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Beautiful Madness — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
Kama was seeing things again. This time she was seeing puppies, specifically her puppies. They had been dead for a year now but she saw her pups as clearly as she saw the ground beneath her paws. She followed her pups to Bramble Falls until they disappeared. She frowned as they materialized into nothing, knowing she would never truly see them again. Yet she wished the vision would come back, it let her believe her pups were still alive and it filled her with pure bliss. Kama could pretend everything was perfect in her life for at least a few moments until everything disappeared from her life just as it had a year ago.

She looked out at the partly frozen over water, walking closer and closer to it. She jumped into the cold water. Her head went under and she felt the shock of the cold as she resurfaced. Kama swam around, getting her fur soaking wet until she saw another vision. Thanatos was standing at the edge of the water. <i>Come on dear, get out of the water.</i> She listened even though she knew no one was there. She swam to the edge and stepped out of the cold water. Her fur was dripping wet and stuck to her form. <b>"I've missed you love. Where did you go?"</b> She sat down, still dripping wet and not even bothering to dry her fur. Kama just sat there, nuzzling and licking someone that wasn't there. It was truly a strange sight for anyone nearby.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote>The strangers scent drew Naira from her increasingly regular patrol, helping to reinforce the borders of her new family was one of the duties she had taken upon herself since she hadn't yet had much need for her other skills. Although the stranger wasn't technically trespassing, Naira though it was still close enough to warrant checking out. You could never be too careful leading into the breeding season.

As she grew closer she distinguished the scent as feminine. She stopped a short distance away to observe the dark lady launching herself into the frigid waters of the falls and her muscles bunched, ready to race forth and pull the mad lady from the water if need be. Her dark head surfaced and she paddled around a little longer before pulling her large frame from the water and sitting in the snow nuzzling up to some unseen form. <i>Nina, where are you when I need you...</i> she thought with a grimace. Mental instability was not her forte.

While any other wolf may have debated approaching the obviously crazed woman, Naira felt she had little to fear, while they were similar in size, she was in slightly better condition since joining the pack and certainly seemed to have a better grasp on reality. While any closer to her home she would have held a more dominant stance she kept her tail level with her spine and her ears flicked forwards in interest rather than dominance. <b>"Are you trying to catch your death?"</b> she questioned the other woman quietly and calmly, tapping into the tone she reserved for those she considered patients.

If it was a death wish the other wolf held then her services were best used elsewhere, if it was in some mad fit that the lady had launched herself into the water then Naira would have to prey for a miracle. The only catnip and lobelia she had seen preserved for the winter were in the possession of her recent acquaintance Nina, and she was all the way over in the Ghastly Woods, but it would be a trip she would feel obligated to make if the stranger did indeed catch an illness bought on by her saturated state.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
Kama looked up at her new company. A she-wolf about her size. She was looking at Kama like she was crazy, even spoke to her like Kama was a yearling who didn't understand. This angered Kama. She parted her lips, baring her teeth as she growled at the female. She didn't need help, she was perfectly fine. And this girl made Kama's mate disappear. She stood, tail raised, ears forward, exactly how she used to show her dominance in her old pack.

Kama took in the females scent, a pack wolf. She relaxed almost instantly, showing no sign of aggression. Kama sat down, and cocked her head to the side as she examined the she-wolf. <b>"I wasn't trying to do anything, I just wanted to swim."</b> She looked at the girl, confused why she didn't understand Kama's love for water. <b>"I'm Kama. Kama Rydell."</b> An impish grin appeared on Kama's face, making her seem even more insane. She leapt forward to great her company. Kama tried to rub her body against the she-wolfs, starting at her shoulder then coming around her flank and back around to the she-wolfs other shoulder. She didn't know how the female would react nor did she care, she simply felt like being affectionate. Kama laid down and rolled over to her back, belly up. She reached a paw up to nudge the females chest. <b>"What's your name?"</b> Kama was clearly becoming more insane as each day went by.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She dismissed the initial aggression, as she imagined if she had been happily enjoying her own company before being interrupted by a complete strange she may have reacted similarly. She did however tense as the wet wolf leapt forward and proceeded to rub up and down Naira's long tawny coated sides. Her lips pulled back from her teeth as her tail instinctively raised into a more dominant stance, her hackles on edge and ears forward as the soggy animal flopped to her back and put her paw on the tawny ladies chest.

Her chin tucked instinctively to prevent the other woman from latching onto her throat from her position on the ground and fighting back a growl she took a step back, struggling to get her emotions under control. She understood sometimes others required physical contact as part of their emotional healing, however she usually left that to those who were more than acquaintances with her patients. Taking a moment to centre herself, she breathed deeply and evenly.

