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i know what i'm after — Dogwood Strath 
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Played by Van who has 131 posts.
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Mavis Kipley
@Aegir because I need him

The girl was finding that she rather enjoyed being on her own. After being oppressed and demeaned for most of her life, she was quite proud that she had finally decided to stand up for herself and leave that wretched place. Did being a loner have its downsides? Hell yes. Safety was scarce - meals were few and far between. But, on the plus side, there was no one telling her what she could and couldn't do. Particularly on the topic of gender, which was the best thing ever. She could go where she wanted; do what she pleased. Life was pretty much perfect.

Except for the fact that she wasn't exactly sure where she was going.

Or what she was doing.

Shit. Was she lost again?

Seafoam eyes narrowed as she looked around the dogwood trees. They were beautiful, and it was kind of cool that she had a very similar color pattering to the flowers. It looked like she belonged there, and she wasn't complaining, per say. It was just that she wasn't sure what to call this place, or if there was danger around. She had kind of just been wandering aimlessly for a couple months now, and occasionally it would just become painfully obvious that she was completely lost.

Like now.

The girl took in her surroundings calmly, noting that she could hear crashing water in the distance. Was that important? She wasn't really sure. There was also birdsong, and a few summer bugs were making their sounds. But other than that, it seemed that she was still alone, which was good. She didn't want to have anything sneak up on her or anything.
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
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Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Fishing with Ma had been good, but-much to his Ma's dismay- he wasn't tired enough to take an afternoon nap. So once he'd given his Ma a bucket load of kisses he had hurried off on his own, after swearing that he would return to her before dark.And he intended to do that, he wouldn't be out for too long nor would he venture too far.

These parts were still new to him and he intended to explore every nook and cranny that he could.

And so the Little Dragon wandered through the trees and further from the river till he found himself surrounded by pretty white petals. The air was rich with their flowery scent and Aegir wondered what his Ma would have thought of this place. She was beautiful this place was beautiful, they seemed to go paw in paw. Or at least he thought that was case, until he noticed he wasn't alone.

He'd been too busy looking up at the branches to realise that there was a stranger in his midst. One he already wasn't overly fond of. Aegir had learned the hard way that strangers were not good, that they were weird and dangerous and should be avoided if possible. That black wolf with the weird splodges had been okay, but this one? It was all white with weird greeny eyes.

Aegir wrinkled nosed at the sight of her and turned to face the stranger with an overly dramatic huff. Sure, she'd been here first-probably- but he wanted these trees all to himself. She could get lost for all he cared.

"Yer should go." Aegir told her, as he sat down, his tail curling around his big, puppy paws.

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Van who has 131 posts.
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Mavis Kipley
The tiny wolf had been so wrapped up in looking around, both admiring the scenery and attempting to get her bearings, that she was unaware of the approach of an even tinier stranger. Because everything had been quiet and nice and peaceful until a little voice came from behind her, clearing its throat and just about startling the fur off of her.

"WHATHEFUHC?!" she yelped, spinning around so quickly that she nearly lost her balance and had to plant her paws down firmly to keep from toppling over. Her eyes naturally turned upward to find the source of the sound, since most wolves towered over her, but apparently this one did not. So, ever-so-slowly, her pale gaze traced its way down to the dark-chocolate pup that sat before her, tail curled round his paws as he spoke. And it wasn't a little hi or hey, either - it was a full blown,

'Yer should go.'

Still breathing heavily, but getting over the initial shock, Kip raised one eyebrow and tilted her head to the side. Now that she wasn't convinced she was under attack, she was getting a little curious. She was positive she hadn't crossed any borders, and yet this little kid was over here bossing her around like he owned the place. Which she wouldn't stand for, under normal circumstances, but this was a kid, so...

Her maw wrinkled just a bit in confusion as she stared down at the pup, entirely unused to having her neck at such an angle. "That's a little rude," she commented, glancing from side to side as she tried to locate his parents. Surely pups that little shouldn't be by themselves. "Why should I go? What the hell are you doing out here on your own?" So far, she had many more questions than answers, and she doubted that she would have everything cleared up anytime soon.
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
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Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

The strange white jumped into the air and yelled so loud Aegir's ears flattened to his skull. He knew he could be a little rowdy sometimes but this was too much, he was right in front of her, why did she have to scream like that? He didn't like it. Nor did he appreciate the words she screeched. He tilted his head, confused as to what she was trying to get at. He could speak well enough at this point but what the hell was a fuhc?

She went onto scold him, like he was in the wrong, when just a moment ago she had screeched at the top of her lungs like some sort of barbarian.

He rolled his eyes, making it clear that he granted her words very little weight or substance. She was more or less just making noises at this point. Who was she to tell a dragon what to do?

Instead of baring his teeth or getting outwardly annoyed, Aegir played it smart. He was such a clever boy, after all. Shifting so he was more comfortable, his shoulders more relaxed he looked the stranger dead in the eye, his own gleaming with such a dire sort of mischievousness he would have given Loki the God of Mischief a run for his money.

"Should watch yer mouth lady. My Da wouldn't like you talkin' to me like that."He smiled, cold and brittle like an icicle ready to crack."Bes' be off now."

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Van who has 131 posts.
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Mavis Kipley
This kid was impressively smart, with an admirable vocabulary. Kip had only met a few pups this size in her lifetime, and not one of them had spoken as clearly as this one did. He even remained calm where she was volatile, and then clearly thought out what he was going to say next in response to her queries. And though this kid was an irritating little shit, she had to admit that he carried his own sort of charm. Enough of it to ease her temper into something akin to the tone he was using.

