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Things can't get worse, can they? — Lost Lake 
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Played by Grae who has 106 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
Dark ears perked at the mention of his older half sister. Find her? Is that why he had never met her? She's missing too? It seemed as if they weren't looking for her. A thought or feeling tugged somewhere within him. He tucked it away for a later time, deciding to remain quiet. The swarthy stranger continued on to explain when the girl had disappeared, right when they returned home, wherever that was. The yearling had no idea of the tensions with the Backwater and how deep the bad blood now ran.

His offer to help was accepted by both the visitor and his mother and a wave of pride swelled within him. He can be helpful, he can contribute. Aquene assured him that they would continue to look for Ally and if they found her they would send a scout immediately to him. She also offered that if he needed anything that he could come to them, to her. If his mother was extending this level of hospitality then surely the stranger meant something to her. So that hospitality would live in him and extend from him as well.

Maty wouldn't say anything else as the adults wrapped up. He would simply dip his head in a respectful goodbye to the non cove shadow and wait for his mother's direction. Whether that was to begin searching or waiting until she spoke with his father. No matter when he was instructed to begin he would be on high alert until the pup was found and returned home safely.