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Just outside the borders — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Nightshade who has 11 posts.
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Ari Starshifter (Air-ee)
Ari laid there, in a small cave in Cedarwood Forest. She was afraid, scared even, remembering the wolfs smell, thirst for blood. Maybe she wasn't ready for the vengeance that took over her after she had recovered. She was mentally distraught when she remembered the events. She thirsted for the justice of Shade. For the scar to be given to the wolf who had down the same. She could feel the scar on her back. If didn't hurt, it just felt weird. Unnatural, it made her go into another flash back. She had lunged at Shade, he swiped at her throat and nearly hit it. He then managed to get her to the ground, immobilizing her and leaving the scar after digging into her back and dragging his claws down it. She laid there, unable to get up as he fled. The big coward.

She was haunted day and night. She left the cave for food. Food, water, sleep, survival, shelter. Those were the only things she knew. She remembered back to her days as a pup. In Waterfall Cove pack. Off the site. Not in Relic Lore. She wanted a pack, thirsted for one. She wanted to taste deer again, not just rabbits. She carefully crouched down after scenting a rabbit. She lunged gracefully and killed it, allowing her to survive. The eat. She headed to where she was just outside her cave, her safe haven, her life. She ate the rabbit quickly and cleaned her muzzle and paws. She laid back down outside, hoping no one would ever attack her again.
~I'm not Kryptonite~
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">The trek from Willow Ridge and Copper Rock Creek was a long one, and it was exhausting for someone who didn’t have a proper leg. One leg had been shattered in an attack, but she had worked it enough to the point where there was no limp but only the slight sharp sting where her bones would grind together when she walked. Scars now covered her glorious golden brown pelt and one of her sparkling emerald eyes was slammed shut with an ugly pink scar covering her eye. So far, in the lands, many of the wolves had been kind to her when they had encountered her, and she had been highly appreciative. But now. . .she was once again making her way back to her homelands. . .and right now she was making her way through the Cedarwood Forest but something caught her attention immediately.

The scent of fear and blood was clear in the air, and Nina’s head turned in every direction, her nose trying to distinguish what could be wrong. Someone had either been hurt or worse. . .killed and she was going to be the one to find out if the loner was alright. The stench didn’t remind her of any of the packs. . .and it was clearly female. Her nose tracked the scent while her heart beat rapidly in her own chest. What is something bad had happened to another? Her own fear mixed in with the other scent and she soon came upon a cave with a wolf lying in the middle. Her own head tilted slightly at the sight before her. There were rabbit bones laying next to the same she-wolf, and Nina suddenly just felt stupid. . .but she did have to ask anyways. "Excuse me, miss? Are you alright?"

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Nightshade who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ari Starshifter (Air-ee)
Ari's attention suddenly turned from the worries of Shade and his sister to a wolf. Smelled of pack, perhaps Grizzly Hollow? No, she'd been around the land and new the smell of a pack, she hadn't been around the packs for to long, so she couldn't recognize whichever pack scent it was. The wolf was a fae. Scars covered her pelt, one scar covered her eye. <i>Did Shade get to her too?</i> She wondered, fear glintered in her eyes. When the fae spoke, she her voice was filed with concerned and kindness. Ari responded, "I am fine in spirit and body." She said, leaving out peace of mind. She wouldn't lie to the wolf, she sat up, her scar that ripped through her light brown and gray pelt. "I'm not so sure about my mind. It's been jumbled since I was attacked." She said. "What about you, are YOU okay?" She saw the scar covered wolf and felt bad for her. Did Shade maul her too?

Ari looked at the fae, so concerned over her, "Are you of a pack? You smell of a pack." Then she realized that she had forgotten her manners."Forgive my manners, Hello, I'm Ari Sharshifter." She looked to the scars on her back, sniffing the air for more wolves. “If you are of a pack, where is the rest of your pack?” Her eyes changed from fear to curiosity, fear, and more curiosity. <i>Perhaps she is of a different pack. My scents are jumbled too. Why is this wolf so concerned with a young, lone wolf like me?</i> All Ari knew, is she could trust this wolf. She seemed a lot like Ari herself.
(This post was last modified: Jul 19, 2012, 03:48 PM by Ari.)
~I'm not Kryptonite~
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">When the new yearling turned around she was surprised by the reaction. She was not jumped like she had been expected to be greeted with, but she was indeed offered a small hello. . .with many more words behind it. Her head tilted at the young female’s answer to her own answer and question. So she had been attacked to? She doubted it was from her brother though. . .he was with his mate now, and living peacefully away from her. They were siblings. . .even if they weren’t full siblings. It seemed as though this female was taking her own silence into account and asking as many questions as she could possibly ask. With her own curiosity in place she listened politely, her ears twitching at each word.

