But there was… an opening? Her ears stood erect, sniffer sniffing curiously as she took slow, cautious steps forward. She could step out into the open, into a place that smelled new and strange. Mud Next to River paused in the open forest, finding no walls, no barricades, no smell of the strange, two legged creatures beyond the cage itself. Her ears pinned against her skull and ever so slowly the realization began to creep in. She was free. She took another step forward, the grass crunching quietly under her paws. The young girl looked back to the cage and then ahead to the open, boundless forest.
She was free!
The second time the realization hit her so hard that she did the only thing she could think of to do. Mud Next to River ran. There were no borders here, nothing but the infinite world ahead of her. She ran until her legs ached, she ran through thorny shrubs, she disturbed birds of all kinds. A deer fled away from her, fearing that it had been intended for her next meal.
Finally, with the cage far behind her, with her life as a prisoner gone, she collapsed to the ground. Unable to hide the genuine joy that gushed through her soul, Mud Next to River laughed. Rolling around in the grass, she pressed her face firmly into the dirt and took in the beautiful scent of freedom. Her guffaws boomed through the forest. It felt so good to laugh, it felt so good to be un-tethered.
Suddenly the laughter didn’t seem too much like laughter. Hot tears blurred her vision, quickly spilling over and staining her dark cheeks. The world grew quiet for little Mud Next to River as she laughed and cried and laughed and cried.