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The Salamander Man — Lost Lake 
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Sure :)

The pale man's eyes followed Treena as she began to sniff intently at the ground. Between her sniffs she would speak, and he would listen. His lips puckered in thought before he began to pad forward toward her. It seemed she wished to walk- perhaps patrol? On such a duty they could bond more. It was a perfect opportunity, indeed.

As he arrived by her side, he lowered his head. Nostrils widened as he sniffed a moss covered stone; brain analyzed the scents. Old scent of wolf. It was foreign. With a loud grunt, he brought his head back up before beginning to pad forth. His tail flicked lazily before he spoke "These River wolves... had Poison Path had an issue with them since their formation?" If he was to be leader, he needed to know everything. With ears flicking, Tlarx awaited the woman's reply.

The thought of becoming a leader excited him. It was a lot of responsibility, and he was ready for such to rest upon his shoulders. He would listen intently to the words of his pack members, and be sure to settle any upsets that would arise. It seemed that there was a problem with Swift River...but what was it? He would not send his wolves to war...no, that was stupid. They needed to grow more, and train. Although most wolves from the lands below would not be able to easily handle the rocky terrain, they would have to prepare themselves for battle elsewhere. Fights would not always take place here. They would have to be ready.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
The female felt strange. She was comfortable around Tlarx, extremely comfortable. She let her guard down and focused on the world around, not hesitating to turn her back on him when need be. Her claws dug chunks out of the dirt, leaving the soft ground suddenly uneven. It wasn’t something she did on purpose, it was her natural walking. The chirping birds in the distance were just as calming, and she realized how nice of a day it really was. The sun was so bright, the sky a baby blue, soft fluffy clouds floating happily overhead. Treena had not been in the pack forever. She had only heard of the history, never really endured the drama herself. Still, she was pretty familiar with it, confident to get a re-telling right. This border patrol was pretty boring, the same scents repeated over and over again. It meant the pack was safe though, so she kept moving and hoped for the same outcome.

There was a pause between the question and response. It wasn’t a hesitation. She had no need to prolong the moment. It was her thoughts which took over, crowding her mind and fighting. Her body kept all her inner troubles hidden. She did not tense, or look suddenly fearful. Treena managed to tilt her head slightly and give a light smirk, which lit up her entire face magically. <b>“Hadn’t you heard yet?”</b>

He hadn’t been here for long, but she was sure Ava or Athena had gotten to him first. It was a rhetorical question, a whispered mumble, slightly humorous. <b>“Rhysis and Naira, along with Ava and Athena were all members of Swift River. They left that pack to create this one. They gave no warning. They just stood up and left.”</b>

Her eyes grew wider and she nose of the ground again to look confusingly at Tlarx. “Guess this entire situation is karma.” Although her tone was joking, something in her eyes admitted she was hurt. Not hurt that Rhysis and Naira were not dominant anymore, she was quite excited for Tlarx and Athena to rule, but that they had left the pack, and their own children. <b>“I wonder what they were thinking.”</b>
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
His eyes rose to the bright blue sky as Treena began to speak. They padded along steadily, old scents hitting their nostrils. Nothing new. Good. No news is good news, especially with the pups being born. They were soon to emerge from the den and explore the world about them, so necessary protection would be enforced. He watched as a small wispy cloud wandered on by. The clouds were so much closer up in the mountains rather than down below in the Lore. It felt as he could leap upwards and land upon the clouds... no trees to stymie him.

Bringing his eyes back down, he looked to Treena. "I had heard some, but not that they just left Swift River with no goodbyes." He shrugged his shoulders, a small sigh forcing itself from his dark nose. It did not bother him whatsoever. Athena was his mate, and he would not leave her no matter what happened. He was her guardian. He wish he could have met these wolves named Rhysis and Naira, but it was obvious that the chances of such occurring were very low.

As they continued, Tlarx's large paws suddenly forced his body to a halt. He craned his head downward, brows furrowing as he breathed in deeply. The fur upon the back of his neck immediately rose. With a toothy growl, he shook his head. "Cougar. Not that old. Hopefully wandered away from here..." He quickly looked around, sniffing at the air as he did so.

"I met Athena through a cougar, actually." The growl softened as he suddenly smiled sheepishly. "Saved her life." His chest puffed out a bit as he spoke of his heroic actions, but not so much as to appear to be bragging. He stepped forward cautiously now, on high alert if the cougar was lurking somewhere near.