well and began to speak.

“It's not easy living out here in your own in the winter,” he stated, “I was on my own last winter, it didn't seem as harsh as this one has been but it was still hard,” he shared hoping it might help her to feel a little more at ease. “I'm Emrys, may I ask your name?”

(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2017, 02:00 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.