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no more than halfway real — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
Let hopes pass, Let dreams pass...Let them die!
Without you, what are they for?
I'll always feel no more than halfway real!
January 25th; Just before daybreak; Freezing fog; 6° F

Much like a colossal guardian guarding a mystical treasure, Fenru Tainn prowled along the borders of Swift River, following the icy stream around his mother's territory in a wide arc. Every step that brought him through the Grove made the icy mist swirl around his paws then give him a wide berth as he pressed onward along the familiar path. Usually he would have marched along his routinely beat, stopping by his landmarks in a timely fashion; but since he had returned, practically empty-handed, from the heights of Mount Dire, he had longed for something he just couldn't pin his paws on. He found he could not let himself rest, to let his mind fall prey to the maddening silence around him. Aside from his casual duties as his family's keeper, Fenru found that Aiyana barely needed his supervision anymore; and the journey with Ice and Jessie had caused him to drift away from not only them but the rest of the pack - something he had not anticipated and thoroughly anguished over. Pausing along the frozen river bank, he stared at the thin coat of ice that covered the shallows.

Where his reflection should have been, a sheet of frost that held the blurred and distorted silhouette of his head greeted him instead. He sighed, wondering for a moment what he would have done if he could have seen himself. What would he have countered? Or, who would he have come face-to-face with? The fact that he still barely knew who he was made whatever anger and sorrow bubble upward from the depths of his chest. It only took the memory of their faces - Prosper, Rihael, Torrel, Rissa - to calm him down some, but what emptiness and uncertainty had been there seconds before gave way to misery. For the yearling, it seemed as if things were just as they had been a year ago when he was not sure about fitting into the adult ranks... when Indru had abandoned him, when his very first friend had died, when his brothers had disappeared.

Through the gloom and lingered darkness of the hours before the dawn, it occurred to the young Tainn that he had not properly grieved over the loss of his baby sister, let alone the loss of half of his immediate family. He forced himself to sit, his large frame folding as his neck craned downward to face the glassy surface of the river. A few deep breaths later, his ears perked up and he glanced up toward the treetops, suddenly concerned. There was a quality to the silence that had enveloped him that made all the hair along his spine stand up. The birds that should have been chirping happily amongst themselves as they foraged for food were absent from their perches. Fiery orange eyes quickly scanned the forest's edge, raking across the hushed murmuring of the River to find that he had let his guard down at a very inconvenient spot. Everywhere around him fog was closing in.

He blinked, hastily steeling himself against the fear that had taken root within him. "Hello?" the word fell from his tongue like a stone sinking into the sea. One glance over his shoulder and his tail warily lifted from its place at his heels. Another word warped his mouth but the name was barely more than an audible whisper, "Mum..."

fenru tainn
template base by GINNYSAURUS

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Mel who has 1 posts.
Ixchel Yx
Ixchel had been lurking in The Woodlands for the past few days now, contemplating and inspecting the activities of a nearby pack, wondering if with the time of plenty close at paw that they might be inclined to let a new member into their fold. It was what fueled her forward in the mist, crouched low and focused on twin white ears peeking above the cover of snow.

It was a young rabbit, still in his handsome winter coat but to a trained hunter easy to spot against the stark contrast of the woodlands bark. Low to the ground Ixchel concealed herself in the mist as well, but to her advantage downwind and with such focus in her bright amber eyes that a pressure began to form at the base of her skull, inching slowly forward and pausing at each flick of her preys ear, the loud chirping of the morning heralds covering her crunching tracks. Suddenly the bucks head shot up from the mist and as if a fire had been lit on Ixchel's heels she shot forward in chase. The rabbit swerved betwixt the trees, but the predator knew this prey's game and shot a quick, straight path towards its beating heart.

Desperate squeaks, dampened by the trees and snow, erupted as Ixchel caught hold of its leg and without a wasted moment snapped its neck in a wash of blood betwixt her jaws. Her offering was made ready and the silence of the wood marked the death of a comrade.