When it seemed as if the talkative female was finished with her long speech, it was Nina’s turn to finally speak. She cleared her throat softly, and spoke softly, her voice as low as a whisper. "I am Nina Reinier, and I am quite alright. Copper Rock Creek up north is my home. I came to visit an old friend of mine." She answered the curious wolf with a small smile on her face. It was polite, and it made her beauty once again shine. It was one of the best things about Nina. Even though her pride was ruined her personality only strengthened. She couldn’t see the female in front of her well enough though, for she was covered in the shade of the trees and cave.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Nightshade who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ari Starshifter (Air-ee)
Ari listened carefully, "Hello Nina." She said, she realized she was hidden in the shade, she stepped out, her back scarred. "W-were you attacked by him to?" She asked, her voice low, Shade could be anywhere, it was a scared existence, she was afraid. Her fear showing in her eyes and her pelt shaking in fear. She hated it, she wanted vengeance, but she didn't want to hurt him. It would hurt Shadowstorm, she was a nice wolf. But the sister of a pup mauler. "D-did Shade maul you to?" She looked to both sides, her eyes scanning for Shade. <i>If it was Shade, then that means he's here, in Relic Lore.</i> There was a <span class='word'>nary</span> this she could do about it too.

<i>If Shade tracked Shadowstorm here, then it was her fault.</i> "D-did you meet a wolf named Shadowstorm? Was she with S-shade?" She felt like her fear was contagious. Was it her fault that Nina was mauled? If it was Shade, what if he tracked her here to kill Ari and found Nina and attacked her. Ari couldn't bear the thought, she thought she saw relief in Nina's eyes. Was it because I wasn't Shade? Or I wasn't her attacker? Why was she relieved? Perhaps Ari was just reading her eyes wrong. Whatever the emotion it was, it was some sort of relief, she felt it. But feelings had been wrong before, she was wrong about Shade, about trusting him. She knew she could trust Nina though. They had one similar fact. They've both been attacked.
~I'm not Kryptonite~
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Her eyes clouded over in confusion at the words. . .they made no sense. She was sure Ash hadn’t attacked any other wolves in her time at Relic Lore. . .or anywhere else. His heart had been set on killing her. . .otherwise, Ash was a sweet boy. She tilted her head at the names that she was given, for she was quite familiar with the both of them. Shadowstorm had joined their ranks when she had healed her leg and she had recently met Shade when he had begun joining Willow Ridge a few sunrises ago. As if he had or not was a mystery to her, but if Shade was a dangerous wolf she would have to go back to warn her love. Meanwhile, she fixated her eyes on the wolf in front of her. A long scar went down the length of her back and anger sparked within Nina once more. She had no clue as to why wolves so young had to be mistreated so. She didn’t know what the world was coming to.

Her head shook as a negative towards the same girl, "No. I was attacked by my brother, Ash. . .as for Shadowstorm. . .she is safe in my pack. . .and Shade south of here. . .just a heads up for future reference. Is he dangerous?" Her eyes narrowed at the small wolf. If her mate was in danger she would surely be angry if something were to happen to the pack. Nina had been greatly impressed with Elettra’s pack from what she had seen so far. . .and it honestly wasn’t much, but it did remind her of the time when Koda and her had made the journey back to her pack after the attack. . .and that brought back some bittersweet memories.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Nightshade who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ari Starshifter (Air-ee)
(Namara told me Shadowstorm talked about how packs weren't noble when she first met Nina and Sloane and Kashi in CRC Territory, so I'm encorperating knowledge)

Hearing that Shade was in Relic Lore made her panic. "S-Shadowstorm's nice, not dangerous, as s-soon as I found out, S-shade was h-er brother, I ran away from her. S-she doesn't even k-know h-he's alive. B-but Shade attacked me when I was a year o-old. I met him before I c-came here. H-He's here in R-relic Lore?" She asked, afraid, she shrunk down in fear. Her pelt shaking. "H-he may have c-changed. B-but when I met him, h-he got upset when I started t-t-talking about p-packs. He was nice at first, a-aparently h-he d-didn't like or w-want to t-ta-talk a-about packs." She kept stuttering out of fear. "W-who's Ash? Should I keep a l-look out for him too?" She asked. <i>Two wolfs whom mauled wolves? Maybe I should leave Relic Lore. No, this is my home! But it's only been my home for a short while.</i>

“I-if you t-talk a-about p-packs then he can be d-dangerous, b-but other t-then that, he's nice, and p-pleaseant to be around. Why d-do you ask, i-if he's south of here, why worry?” She stunk of fear, she needed to head farther north. Away from the monster, away from the haunting memories, the pain. “H-he still h-haunts me, I-I can't stop t-the nightmares f-from coming to me at night. I-if he's anywhere near packs, h-he could be dangerous... b-but unless I know if h-he's changed h-his ways, th-then I c-can't be sure i-if he's dangerous.” She was wondering why she was worrying so much. She was curious.
~I'm not Kryptonite~
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">The news she was receiving from this yearling was not musical to her ears. Shade might have been accepted into her mate’s pack. . .and that was not a good thing, unless he had changed. He had been the one looking to join a pack, not another trying to destroy a pack. . .unless he had to get inside to do it, then the task might be easier. Nina’s heartbeat was soon speeding in panic. . .what if something bad happened to Koda? Knowing she couldn’t start to freak out at the moment she calmly fixated her eye on Ari. Her voice rang clear throughout the small forest.

"Ash is not to be feared. He is fine. I need to worry about family. . .not myself so much as my family." Family was everything to Nina. . .she would protect them with her life and wouldn’t hurt them to the best of her ability. She was torn though. She had her pack as her family but he mate lived farther away from her. It broke her heart to hear that they wouldn’t be able to be next to each other all the time.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.