For @Salix <3
Laike was already tired of this place but decided to give it another day before heading out. If that bratty princess was the worst this place had to offer than he thought he would be okay. Not to mention he didn't have anywhere, in particular, to go so what did it matter if he just hung about like a bug?
His large form practically glided about the area with nothing in mind. He should probably hunt or even consider looking for somewhere more permanent but nothing had exactly struck an interest in him yet. He hadn't even made a solid plan to follow yet. Did he really want to settle down? Or was he only doing it to merely make it by? A loud sigh escaped his mouth as he brushed against a large cedar wood to soothe an itch on his side. His mind briefly went to @Hecate and how she might be faring. Surely she was well, though. He didn't believe her to be some kind of weak, pushover type of female. Maybe she was even out there being wooed by someone. Laike kept reminding himself it wasn't his business but that didn't seem to stop him from thinking about it.
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