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tolling of the bells — Quaking Vale 
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Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
@Draven and backdated to July 29th, if that's okay <3

Everything hurt. Life sucked and everything hurt. Niles was being a dick and everything hurt. She was just so pissed and so frustrated and so sad, which made the pain more difficult to deal with. Which, if she considered it, the wounds hurt much less than anything she'd experienced last winter, but the emotional turmoil was new to her. She couldn't even feel any pride in the fact that they had beaten those ugly animals and driven them off. Truly, they should have been celebrating. She just didn't understand why Niles had to go all drama-queen about it.

Her paws drove her to a familiar location in Quaking Vale territory - Draven's medical den. It was due to his help that she was even able to walk right now without severe, overwhelming agony. She'd been there pretty much daily since they'd formed the pack - he wasn't kidding about that strict herb regimen. Which she felt bad for hogging, but it allowed her to do all of her daily tasks like a normal wolf. He was the only reason she was well enough to take over for Sahalie now.

"Draven?" she called, dipping her head inside the den to search for him. She didn't want to muddy the den with her blood, if she could help it. "It's worse than it looks, I swear!" She didn't think she could handle two wolves angry at her for the fight against the wolverines. Not to mention the fact that the wounds really were superficial - she just bled a lot. Crimson liquid was still dripping from her flank and shoulder, and running in a winding path down her leg and cheek. But that wolverine was missing a whole ear, so she had that to be proud of.
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
Healing demonstration 1/3, post 2/12

Draven split almost all of his time now between trying to be a good, albeit awkward father, and his duties as healer in training. Castel kept that busy, her regimen of herbs was strict and he had taught her exactly what she needed to take and when in case he was out gathering more plants and his trip took longer than expected. At least the pack was relaxed about this, the dark wolf often came and went from the borders even for days at a time in search of the herbs he needed and nobody blinked an eye. Because of this the den was incredibly well stocked, good enough that Draven was confident that come winter they should be okay.

With his nose buried in the herbs he had heard the approaching paws but had not been able to identify the wolf by scent. He also missed the telltale smell of blood that coated the air. Assuming it was Castel coming for her daily dosage he happily began pulling out the medicine that she needed and making a neat little pile for her. He was shocked when he raised his mossy green eyes and was met with the sight of Castel as expected but dripping blood from various wounds. Dropping the foliage he had been carrying he immediately gestured the leader in. Looking over her appearance he raised both eyebrows at her words, ”It’s worse than it looks?” The words were incredulous, how could this be worse than it looked if she was still walking and talking normally?

It didn’t matter, grabbing the chaga mushroom he had already pulled out for her he placed it at her paws. Castel would know what to do, she took this everyday. Today though it would have the dual purpose of boosting her immune system and slowing down the blood loss so he could make heads and tails of what was going on here.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]