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Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
<blockquote><b>"Don't you think it's, just... beautiful?"</b>

Ever since she had first been convinced to step out onto the edge, Belladonna had been in love. Her affair with their territory had not been private, nor hidden, but she had never felt embarrassed about it. Always careful to stay close to home - why would she want to go anywhere else, anyway? - the young girl had never really met anyone from outside the pack who had not ended up joining them. The only wolves her own age that she knew was Datura and Adonis, the black boy that the nice lady had brought with her.

She was a nice lady... but a bit strange.

Fearless, the six-month old sat as close to the edge as she dared, the wind ruffling her fur just to tease her. She knew that she wasn't in danger so long as she wasn't stupid and push it too far. If she fell, after all, it would be her own fault - and oh, what a glorious way to go, with nothing around you but the rush of air...

Smiling broadly, innocently, she turned back to Naira, her tail wagging once in her merry abandonment. There was just... there was just <i>nothing better</i>, nothing in the whole world. She had never really found anyone who understood. Maybe the nice lady... after all, there was something so familiar about her - something that Bella knew she knew, but just couldn't quite reach.

Maybe that's why she had asked Naira to come out here with her today, to share her joy. There was nothing that could hold you back when you were up here.</blockquote>
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn

The surprise, and joy she had felt when Belladonna had asked her to accompany her to the heights was indescribable. She felt as if her feet had wings as she walked along with the young girl, unable to take her eyes off her. Yes, the resemblance was undeniable, but she could see hints of the girls father in there too. Her slightly darker coat, her long legs, even the shape of her ears and tail screamed of Rhysis to the tawny woman... but she doubted anyone else would see it.

She stood back a moment as her daughter approached the edge, staying far enough back that she wouldn't fall, not yet silly enough to push the limits of the mountain. For that she was grateful. Bella's voice was like tinkling chimes as she tried to find the right word to describe the view, but in her current peaceful state even beautiful didn't come close, especially not with her daughter standing centre frame, beaming back at her.

She returned the look with a proud smile of her own, cautiously picking her way to sit beside the girl, as close as she had been since the night she was torn away from them. The sadness threatened to creep up on her then, but she forced it back down. This was not a time to be sad. "It is so much more than beautiful. It is perfect." she responded quietly, eyes roving over the lands below. One day, she would take her girl down the mountain to teach her about all sorts of plants, and animals, but for now, the mountain was the perfect place to start.

As the wind danced around them she took a moment to close her eyes and enjoy the simple caress. "You feel it too, don't you?" She spoke softly, warm eyes falling to the young girl at her side. Her toes shifted, gathering what dirt and lichen had made their home on the rock beneath her paws, she listened past her own thundering heart and she breathed deeply. It would snow, so very soon. What a wonderful surprise she would have when it finally happened...

She couldn't shake the feeling it was going to be a hard winter.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
<blockquote>They agreed with her, usually, but she could tell it was a patient agreement - not something they truly felt. She had posed the question to anyone who happened to be sharing a view with her, but had learnt not to expect too much back. It made conversation easy, though. Being so easily excited made it hard for Bella to run out of topics.

When Naira smiled back at her, Bella's heart thumped harder, because maybe, <i>just maybe</i>... Bella looked away again as Naira moved to sit next to her, and so she missed the dampening of those bright eyes, the soft sadness there. Perhaps it was for the best, or maybe it would have brought the questions forward quicker. Her vision already full of her amour, Naira's words were like honey, and Bella thrust her chin up, her eyes closed and ears held high to just enjoy the sensation of being there, so high and so free, with such amiable company by her side. Yes, it was perfect, there was no better word.

<i>You feel it too, don't you?</i>

The magic hit her full in the heart.

She turned to stare at Naira, jaw falling open slightly. It could be such an innocent comment... but nobody... they... <i>she</i>...