Death's lady loped towards the woodlands border, prize clutched close to her chest as the treeline finally broke near a rivers edge and that is where the woman stopped short as a possible contender came into view through the silence, looking behind him across his shoulder. With a flare of her nostrils she noted him as part of the nearby pack and she worked quickly to try and calm the rapid rising and falling of her chest that accompanied her breath, ears twitching towards the large males murmurings, waiting for him to take notice.
(This post was last modified: Feb 03, 2013, 09:25 PM by Ixchel.)
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali was just starting a round of pre-dawn border patrols as she'd been unable to get back to sleep after waking from a disturbing dream. There had been little going on since Indru's disappearance, perhaps in some cosmic atonement to the pack for his betrayal. They needed time to heal, but it seemed that the wounds remained raw yet and Cali didn't know what to do to make it better. It was harder for Corinna and her children, also for Marsh and Ice. Even Jessie seemed to be taking it extremely hard, drawing away into herself. For the most part, Cali moved on as normal, doing her best to give support where she could. But whenever she let herself slip and think about Indru and his ultimate betrayal, her heart twisted with pain and anger. She was a gentle wolf and the intense feelings of rage that would course through her, sometimes felt as if they would burn her from the inside out.

Trying to dispel her dark thoughts, the white fae moved quietly through the shadowy Grove, keen senses alert for anything amiss. She soon came upon the trail of young Fenru and wondered what he was up to so early on this freezing morning. She saw the young Tainn from time to time, but they'd had little opportunity to get to know one another. Right now seemed as good a time as any so she altered her course slightly, trailing the large young male through the closing fog. Despite the subfreezing temperatures, Cali was at home in the extreme cold, her pristine arctic pelt perfectly suited for the challenges of winter. Eventually, her sense of smell led her to the young man, despite the hindrance of the strange fog. He looked tense and wary, perhaps a bit afraid?

Knowing that he wouldn't want her to see him look weak, as he was a strapping young male now, she cleared her throat and called out, "Fenru? Where are you?" just as another lighter bank of fog rolled between them. After giving him a moment to realize that he was no longer alone, Cali took another couple of cautious steps forward to stand a few feet away from him by the water's edge. "There you are!" she laughed softly with a small smile for the yearling. He was on the brink of adulthood and she admired his sturdy form as a proud mother might. He was growing into a fine young man, but he had been through so much in his short life. How might all of that affect him? She honestly didn't know. All that she did know was that he needed to know that she was here for a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen if he chose to share his feelings. She wished simply to be his friend if he would let her.

As she stepped forward, she glanced down at the river. It flowed still in the middle, but was frozen on the shoreline out to varying degrees. Suddenly something, she couldn't place what, caught her attention on the far shore. Instantly, her hackles raised and her snowy head and tail rose high and proud. She took a small step forward, her own smaller form guarding that of Fenru from the unseen danger. A low growl emitted from her throat as she scanned the other shoreline for danger. Her pack instinct, along with her dormant maternal instinct were on high alert. Fenru was hardly a pup and could surely hold his own, but this was her job, her reason for living... to protect the pack and this dratted fog was not helping!

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
Let hopes pass, Let dreams pass...Let them die!
Without you, what are they for?
I'll always feel no more than halfway real!
Twitchy ears rotated and swiveled atop his skull, his eardrums straining to pick up any sort of muffled sound from within the depths of the mist. A shaky breath escaped his mouth, lifting in a puff of moisture that easily merged with the air. Perhaps his grief would have to wait. He stood up, barely even noticing the arrival of the stranger until he did a double-take. Upon first glance he might have made himself believe that he had summoned the presence of one of his absent siblings. His eyes widened and his hefty frame tensed.

There, alongside the trees of Sacred Grove, was his answer to why the birds had stopped singing. The scent of blood, carried by this newcomer's prize and meal, had scared them off...

