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don't bring a knife to a gun fight — Beaver Dam 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
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Renier Lyall
@Heigen takes place on March 1st anyone else is welcome here

I'll turn into a monster if you pay me enough

Irritation burned under his skin. He was itching for a fight. Did Sven think he was stupid? It soon became obvious what he was doing, but he didn't understand why. Did he think he'd take advantage of Enoki? Carry on like his careless father? Leave a new family behind?

Renier had really hoped he'd earn the young man's trust. A little respect even. He wasn't exactly going to fulfill her need or any others without knowing what would happen after. He'd already made that mistake and paid for it dearly. (Even if he was still a little unconvinced he'd fathered any children.)

Still, he couldn't help feel the pale wolf wasn't harassing Nicolo in the same manner. This is what ultimately pissed him off. Unseated him. Renier had every right now. Nicolo could have easily take care of the issue, but at this point Renier believed he had no intention to do the right thing.

If Renier didn't have enough problems with the hole in the pack, and the torturing scent all over. For Pangur's sake, that man hadn't even been there when Elettra had died nor helped bury her and her mate. He had broken this pack. Why he was about a bit more, Renier didn't feel he was pulling his weight. They were all grieving. Why? What was it about him? Did Sven really prefer his great uncle just because he was Elettra's brother? He was starting to feel like Ravenna was the only who appreciated him. Only one would care or miss him if he left. God damn it, half of him wanted to just to see it all fall down, burn to the ground. /p>

If Nicolo had the balls to knock up a lady, shouldn't he have them to fight? To fucking take care of what he created? He pulled in a deep breath of cold air, willing himself to just stop thinking. He'd taken a leave to simply be the hell alone.  Nothing was about to get rid of his aggravation, and sense of betrayal. 

(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2017, 10:02 PM by Renier. Edit Reason: all welcome )
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