<b><i>"You feel it?"</i></b></blockquote>
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

Her question, and slack jawed wonder bought a small knowing smile to the mother's face and she felt deep satisfaction in the small nod she offered the girl, unable to resist the desire to shift a little closer until their coats just began to mingle. The universe seemed to shift to close the gap. Where a gaping space had been between them, now the wind adjusted its course to move around. Suddenly, all was right in the world. There was so much she wanted to share with the little one at her side, but to do so would tear her world apart, and she couldn't bare to see the young girl suffer. "My mother could too." she said quietly, unable to tear her eyes from Belladonna's  own. It was like staring at her reflection in the lake.

They were still so full of wonder, quiet innocence and questions. The way a child's should be at this age, miles away from the early maturity and worry that were constantly reflected in Adonis's. She had failed to bring him out of his shell, and she still held a silent hope that his siblings would succeed where she had failed him. "Can I ask a big favour?" she asked with a conspiratorial whisper and a hint of mischief in her eyes in the hopes of making it almost a game. "Can you try and show Adonis what it's like?" she paused for a moment. She doubted her son would ever see the wonder in nature that his sister did, but she kept the smile painted to her face. "Can you try and show him how to have fun?"

(This post was last modified: Nov 17, 2012, 10:31 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
<blockquote>Naira shifted closer ever so slightly, and despite the fact that she was more of a stranger to Bella than most of the other members of the pack, Bella welcomed the proximity. She felt safe with Naira, like they belonged together. Maybe it was just because they both listened to the world.

<i>My mother could too,</i> she said, and Bella was too caught up in the magic to analyse it, otherwise she may have questioned the implication, the hint. A part of her wouldn't have been able to handle it. She loved Athena with all her heart, but this, this...

Naira saved her then, dropping her voice with obvious mischief and asking for a favour. Delighted to help, Bella merely nodded an enthusiastic 'yes'. When she mentioned Adonis, however, the spark faded just a little from her eyes, and she broke her head away, turning to gaze out at the view she loved. She wanted to show everybody, wanted to share the joy she found in something so simple as a beautiful horizon. Adonis was no different, in that respect; it wasn't that she disliked him, or thought he didn't deserve that joy. If anything, it was the other way around. <b>"I'll try,"</b> she promised. <b>"Adonis, he... he avoids me, I don't want to... are you sure he wouldn't mind?"</b> It seemed a silly thing to ask, but she didn't want to bother him. He was Naira's son, though, she would know best what he needed - and, certainly, <i>fun</i> was something everyone needed. She didn't see much of him, but Adonis did look like the serious type. He never wanted to play with her, or have much to do with her at all. Perhaps if Naira could feel it, and her mother, then maybe Adonis could too, and he only needed a little encouragement. Bella could do encouragement.</blockquote>
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/NairaBabel.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #36424a;">

She was sure that there was nothing Adonis would like more than to spend time with his sister and it was a gentle smile that touched her lips in reassurance. "I'm sure he won't mind at all. He's gotten so used to being alone, he really needs to be around wolves his own age again." She explained gently, leaving the mention of others open, should the girl wish to ask it. She was not about to lie to the child, but her promise that she wouldn't come straight out and declare that she was their mother burned her skin like a hot brand. How long would they have to wait?

Perhaps the girl would ask her of plants, or other ways to read the weather. Perhaps they would simply remain to enjoy the view. Either way she was in no rush to hurry such a rare moment of peace with her daughter. Oh how she longed to simply let it all out, to explain everything. Everything that had happened since the storm in the night had torn their young family apart... But apparently, it was no longer her place.

It was no longer her place to teach and train her children, a fact that still clawed at her gut. While it was fine for some to allowed to roam wild and free it was not the way she had been raised, and not what she had wanted for her children. But how were they to know? There had never been a discussion around what to do in the event of her death or disappearance, no 'Will and Testament' as it were.

Dragging herself from her dark thoughts, she focused on the here and now, she needed to focus on making every second with her children count.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]