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Once upon a time, the end. — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lupus Sol
The cream hudson bay quietly listened as the last introduced herself, another pack wolf, the last time he met apack wolf it wasn't his best experience. The lean male blinked his sun-kissed colored eyes, trying not to turn and stare at the pack female. Ears twitching he simply nodded with a grin atthe names, he should probably try to remember them, but at tue moment his mind was on the pack wolf he met earlier, what was his name? He was from like River Pack... Or something.

Tail swishing slowly behind him the male lifted his head, slanting to the side he wasn't sure what to say. "Umm..Ha...yeah..." he awkwardly coughed out a cheesy white smile pulling across his tar black lips.

OOC~Sorry, this is from my iPod :p
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
The other female came over to her, probably because of the look of Sol's face. He seemed in distaste hating her voice. Who would hate her voice? It was quite pleasing and Wille was quite jealous she had a different accent. Sure Wille's accent was lovely enough, light and dainty but Finn's was just so nice. She nodded. Well, everyone was entitled to their own opinion as long as they didn't say a horrible opinion out loud. That would be certainly rude.

<b>"Yes."</b> She said, nodding. <b>"This place is quite popular with the wolves. Especially with my pack nearby."</b> That was said in a light warning or a hint to try not to trespass or else they would get it. And Wille certainly wouldn't want to be the one to drive themselves off, herself. In her pack, she had become more outgoing. She liked it.

<b>"Oh!"</b> She forget to return the greeting. <b>"Quite nice to meet you too, Lady Finn."</b> Wille felt like she had to return her politeness. But Wille didn't really like the other wolf. He seemed too quick to judge. Wait, what about her? She was judging quite fast too. Oh, maybe later this Sol character would change her first judgement.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
I'm just gonna say that Finn isn't in a pack yet since she wasn't in SR when I started this!

Finn appreciated the polite tone from the female. She bobbed
her head in agreement as the wolf spoke. "Lovely that you
have yourself a pack. I'm hopin' to join one myself some time.
I miss that feelin' of having a family again."
she sighed
lightly, light gray chest heaving gently before her sigh was
fully released.

Careful eyes looked back to Sol now, wondering what the
brute would say. He was already on her black list, needless
to say. If there was one thing she disliked about some wolven,
it was how they would judge someone before getting to know
them. Finn could have torn at the creature's wolf for the scowl
he seemed to flash, but she was a polite wolf, one who'd rather
be on good terms with all whom she met.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."