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nymph, then a virgin, nurse, and a servant — The Pit 
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Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn
AW! Very early morning, a couple of hours before sunrise. Overcast, 39F/4C

I’m Back Between Villages

The yearling had finally built up enough courage to ascend the mountain, though she had not taken the familiar path that would lead her to the Cove. Instead she had made a more difficult trek further to the north, having to double back more than once when she followed a dead end. It would have been easier further to the south, but she didn’t want to risk running into one of the pack wolves. It had been a debate, but in the end fear of rejection had won out over the yearn for companionship.

It was still dark when she stumbled, almost literally, upon a pit that seemed to go on forever. A gasp was the only thing that broke the silence of the morning when amber eyes landed on the never ending hole before her. Thankfully she had seen it was more than enough time to avoid falling into it, but something about it called to her, it was intriguing in a way she couldn’t explain.

Creeping forward carefully, each pay placed with intention her breathing was even keeled. Standing on the edge close enough to see, but far enough she was sure she wouldn’t slip, Marrah looked down. Is this was forever looked like? It reminded her of that night with Chan, discussing how maybe the world went on endlessly even if they couldn’t see it. This just seemed to confirm that theory.

And Everything’s Still

Played by PuppyThief who has 180 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain
Rise and rise again until lambs become lions

Patrolling wasn’t enough, hunting down every single predator trail he came across wasn’t enough; Nothing could make up for his lapse. He might not have been directly in charge of the pups, but Leo still felt responsible – wasn’t that what being a guardian meant? He was supposed to protect the pack and he had failed. If he’d just been more vigilant, or more assertive when he first smelled the bear, maybe it could have all been avoided.

But instead, now a pup was dead, another missing, and their alliance broken, leaving Snaguine Cove on shaky ground to say the least. The cracks were already spreading, wolves leaving, others clearly distressed, and Leo himself was no exception, though he of course was much more focused on everyone else. He wanted desperately to help them all, but had no idea how, he was no shaman. So instead, he did the only thing he knew: he protected.

Determined never to let something like this happen again, the yearling had taken to wider patrols, making sure that no large predators were getting anywhere close to the territory. Another sleepless night had been spend doing just that, taking him up the winding paths of the mountainside, much further than he’d ever been before. Close to exhaustion and safe in the knowledge that no bears or cougars were lurking nearby, he was about ready to turn back, when he spotted someone up ahead.

Barely a shadow in the pre-dawn light, she could have been just a trick of his tired eyes. But he had to be sure, couldn’t possibly let anything slip by. And so he took a defensive stance, calling out tensely: “Wh-who goes there?”

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Back Between Villages

The Maceio-Tainn had been staring so intensely down this hole that for a moment she thought the voice had come from within it. She took a step back in fear, what could be down there talking to her? Then she realized that the scent of another was in the air and she turned to look over her shoulder. She had tried so hard to avoid the Cove wolves, and yet here one stood, his posture defensive.

Clearly the whole pack has been warned to keep her away, and Marrah couldn’t blame them for that. She recognized the boy from her visit with her Aunt, but couldn’t remember his name, only that he had been the one to warn them to stop slipping on the ice. Ears flattened against her skull and tail tucked up against her belly. The teen wanted it to be clear she didn’t mean any harm.

Hanging her head low Marrah called softly, ”Sorry, I’ll keep moving.” This was a really bad sign for what was going to greet her in the Chasm. If Aunt Woya had been so mad she told the Cove wolves to chase her off, chances of her being welcomed were incredibly slim. Amber eyes stayed trained on the other wolf’s paws as she moved to start walking away while also giving the hole a wide berth

And Everything’s Still

Played by PuppyThief who has 180 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain
Rise and rise again until lambs become lions

He did not consider himself particularly superstitious and yet, seeing a dark wolf all alone up here in the twilight did send a shiver down his spine. As he watched her demeanor change though, it became clear that she was indeed just a wolf, and a young one too, probably about his own age. With the wind and the light both against him, he couldn’t tell much more than that, certainly not enough to recognize her from so long ago.

What he could see was the change in her posture, a clearly fearful reaction to his words. Leo instantly felt bad, his own tail and ears slumping. Her words only made it worse and Leo visibly cringed, an apologetic whine escaping him; “No, no wait, I…” He stumbled on his words, rushing to apologize; “I didn’t mean to I…” He almost took a step forwards but then, thinking that might scare her more, stopped himself at the last moment, leaving him to teeter on the spot for a moment, out of balance, as he sputtered: “I just wanted to make sure…”

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Back Between Villages

The other boy seemed to be apologetic and that made Marrah feel bad. Maybe he personally didn’t hate her but was here to carry out orders and she was making his night a pain. She really hadn’t meant to make this much of a mess of her life, and everyone else’s at this point. Dark coloured ears remained pressed back against her head and the yearling smiled somewhat sadly towards the Cove teen.

Shaking her head as he flustered through an apology she responded, ”No, it’s okay. I know Aunt Woya probably told everyone what I did.” A low whine was threatening to come up from her throat, but she managed to keep mostly stable. Marrah risked a look upwards towards his face, and was at least reassured that he probably wasn’t going to attack her or shove her in the hole or something.

Still, she shrugged, ”I guess I should just go. I’m sorry.” She took a single step, and then hesitated. Chewing on her lip she couldn’t help but add, ”But, if you ever see her, can you just tell her that I’m sorry?” She didn’t think that she needed to explain who she was, since Leo had come here so defensively, he must know what a traitor she is.

And Everything’s Still