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i kinda like how it gives me chills — Umbra Copse 
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Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
this post is Not Good but i keep forgetting to post it so here goes. continuation of this thread
for @Kino

Iyes half-held her breath, not certain if her cheeky dismissal of Larkspur would go unchallenged by the surprisingly irritable male. It was his own fault for telling her that she didn't have to be likable - else she probably wouldn't have given him such snark. His orange eyes were round with surprise when he turned to look at her, a growl returning her favor. But he didn't do anything else but what he was told, brushing past Alastor with a humbled greeting as he disappeared. A visible breath left her with his threat gone. She blinked to erase the vision of shock in Larkspur's eyes. In the back of her mind the inky youth was aware she'd have to watch her tail on her way out in case he decided to follow her and smack her around a bit for that minor transgression - but he quickly fell second to the presence of the silver knight.

Free from the scrutiny of the pale wraith Iyes felt the tension disappear from her spine, a smile hanging permanently on the edge of her expression. She tilted her head and met the bright blue gaze of her companion, then let her eyes wander through the pale tree trunks that surrounded them. It was a very pretty place. "Give me the tour, won't you?" she prompted, batting her lashes with an innocent flair. Excitement was electrifying in her veins, still halfway in disbelief that she was actually seeing him again. Alastor wasn't just an apparition of the moon on a painted night. He was real, and he was here, and Iyes was finding something thick in her chest as she looked upon his silvery figure - she had missed him.

That feeling prompted a rare moment of plain-faced honesty from the cheeky imp. "I wasn't sure I'd be seeing you again so soon, Alastor... but I'm really glad I found you here." And by association, did that mean she was happy to have found Larkspur? Ugh, probably not.
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

Alastor had been fully prepared to step between the duo when Iyes, much to his surprise, had practically ushered Larkspur away with what had almost sounded like an order. His brows rose in surprise, maw opening in a gawk as what he’d felt would be the inevitable didn’t happen. Instead, the pale man had turned with only a sharp growl and a show of teeth. A greeting had been given and he’d returned it, then his attention shifted to the girl.


Her expression and demeanor had changed considerably, turning more light-hearted and his grin picked up a bit. “Give me the tour, won’t you?” she said, already practically leading them further into the territory. He tried to remember if she’d been this forward at their last meeting. He decided it must have been the situation and had it been any other wolf they might have gotten a few sharp remarks from him. Yet he found her attitude the same way he had found it in the first place; refreshing. “Of course, how rude of me,” he chuckled, moving to lead them.


She spoke again and his ears swiveled to catch her words, topaz gaze flitting to glance down at her out of the corners. She seemed positively elated to be there, and grateful, apparently, that she had found him. Yet, he couldn’t help but wonder why? She looked perfectly healthy and the scent of a pack clung to her fur. The realization made a pang of something twinge in his gut, but he wasn’t entirely sure what. As long as she was happy then he supposed that’s all he cared about. “I’m glad you’ve found your way here also. Didn’t have too much trouble, did you?” he asked as they went, his tail swaying at his hocks.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health