Fenru turned to fully face her, squinting now as he sized her up, keeping the distance between them. Who is that? he questioned himself in his head. Breathe. He inhaled deeply, readily seizing the information her scent brought to him. Female. Rogue. Curious? Cautious? ...Threat? The youth held his tongue, his lips sealed tightly until he decided to address her, to let her know that he was very aware that she observing him. He opened his mouth when his name was shouted out to him from a few meters away, "Fenru? Where are you?"

"Uhhhh," the sound that left his throat was unflattering, emphasizing how startled he had been until she had shown up. He whirled around to catch sight of Cali and soak up all the comfort her genial greeting of "There you are!" had given him. His tail wriggled just enough to relay that he was glad she had found him. He watched the expression on her face, reading the exact moments when she connected with him, realized that something was off, and noticed the lone woman. In the blink of an eye she reacted. Her fur bristled this way and that in all directions and a low growl was thrown out as a warning.

The white woman's display had taken him by surprise and instantaneously his ears folded back and he drew away from her. While it was nice to know that his mother's guards still had his back, despite the fact that he was nearly on the brink of adulthood. His gaze then went back to the stranger, a brow lifting as he tilted his head. Apparently, or so it seemed, she wanted something... Something more than the token she carried. Recovering himself he stepped around Cali, his interest piquing the longer he stared at the russet-tinted female.

She wasn't trespassing nor was he in danger. As Fenru saw it, Cali was just wasting her energy. He turned to face her, the tip of his nose touching her ivory chin just briefly in hopes of calming her down a bit. Turning back to the auburn lady, he edged forward, every bit of his body language presenting him on neutral ground. His ears had perked back up and his tail held still as if to express that he was expecting more from her. Swallowing, he gave her half a smile. "Hello there," he acknowledged her. "Can we... help you?" His heart thumped in his chest as he discarded his previous emotions, allowing the drilled Guard within him to rise up and hent the situation at hand.

fenru tainn
template base by GINNYSAURUS
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2013, 08:24 AM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The expedition to the mountains had only seemed at creating even more of a nightmare in Jessie’s mind. She found herself starting to push away the memories she had held for the younger pup and the fun they had once shared together when she had been much younger, with Hotei, who also seemed to be missing in action. The dead body of Rissa moved through her mind once again as she traveled through the grove, a chill running down her spine. Nothing that the reckless pup had done made her deserve death, and the cruel monsters that had done so to her were going to pay, one or another. Jessie was sure of it. Ever since she had returned she had been throwing herself into as much work as she could possibly find, always looking for the perfect times to go hunting or to go mark the border or something along those lines. As long as she did something, she found herself feeling better once she had something else to think about.

Her body had recovered greatly since her collapse. She had finally gained most of her weight back, and now, after their long hike had ended, Jessie felt as though her pads had roughened slightly. Those days had been the first she had ever climbed up a mountain and oh, how bad her paws had hurt after that tracking. They had easily slit, not being use to the rocky terrain, but now that she had returned, they were hard and ready for another scale up the mountain. Right now, would not be the time though, the pack would need her contribution of food. She had also been keeping an eye on Aiyana, watching her sometimes broken movements and wishing that somehow she could help the young pup who had been pushed through much in her short life. If only, if only…

Her body weaved through the territory, her emerald eyes glowing dimly in the fog. The wind was almost nothing and Jessie had to rely on her nose to find the male she was looking for. The girl wasn’t too bad at tracking, in truth, it was one of her best skills, perhaps even better than hunting, and no sooner did she stumble upon the trail, did her body instantly kick into action. Her nose buried itself into the ground, following the younger man’s trail, having no sight, due to the thick fog around her, she knew it would be no use to actually try and look for him. It didn’t take her long to pick up the scent of her sister as well. She pushed on, coming upon her two pack mates and a loner. Emerald eyed flashed in a threatening manner, coming up to Fenru’s left side and lightly touching his side with her nose in greeting.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]