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if it's not the length of an early 2000s emo song, the title isn't long enough — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Tasha who has 178 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rhaegara Rayvne
@Huddy - After Rhae's scent starts to change

It was undeniable now. She had noticed the changes slowly overtaking her body, a frown on her features though she found herself eager to tackle the challenge. It occurred to her she didn’t even know the father’s name. Perhaps that should have made her feel cheap, but she found that she actually preferred it that way. It gave her a certain level of autonomy when it came to how these pups were going to be raised. She didn’t have to worry about a father’s interference. She was sitting near the pack den, gnawing on an oddly plump rabbit that she had been able to find.

She gnawed on the bones almost anxiously. She had just noticed it, and she was certain it would not be long before others noticed it. They had never talked about this collectively as a group, especially since not settling down in these lands to establish something more permanent… well, it would be interesting. Still, she found herself oddly excited. It was like a flutter in her stomach. Her mother and father had warned her that it was a part of leading. She wasn’t a leader, not right now and maybe not ever, but a chance to continue on the line, the Ravyne family name… it meant a lot to her, especially given the tragic way her parents had fallen.

She hummed softly, gnawing on the bones when she reached them.

Played by Kristen who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hudson "Huddy" Macieo
Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

There was a certain smelly smell on the wind that one would have to be noseblind to miss, since it had slowly begun to seep into every section of their territory including their sleeping quarters. Following the scent to whom it belonged was easy as well, though he could honestly say he was surprised. He had certainly not expected Rhaegara to fall pregnant, though he supposed it was more probable in his mind than Aubine. If the Gerau woman were to suddenly pop up knocked up, he was certain pigs would fly. That, and there would be the body of the unfortunate sap on their border courtesy of her protective elder brother.

Still, as the elected leader of their gang he supposed he should go and check in on her. Luckily they had Riven, who he was sure would be absolutely delighted at the prospect of pups, to take care of her physical needs, but he should see to her mental ones as well. He gave a chuff as he came upon her, looking much the same outwardly despite the clear maternal change to her scent, gnawing on a bone. “I’m guessin’ we’re gonna be having some kiddos runnin’ ‘round under our paws by summer time?” he asked, setting down a foot or two away. They both knew he didn’t beat around the bush.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
Played by Tasha who has 178 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rhaegara Rayvne

Rhaegara supposed she probably should have seen this conversation coming. She hadn’t intended to flooze about this season with some random stranger who talked a little funny in her opinion… but she also hadn’t expected to get an itch that he had just been so eager to scratch either. She could summarize it with two simple words: shit happens. Her gaze cast up, head tilting to the side with a wry smile and a soft snort at his statement. “And what makes you say that? Are you trying to call me fat?” She teased before shifting a little to get more comfortable because there was a conversation to be had, and Huddy had never been the type to beat around the bush. She’d admit, she liked that in a leader and it put her more at ease following him, because she had a penchant for not being a follower.

“Yes, we’ll be having some kiddos.” She answered more directly, sighing softly as she moved the bone she had been working on off to the side for the moment. “I mean… is that okay? It was one of those things that was never really talked about.” It had been open breeding in her tribe, but she also knew that other packs could be stricklers for those things… somehow, she didn’t think Huddy had a problem with it. She figured if he had, he wouldn’t have started a conversation and would have settled for chasing her ass away as soon as he caught wind of her scent change. “It was an accident… right place wrong time kind of deal.” She explained again, because it certainly wasn’t like she secretly had a mate running around. She was not willing to admit she didn’t even know his name.

Played by Kristen who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hudson "Huddy" Macieo
Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

He was immediately met with sarcasm, earning a grin from him. If there was anything he could say about their members, it was that they all had a sense of humor that somehow managed to fit with his. Then she confirmed what he pretty much already knew, that she was indeed pregnant. It put a bit of a kink in the works to be honest. After all, they hadn’t planned for litters in the Chasm for the spring. But, it didn’t mean that it wouldn’t be welcome or that she would be cast out for it. If there was anything that could be said about them, it was that they were an unconventional bunch. They were a pack in name and territory, but it was more like a bunch of friends living in the same space but doing their own thing. They watched out for each other and had fun together, but they weren’t hindered by unnecessary rules or regulations.

When she asked him if it was okay he gave her a quizzical look, one brow raised in question because really...why should he care. But then she mentioned that it was an accident and he could put two and two together from his own experiences. She’d had a one night stand and this was the result. Well, far be it for him to judge. The Macieo shrugged nonchalantly, “‘Course it’s okay. Well, s’long as it’s okay with you since it was an accident. We take care of each other ‘round here, you know that, ‘nd it’s not like we don’t have enough adults t’take care of ‘em with you. Y’aint doin’ it alone if ya don’t want to,” he reassured.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
Played by Tasha who has 178 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rhaegara Rayvne

She was thankful that her humor seemed to mesh with his, though it did not mesh with everyone, and she could recognize that. She hummed softly. It was fair, they had always been a band, and just looked out for each other… still, he seemed to understand what she was asking him, and she nodded at his explanation. “It’s… good.” She explained, because she held no regrets for her situation, just a little bit of uncertainty, an uncertainty that she was now facing. It would be okay, though. “I know we take care of each other… I just wasn’t sure, with us all being in one place all pack like, if the usual pack rules applied.” At least that had been how it was where she grew up.

He smiled softly. “I don’t want to do this alone.” She confirmed, because doing it alone sounded terrifying and difficult and she was pretty sure that it would result in the death of her children, which she desperately did not want.