Vayko’s recover had been fairly efficient, though it had added a few new scars to the collection that had started the moment he had chosen to escort Vanadis to her family… a decision he would come to regret for the amount of blame he seemed to shoulder for her disappearance, as if he had not done everything in his power to find her and bring her home to his cousin. He was no monster. He did not revel in the pain and sorrow that his cousin experienced day after wretched day…
His cousin was the closest thing he had to a brother, to the deep bond of family… Sharlee as well though they had not interacted much if at all since he had returned. Another elephant he would need to address.
He was doing his due diligence, hunting to fill the caches as much as he could, ensure that Clover had as easy of a time as possible when it came to the children she carried, and so no one in the pack need to hungry. They were his family, apart from perhaps the slimy Halex, whom he found himself avoiding while he prepared his own revenge.