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Mariposas — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan's eyes squeezed shut tight, butterflies attempting to take flight within his chest, but delayed by disbelief. Could they really be so lucky? More contractions caused her body to tense, and his anxieties spiked again. Was the other shoe about to drop? He moved around her fluidly, arching while settling his jaw along the earthen floor, staying out of Flair's way however she might need to shift or twist, while beholding the child who was here. All he could manage to spy were her hind legs and stubby behind, but it was enough to be consistently reassured that she was still breathing, still well, still real.

A familiar twist of Flair's form and his ears and skull both shot up, taking in his second newborn's vocalizing many moments before being able to see him. Darker yet, unmarred, perfect. He could hear the love in her voice, untainted by fear, and his heart finally lifted once again. Tawny tail beat the earth, and a low whine of relief and adoration both leaked out of his lungs.

Chan moved again, ever careful of minimizing the impact this might have on Flair, until the children were between them both. He wanted to hug and cradle them, but they were so tiny, and so determined to be latched to their mother. Rather than disturb them, he admired them instead, running his nose across their backs and soaking in this new reality.

"They're perfect."

A boy and a girl, just like Auburn and Marigold. There was a pang of pain as well as deep appreciation.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila
I just wanna be by your side

A blissful quiet settled in the den, broken only by the light murmurs of the suckling pup. Both parents simply stared, awestruck at their creation. Flair still couldn’t entirely believe it was true, that they were here, alive and healthy, with no complications at all.

She could have kept watching them forever, but Chan’s voice briefly drew her attention, and she glanced over, flashing a bright, loving smile; Perfect… They truly were, everything they could have hoped for. “They look like my parents,” she whispered, intending it as a light-hearted comment, but to her surprise, she felt her throat tighten. Suddenly, in the middle of her happiness, she was struck by the knowledge that her children would never know their grandparents – the father she had lost as a child, and the mother she had left up north, certainly dead too by now – and the two of them would never see all she had achieved.

She’d spend so long running away, building her own family to replace the one that she was convinced could never accept her. But now, she found herself wishing she hadn’t burned those bridges quite so thoroughly; Not that it matters… She quietly wiped her tears on one leg, focusing her attention back on the little ones and their father – her parents were gone, but this family was all she could ever wish for.

Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan smiled at the words, but when he lifted his eyes to regard Flair's face, it was easy to see what direction the connection had taken her thoughts. He couldn't help but be led down the same path, realizing in the same moment that his own parents would never be a part of this. In a way, it was what he had always secretly yearned for; life without any ties except those he explicitly chose. It tasted bitter now, as the rational part of him had always known it would.

He looked to their newborns, and found it inexplicably easy to push these thoughts away as he watched them simply exist. His face sunnied again, storm clouds evaporating. They were the light at the end of the tunnel. The only thing left grounding him in this world apart from Marigold. His final chance to not fuck up.

He leaned forward to snuffle at the ruddy one's tiny little shoulders. She mewled passively, hardly bothered. Chan couldn't help a grin, nudging Flair's flank next with his nose in a did ya see that? kind of way, hoping focusing on them could brighten her mind as well.

"They need names," something he hadn't really let himself think about, because that had meant betting on their survival. While they hadn't talked about it, Chan had named their triplets. He didn't mind Flair taking the lead with their twins.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila
In the moment we're ten feet tall

Their beauty was mesmerizing, each tiny whine or small wiggle sending waves of bliss through her as she just watched, feeling her melancholia wash away. They were the future, carrying everything she was, everything her parents had been! The gentle smile returned to her face, a peaceful expression exaggerated by mirth at Chan’s nudge.

Unlike their parents, these pups had known no hardships, they’d come into this world swathed in serenity, and Flair would make sure they stayed that way for as long as possible. She knew their life could not be this tranquil forever, eventually reality would come crashing down, as it always did, but for now everything was perfect.

Meeting her partner’s eyes, Flair’s brows rose at the word; Names...? The thought hadn’t even occurred to her, she hadn’t allowed it after last year… How do you even come up with those...? She looked back down at the children, still suckling quietly, still smiling even as her brows furrowed in thought. She returned to that idea from before, how they reminded her so of her parents, but this time the idea was soothing. Tilting her head a little, she looked at the boy’s dark pelt, letting out a small sigh. “Mica… Micaden,” she said quietly, trying out the sounds before nodding a little to herself; “After my Da.” She looked back to Chan for his reaction, wanting to make sure he agreed with the choice. It felt right to her, and that determination would be clear on her face, but these were their pups, and he had just as much say.