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leave no trace and make no plans — Lost Lake 
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Played by Van who has 133 posts.
Sanguine Cove VIII. Subordinate
Noriaki Eastfall-Koizumi
@Eros - set a few hours after they leave to go find Leo
somewhere between SC and the bottom of the mountain

It had been a while since they'd left, and they were making good progress. Nori hardly even noticed the pain in her shoulder, she had so much else to focus on. It was going to be a long trip, and she'd most likely need to rest once they got there, but it wasn't a main priority right now.

And tell Eros I said he better take care of my kid. I know he'll do a great job.

She had to tell him, didn't she? It was on the tip of her tongue, and she might have blurted it out had she not been carrying a bundle of herbs in her mouth, forcibly shutting her up. And maybe it wasn't the right time, but would it ever be? Would she just end up messing the whole thing up again?

Nori waited until they had a moment to stop, to drink from a small creek and rest their paws. The scout that was with Eros had wandered a bit, looking for signs of danger, and Nori felt that heaviness again. It wasn't fair to keep this to herself, even if she was afraid it might make him angry with her. She could handle that, if she really needed to.

"Eros," she began, looking over at the man. "Is... it okay if I tell you something? From... Archer."

If he wasn't ready to hear it, that was fine. She could wait. But he deserved to know at some point.