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I Need Hope to Start Again — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
((OOC: Sorry for shatty post!))

Valtyr noted the larger femme's polite apology, his ears attempting to catch her tone. It didn't seem so much as sincere as it did to be forced from her lips. And the weaker female caught that, too. Apparently, his words had sparked her own tirade of anger. This surprised him. From the looks of her, she didn't even look like she could give somebody a tongue-lashing, let alone have the strength to actually put up a physical fight. His aims at entertainment were gone as he picked up the absolute desperation in her voice. The tension in the air was thick enough to slice with a single tooth.

He decided to intervene, lest the larger female have a bad temper and decide to take advantage of the fact that she was far stronger than the other and would easily best her in combat. His gleaming yellow eyes turned to the weaker of the two, softening slightly in sympathy. <b>"If your situation truly is that desperate, I have a kill in the blackberry patch I would be willing to share for however long it will last between three wolves."</b>

His gaze turned to the larger female. His eyes clearly stated that the third wolf in question was not her. It was not something he wanted to say aloud, lest he add fuel to the fire again. His glance was not unkind, but it carried a hint of a warning, even though she'd given no signs of threat. But he wanted to keep it that way. Valtyr would not allow someone substantially weaker than another to be trounced so easily.
Played by Ksi who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Akila Ulrin

And for all the roads you followed...

OOC: sorry about the final, I'm getting rushed and I wanted to finish >_<

The white femme’s words cut through Akila’s entrails much like a well sharpened knife would tear her sensitive skin. She stood tall, and her snout tensed as an almost unnoticeable hint of an upcoming growl. But it wasn’t the smaller femme she was aiming to, instead, she aimed to herself, and lowered her head just a few inches while her pointy ears faced her rear, eyes averted in what seemed to be hidden shame. What was she thinking? It was clear that the snowy female wasn’t originally asking for trouble, her tension and bitterness was the result of an unfortunate event, an event that she had unknowingly unleashed. It was not her complete fault, Akila knew that, but she had also to remember the crucial fact that she was not a part of a pack now, much less a high ranked wolf of one; and thus, she didn’t have any right to act like so. Cringing at herself, she reminded with a painful huff how her proudness had always lost her. It was her desire not to command over others, but more to prevent anyone to step over her, the only thing that could get her original nature completely lost.

But she wasn’t going to allow that, not now.

Not to mention she owed a satisfaction to the female.

The large beast felt eyes blazing through her body, and she had to make an extra effort to turn her unwanted proudness down. Slowly, she turned to face the darker male, and her ears widened to catch his offer. It was clearly not for her, but as a satisfaction to the snow pelted femme. If it hadn’t been obvious any minute before his words, the yellow eyes that gazed through her made it clear she was not welcomed here. And it was because of her delusions of grandeur. What did it say of herself?

She lifted her head just a few spans, more to face the female rightly than to make herself look taller than she already was, and fell to her hindquarters. “Listen, I truly am sorry for what I’ve done. Conscious or not.” She talked, eyes drawn to the femme in a kinder way “It is true that winter is a serious matter to have in mind, and I apologize once again for having ignored your feelings completely” her eyes faced the male now, and she nodded at him as she moved to her original position now “If you wish to go with this man, I will understand, but I’d be glad if you offered me a way of proving that I am trustworthy” Akila paused, and looked away once again. Was she afraid the answer would be negative? “Hunting is harsh when it is done alone, but with two wolves- three, if this gentleman wishes to come-, it’s almost children’s play. We are weakened in this season, but so is our prey, and we could take down a fairly large cattle if we made an effort.” Her bark paused once again, and her brain cells took a time to remind herself why was she offering this to a stranger. “If you say yes, and we succeed… the meat is yours.” When she had finished, her eyes turned to the brute one last time, and nodded slightly as an effort to make him know she wasn’t trying to ignore his offer to the smaller animal. It was just her own way of grating her. After all, if it hadn’t been because of the large femme, any of this would have happened.

Akila’s tail flicked in nervousness, waiting for the stranger’s decision. Her bet was as large as she could have made it, but genuine, nonetheless; she was offering her strength and ability as a way of proving herself, and she could understand if the others took her as a completely mindless beast. After all, even her own mind couldn’t acknowledge how being alone could change her.

And for all you did not find...

And for all the dreams you had to leave behind.

Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Though she had no intention of causing some sort of fight with the larger female, Anyu was not afraid of battle. She had been in many fights in her four years and, even in her weaker state, she could at least hold her own for a considerable amount of time. However, it did not seem as though things were going to explode in such a manner that would cause a fight. The tension was thick, but before things went any farther the male took it upon himself to intervene with an offer that Anyu was not quite sure how to respond to.

A former alpha, Anyu had some form of pride that she could not let go of. For someone to offer her a free meal was something she knew she couldn’t afford to decline, but accepting such help would be the same as admitting that she could not take care of herself. She was a hunter, not a scavenger, and taking the free meal from the male was almost the same as scavenging. But could she afford to pass it by?