"Your 'Da'?" she repeated, because of course a pup with such a big vocabulary and such refined people skills would have attentive parents. Honestly, she was a bit surprised that they hadn't shown up already. But, then again, this was around the age when she had developed her own set of itchy paws, and no helicopter parenting could have stopped her then. "Kid, I'm just talking to you like I would talk to anybody. I'm not being mean or anything."

You're the one who's being a brat.

He was, and under normal circumstances, with wolves closer to her own age, Kip would've given them a piece of her mind. But this was one of those rare occasions where she didn't feel comfortable verbally assaulting the demeaning asshole. So, instead, she decided to play it cool, as well. "You talk big for such a little kid," she remarked, genuinely impressed with the ankle-biter. "And even though you're small, you still say what's on your mind. That's pretty cool, little man." Maybe if she didn't bring up the leaving thing again, he'd forget and they could avoid an argument.
Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
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Kyrios Aegina Stark

It was quite the change, going from so many months travelling on his own, to suddenly being part of the family unit, making their way through the land together. Not that he disliked it, it was grand to no longer go hungry, thanks to the adult hunting partners, and he appreciated the company. Kjell was a compelling character, full of stories and an easy charm, quite different from his more stoic brother; And Signy was such a kind and caring nature, but there was spunk in her too. Together they made quite the impressive couple, who had quickly made the young captain feel welcome, part of their continuing adventure. And then there was Ægir, the little dragon, so different from his unemotional cousin that they might be considered polar opposites. Yet there was no doubt, just looking at him it was clear what he was.

That aura was impossible to ignore, or tame. The little rascal was all over the place, and it would seem his parents might welcome the help of a pair of extra eyes. Still Kyrios did not want to impose, Kjell might have accepted him as a nephew, but he was a stranger to them all, and the boy most of all. Instead he took on the role of silent protector, leaving it up to Ægir when - Or if ever - he’d acknowledge this new family member. Meanwhile he kept an eye on the pup from a distance, whenever his parents were otherwise preoccupied. The kid was a master at sneaking off, and his adventurousness seemed to be generally encouraged, which was more than the captain could say for his own childhood. The world was the little wyrm’s oyster, and Kyrios would make damn sure it remained so!

So when Signy finished her lesson and send the little one off to his own devices, Kyrios rose for the spot in the shade where he had been resting, nodding briefly to the mother as he took over the charge. And then he trotted after Ægir, lazily, not trying to hide his presence, but leaving the boy room to explore at his whim - The older lad keeping watch for any danger. It was in this mindset that he moved a little closer at the appearance of the stranger, watching closely from the cover of the dogwood trees. At first he simply listened, eyes fixed on the pale woman, searching for any hint of threat. She was no older than himself and, apart from a smart mouth, seemed harmless enough. Ægir approached her with characteristic audacity, making his guardian smirk. Meanwhile the girl seemed to struggle with how to handle this impudent child, though she clearly had no more manners herself, so it should’ve been easy.

Finally, Kyrios decided to show himself, just to make it clear to this wench that Ægir was not on his own, and it would not be taken lightly if she attempted anything. “Oh he’s a cool dude,” he drawled, strolling up beside the pup with a lazy shrug of his shoulder; “Runs in th’ fam’ly. Didn’t hear ye’ introduce y’self - ‘m Kyrios, this ‘ere is Aegir.” His manner was nonchalant, as if he didn’t really care either way, the tip of his tail waving lazily. But the goldenrod eyes stayed locked on the stranger, clear as steel.

Word count: 557

”Speech” Thoughts

Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Aegir was handling this situation just fine on his own, but when cousin Kyri entered the scene, with his own-and rather curious- brand of charm, the Little Dragon couldn't help but press his lips into a thin, smug line. He wouldn't admit it, headstrong little fella he was, but backup was always appreciated. And whilst they hadn't spent all that much time together one on one, Aegir had already concluded he was an okay guy. After all, his Da had come to the very same conclusion, so why wouldn't he?

"Mmm." Aegir nodded along. He hadn't thought to give his name, was that something most people did? He didn't know really, but he supposed it made sense."M'a dragon, like my Da so...."

The notion carried a lot of weight in his eyes, as well as their little clan so he assumed it would do the same with this stranger. That said the splodge wolf didn't seem to care, or even believe him. Damn that splodgy wolf, he was cowardly and weak. The worst of the worst.

Aegir turned to Kyri and nosed at his shoulder to get his attention. Only when he turned to him, he leaned up on his tippy toes to whisper in his ear.

"Think she said some bad words.S'rude. S'place is nice...Wanna show Ma, but not with her 'ere. Make'r go."

He then reasserted his former position and leaned into Kyri's side a little. He wondered what would happen next. What was cousin Kyri gonna do? Would he pull a Da and get all growly and teethy? Or use his fancy words?

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Van who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mavis Kipley
Ugh. Great, now there were two of them. This day sucked majorly. The pale wolf refused to back down for the newcomer, and instead gave a spectacular roll of her seafoam eyes before locking them on the other yearling. That said, her attention did flick down to the child when he mentioned something about being a dragon. Which just made the situation that much better, because holy shit, he was delusional.


"Oh, yeah. Cool dude," she said in return to Kyrios' statement, resisting the urge to roll her eyes again. This encounter was far too tedious for her liking, and the day was already shot to hell. Then the yearling introduced himself and the child, and Kip gave a reluctant nod of her head. "Uh, good to meet you two." She hadn't introduced herself, but at the time she had seen no reason to. Unfortunately, now the necessity was shoved upon her. "I'm Kip." Because there was no way in hell she'd give them her full name.

Now she was curious, however. "Is he a dragon, too?" she asked Aegir, in reference to Kyrios. It wasn't a serious question by any means, but perhaps it would sate his little puppy attitude to have whatever the dragon thing was to be acknowledged. But really, she didn't know. She was totally inexperienced in dealing with children.