When she finally felt she had herself under acceptable control, hackles down and tail lowered she opened her mouth to introduce herself. <b>"I am Naira. I won't bother with my birth pack name as most here can't pronounce it anyway. I am currently a member of the Swift River pack, and although it is none of my business I feel obligated as a healer to mention I don't believe the weather is yet mild enough for swimming to be in the best interests of your health..."</b> she said evenly, wondering why she had ever thought showing herself to the stranger to be a good idea in the first place.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
The she-wolf became very angry when Kama rubbed up against her. She didn't understand why but it seemed the female didn't like being touched. Kama stood and shook her body, water droplets flying everywhere. She smiled at the she-wolf as she introduced herself. <b>"I'm sorry I invaded your personal space Naira. Sometimes I just can't help myself."</b> She smiled and sat up as Naira told her about her pack and mentioned the fact that she shouldn't be swimming. Kama nodded as she spoke. <b>"Alright I wouln't go swimming again till spring."</b>

Kama shook her head, trying to concentrate and have a normal conversation. <b>"I'm sorry Naira. It seems I've gone a little insane since I lost my family. I am trying to calm down and hopefully find a new pack that would accept me."</b> That was the little bit she could get out before another wave of insanity hit. She laid down, trying to calm down and not go completely insane again.

Kama jumped up and ran in a circle around Naira, chasing after what she thought was her old mate. Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks and cocked her head so far to the side it looked painful. <b>"Am I crazy Naira? I feel like I am."</b> Her tail thumped on the snow covered ground as she eagerly waited for an answer.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Now the other wolf was sitting still, Naira had a chance to examine her closer. She carried many scars, and was looking a little worse for ware, as all loners were at this time of year. She had experienced grief, and knew how powerful it could be, but that was only one of her aunts, how would it feel to lose her whole family? A small shudder passed down her spine at the thought. She had a very large family, and she had left them. She suddenly wondered what the place was like without her and her siblings, leaving only Chulyin of all her litter.

<b>"I don't believe you are crazy Kama, I believe you are grief stricken. These things will come to pass in time. You just haven't adjusted yet."</b> She responded calmly after some thought. She was wishing Nina was here. Naira didn't have a sense for problems of the mind like the other female had, she had never had to deal with these problems in her pack. <b>"I'm sure a pack will accept you, as long as you go about it the right way. I know for a fact my alpha despises trespassers and those that are rude, the leaders of the pack in which my brother is part of seem a little more... relaxed unless you pose a threat to them and theirs..."</b> She had no intel on the third pack, although she knew them by scent, and it was a very masculine laced one at that.

<b>"There is another pack, although I couldn't tell you anything about it. I am quite new to Swift River myself."</b> she admitted with a small smile, beginning to relax in the other wolfs company. She found she felt best when she was busy or had someone with which to share a good conversation. For now, she would steer clear of the family subject. The last thing she wanted to trigger was a psychotic episode.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kama Rydell
Not crazy huh? It certainly felt like she was. Perhaps it would pass as Naira said. When she spoke about packs Kama was very interested. <b>"I am not usually rude and I know better than to trespass. Perhaps I will speak to your leader and request to join."</b> She wasn't sure if she wanted to join just yet but it was certainly a possibility she was interested in.

<b>"How long ago did you join Swift River?"</b> Kama noticed Naira had started to relax around her. That made Kama happy for at least a moment as she smiled at the she-wolf. She laid down and rolled onto her back again. Kama looked up at Naira, wondering what was going on in her mind.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She wasn't sure how the others would take the obviously shaken woman but she smiled at the thought of having her in their pack. It would certainly shake things up were Corinna to allow her to join. <b>"Only a short while."</b> she confessed quietly as she continued to observe the lady in front of her. It would seem she was prone to visions of the past. If that past was particularly violent, perhaps on the verge of pup season was not the best time to allow her to join. She would need to spend some more time with this wolf before she decided to either support her case or go against it.

<b>"You looked as if you were chasing something smaller than an adult wolf. Who in your family did you lose and how?"</b> she asked gently, knowing she may be kicking the proverbial hornets nest but wanting to be sure if there were specific triggers for the woman or if she was just prone to bouts of lunacy. If it was triggered then it could be managed. If it was going to pose a risk to her family, perhaps it would be in everyones best interests for her to see the woman on her way. While she was yet to come under any threat herself, it was the potential that she was concerned about.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kama Rydell
OOC: Kama's madness actually disappears when she meets Gladius and adopts her as her own daughter.

Naira had only been a member of Swift River for a little while. The waves of insanity seemed to overpower her less and less frequently which was good, especially if she wanted to become a member of a pack. Kama listened as Naira spoke again. Her head went down for a moment before she looked back up at the female. <b>"The ones I had been chasing earlier were my pups. I lost my entire family. I had been attacked while I was carrying pups, resulting in them being stillborn. My mate had disappeared when I was attacked. I have a feeling that he thought I was dead when I was only unconscious for the moment. I know he is here in Relic Lore but I am unsure where."</b>

Kama hadn't hurt anyone yet while she was insane. She didn't see that happening anytime soon either but it would be best to cure her madness before she joined a pack, especially with breeding season just around the corner. <b>"Do you know any way to cure my madness?"</b>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Naira was about to answer when the woman spun on her heel and raced into the forest. <i>Perhaps another fit of visions?</i> she questioned herself, wondering if she should chase the woman down and make sure no harm came to her, then thought better of it. She belonged to a pack now and had duties to attend to. Perhaps she would mention to the others to keep an eye out for her later. Best to be safe than sorry and the last thing her new family needed was an unstable wolf amidst the chaos of breeding season and the crucial months of raising any pups that may come along.

<i>Quite strange...</i> she thought to herself with a small shake of her head before turning tail and returning to her home.</blockquote>

(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2012, 11:06 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]