Since the fire had separated her from her mate she had been struggling to find food for herself, especially in these winter months when prey was scarce. Every time she lost a meal for any reason she also grew weaker and the likelihood of a successful hunt in the future grew smaller and smaller. That rabbit would have given her some strength to get her through to her next meal, but it was long gone by now.

Turning her gray-green eyes to the black male, she opened her mouth to respond, but before she could even speak the other female cut in. Anyu turned her eyes to the larger female and listened to what she had to say. When she heard the sincerity in her voice this time she allowed her gaze to soften a little. Her gaze widened a little at the female’s offer. Though it involved more work, in some ways it was far more appealing than the male’s offer, simply because it was not what she considered to be a free meal. She glanced at him to gauge his reaction, then returned her eyes to the female so that she could respond.

“You couldn’t have known that I was hunting,” Anyu offered in a softer voice than before. “I shouldn’t have been so quick to anger. Thank you for apologizing.” As she said this, Anyu dipped her head in acknowledgement. The entire situation seemed to have temporarily awakened her from her depression, though there was still sadness in her eyes. And though she was sorry for attacking the wolf in her anger, she knew that she was at least partially justified after the loss of a meal that had the potential to be so important.

She turned her head to the male and nodded at him. “If it weren’t for her offer, I would gladly accept yours,” she explained. “A free meal would give me the strength I need to hunt on my own here. But I feel wrong taking your hard-earned food from you. And I’ve never been one to accept charity.” Though she had to reject his offer, her eyes reflected her thanks.

Finally, she returned her gaze to the larger female so that she could answer her. “The idea of a hunt is appealing,” she admitted. It had been a long time since she had company to hunt with. Even she and her mate had rarely hunted together, as the prey in the area they had taken was mostly small. “I’ll take your offer,” she declared, but in an afterthought she added, “but only on one condition. We both have rights to the kill. I can’t keep the whole thing for myself.” Her gaze was determined, but not unfriendly, and she greatly appreciated the female’s sincerity in her offer.

“I’m Anyu, by the way,” she said finally, to both the male and the female, hoping that they might share their names in return. In her head she was referring to them as “white female” and “black male” and that just didn’t seem right to her. Names would be helpful.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
<blockquote>Valtyr was glad that the tension was starting the evaporate and dissolve into the wintry air. He felt slightly guilty for provoking said tension, but it was past now. Absolutely nothing he could do about it except learn and move on. It was a positive trait of his -- easily able to forgive himself for mistakes and not beat himself up over every little thing. He was also usually able to pass his forgiving nature to others who had wronged him. So it went for the larger white female as she made another attempt at her apology and an offer most generous. He tilted his head very slightly in surprise, but the faintest of smiles played at the corners of his dark lips. She was willing to make amends, even though she had not intentionally scared off the hare. Admirable.

As the weaker femme turned and spoke to him, he met her gaze. Despite perking up at the mention of a hunt, her eyes still conveyed a terrible message of sadness and despair. It wrenched the beast's heart and reminded him of an all-too-familiar pain. But for everyone's sake, he did not let it affect him. He had learned long ago he could not bear all the burdens of everyone he met. He could help as best as his abilities allowed, but trying to make others' pain his own would drive him to the brink of insanity. And so, he nodded at her rejection. He understood -- he would have done the same thing if their roles were reversed.

<b>"I understand. You want to make it on your own power. I respect that."</b>

He listened further as she listed the terms of the hunt and then stated her name. Anyu. The onyx beast liked it immediately. It sounded like music, playful and joyful. But it did not suit her, not in her current state of affairs. Perhaps he would see to it that one day she fit her name, maybe in the way she did as a pup, before whatever had happened to her to cause such depression had occurred.

<b>"I am Valtyr,"</b> he offered, glancing at both Anyu and the unnamed female. <b>"I will offer my skill and strength to the hunt, but I will let the two of you have the kill. I have others to feed from."</b>

While a fresh, hot meal would be far more fulfilling than trekking back to cold, frozen meat, he felt it was the gentlemanly thing to do. The two ladies needed food more than he did, and he would not be <span class='word'>persnickety</span> about needing a fresh kill to feed from when he had leftovers he could easily access.</blockquote>
Played by Ksi who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Akila Ulrin

And for all the roads you followed...

OOC: Sorry to cut it this short, but I thought it'd be better if we started another thread in the blackberry fields for the actual hunt, I somehow can't imagine the trio struggling their way to catch anything in such a place :\ xD hope you don't mind.

