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Played by Winter who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Stella Vuesain
Stella is paying PF a visit on behalf of the Cove. Backdated to March 28th, near nightfall. Open to 1-2 others, please let @Jethro post first! thanks c:

Stella was tense and tired to her very bones, and nearly sagged to the earth when she scented the border at last. It was further northeast, further past the big lake than she'd expected, and the lowlands could be disorienting to the wolf born and raised in the mountains. The evening had drawn late into dusk. But she'd found it, found her way to the group who numbered old friends and strangers alike among them.

Stella hoped she wasn't coming at a bad time, the end of spring's days had left a twinge of feelings within the yearling girl but nothing more, nonetheless she had steered clear of others until the strange feeling subsided and the air was clear enough. She could only hope her visit would not be unwelcome, but it was her first time coming to call on another pack like this, and she did not bring particularly good news with her by any means.

She sat but held herself upright, refusing to give in to exhaustion just yet. A short call rang out, an announcement of her presence and request to be met at the borders, for she was far from home and would not intrude after coming this far to make a good impression. Not that she was off to a good start with this trip, she thought bitterly. A breath was exhaled in an attempt to relieve the tension in her spine as she waited, while the Vuesain shifted from one tired paw to the other.

She could handle the journey, but this was always the worst part, sitting still and waiting.
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
The sky was growing dark, and he’d been just about ready to settle in when the second call in as many days rang out near their borders. While he couldn’t quite place the voice, it was familiar, and that had Jet moving towards it faster than he might’ve done otherwise. Plus, at this time of the night, he didn’t really want to keep anyone waiting.

Quickly and quietly Jethro advanced, blending in well now with the shadows since the thaw had begun, and the snow had started to melt. He liked that about this place.

Jet let out a quick woof to announce his approach, while scent revealed the presence of the stranger before he saw them. Familiar, like the voice. And as he closed the rest of the distance, the wolf was one he recognized, despite the changes and maturation that’d taken place.

”Stella?” He inquired with a half smile and a friendly tail wave. He recalled her mostly as a pup, and even then only vaguely from his time at the cove. Back then he’d been an enigma - distant from most of the pack. Something he regretted now, in hindsight. Would she remember him?