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It was mine too — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

It seemed Aquene had finally stepped out of her funk, at least a little. Nash's ears swept back briefly at her irritation, but he chose not to push it. Whether or not she was truly ready was for her to decide, not him, and he didn't want to antagonize her further. He was just happy she appeared to be feeling better. He kissed her cheek in appeasement, hoping to return them to a more easy conversation while they watched their youngest play.

He was relieved she agreed with him on Magg's punishment lifting. It would make things simpler, not to push her below the yearlings. They would all work together to care for their trio of young ones, and they needed all paws on deck to run the pack. Unfortunately there will still politics to consider.

"I would like Leo to be our primary second," he said; of this he was firm and would do what he needed to in order to convince Aquene. Had she declined to lead with him, his adopted son would have been his next ask. "I was thinking Matos as the other, unless you'd like someone else?" They didn't need two seconds of course, but it would be good to have them.

Played by Flywolf who has 11 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Jessamy Eastfall-Slayer
<p>Sam continued following the bee, which seemed completely oblivious to its shadow. She stalked along behind it until it left the small meadow and here she halted, glancing once again at her parents. They still watched her, and she thought if she disappeared from sight it might prompt them to end her play. She debated internally for a moment before turning around to find something else in the meadow to occupy herself with.</p>

<p>It didn't take long to find a spider spinning a complex web and Sam dropped down in the flowers, watching intently as it worked. How did spiders do that? Could she learn to weave something so pretty? She wanted to be able to make nice things. Maybe she could learn and gift it to mother! Mother might like something made out of the flowers. Perhaps after they stopped their travel. That would be even <i>better</i>, a special present for a special time! If that time ever came... </p>