The beige femme could feel her ruthless tension abandon her body and air as the smaller worded a response to the previously made apologize. The beast looked at her, caramel eyes melting into a softened expression once again, and lifted her head with delight as an involuntary response to the position the other had taken, not in a dominant way, but more as a personal trend to accept the fact that the white femme had finally dropped her previous bitterness. Amber met the grayness of the snow wolf’s orbs, and the gentle giant soon found herself entangled into the complex cloud of feelings they seemed to hint. Akila narrowed her own eyes for the briefest amount of time in an almost unnoticeable tic, as if trying to figure out what was going on inside of the apparently tranquil animal. She had seen that dullness before, like a shiv tearing inside of one’s mind. Sadness. Depression. It was the hidden charge of those who decide to shout their mouth and live with an untold suffering, either unable or unwilling to get away from it.

Curious orbs moved from their target, and her own mind lectured herself in quiet thoughts. It was not in the nature of the wolf neither to pity their relatives, nor to accept any kind of unwanted compassion. Most wolfs, as was herself, were too proud for that, and she knew maybe too well that all she’d have to show was kindness and maybe, just maybe, respect. So she accepted her spoken words with another nod, and let a slight smile escape from her snout, tail still moving in an uneasy trembling as she waited patiently for her final decision.

Akila gazed at her front, eyes traveling between the dark pelt of the male and the contrasted appearance of the female, her ears fully opened and attentive to the conversation. If there was the smallest hint of tension and uncertainty inside of her chest, it seemed to flow out of her own breathe as the female declined the so tempting offer. Then, their gaze met, and the bushy wolfess listened carefully once again, and nodded in acceptance when she had stated her rules and let them know her hidden name. As words finished flowing, the onyx brute spoke before Akila could, and she soon found a relief in knowing the names of both of her companions.

“Akila Ulrin” the bark came out unexpectedly and the light beast found herself wondering if it was correct to tell her last name now that the Ulrin pack was long gone, or if she had sound too pedantic for the other wolve’s taste. “It is a pleasure” she stood up as gesture of politeness, and then looked away to the yellow-eyed male. “And thank you, Valtyr, your deed won’t be forgotten. You have my gratitude.” She paused. If there was something Akila was certain of, it was the fact that she was a woman of her word. Any help donated would be returned, and she hoped the darkened male would catch the hint she was letting go with her softened bark.

“Now, I suggest we head out of this asphyxiating place, I have the feeling we won’t find anything bigger than a rodent among these branches.” Her speak grew a hint of determination, and she shouldered to her right, nostrils scenting the right way to the plains. Great paws paced a few steps forward, and then her snout returned to meet the grayish orbs of the whitened she-wolf, waiting. It wouldn’t be the Ulrin the one who leaded the hunt, she had decided, still unsure if her decision had been made entirely out of respect, of as a way to test the apparently weaker femme.

[ Akila exits ]

And for all you did not find...

And for all the dreams you had to leave behind.

Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
OOC// I agree with you =) though it would be comical to have them try to hunt here! Valtyr is going to be gone for a little while, so we can wait for a last reply or we can start a new thread in the fields and then wait.

you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

It felt so good to interact with another of her kind. It had been a long time since she had even seen another wolf, and after the loss of her mate Anyu had never been sure that she would talk to anyone ever again. Even though the conversation with the two wolves had started out tense, Anyu felt more alive than she had in months. There was a part of her that knew her sadness and her sorrow were easily visible to the others and she hated that, but there was very little that she could do to hide the overwhelming sadness in her heart. Each day it was as tough a shiv was stabbing her through the chest. She had learned to live with the pain of sadness, but it made it no easier for her to bear. There was a chance she would recover, she knew, but it would be a long, slow process.

She chanced a weak smile at the male, Valtyr. “I’m glad you understand,” she responded. Even if the other female had not made her offer, Anyu would have had a difficult time accepting Valtyr's offer. Anyu could not understand how anyone would care enough to share with her, and so she had a difficult time accepting gifts of any sort. She wasn't worth the attention of others; not in her mind.

She perked up a bit more when Valtyr said he would hunt with them. She found she liked the male's company, and she would have been a bit disappointed if he had not opted to join them. She smiled a second time, but this time it touched her eyes just a little bit, though the sadness did not fade. “Even if you have your own kills,” she stated, "I'm sure that you would be more than welcome to share at least some of this kill with us. Especially if you help in the hunt.”

Anyu turned her head to the female with her smile, hoping that she would agree that Valtyr could have some of the kill, while also waiting for some kind of introduction.

“It's a pleasure to meet you both,” she said, her voice a bit lighter than before, when Akila shared her name. She glanced at Valtyr, to gauge his reaction, but was distracted when Akila suggested that they leave the Thicket for their hunt. Anyu had to agree, of course. Large game was hardly likely to wander around in here during the day.

Akila had stopped and turned back to face her. Anyu blinked for a moment, then stepped forward and pushed her way through the vegetation. When she had led a pack she also led the hunts, but that was long ago and she was not sure how things worked between cooperating loners. As she began to make her way out of the Thicket, Anyu did not look back to see if they were following. She was certain they would.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2012, 01:08 AM by Anyu.)
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