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A Dance with a Flame — Poison Path 
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Played by TABs who has 51 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Terra Anne

Her steps wavered for a second, unbalanced as she stared down the slope at the lake below. Then her leg slipped and the sick she wolf slid forward tumbling down the hill towards the lake. Pained yips and whines came from her muzzle as she tumbled downward until her body came to a stop. Aches screamed from her muscles as her left side went numb and an attack took the young woman. As she lay there taking a seizure rather quietly her mouth began to froth. The white bubbles of death rolling down over her jaw and dripping onto the ground. The rust, cream, and gray she wolf did not have much time left.

Ten minutes passed dreadfully slow to the pained she wolf. Then slowly her legs began to feel again. Feel the cold earth beneath them. Feel the warmth of her diseased blood coursing through them. Huffing a relieved sigh the she wolf tested her limbs and back thankful that the paralyzing effects of the "walking death" had worn off. She could travel again. Search. Search for that wolf to tear into. The one who'd made her this way.

"That bastard..bastard..stinky..wolf..stinky...stinker..stinks..stinking wolf..bastard.." Her eyes had glazed over again and for a short time the sick wolf stumbled around unable to see at the shore of the lake. Over and over she cursed the wolf unable to say much else. She paused every few seconds to rub at her eyes trying to rid them of the clouds that covered them.

Anne had managed to rid one of the clouds from her right eye while balancing on three legs and wiping her eye with her fourth leg. However her three legs lost their balance and she splashed staggering into the water. Quickly removing herself from the cold liquid Terra then realized how thirsty she was. The vengeful wolf had forgotten about her thirst and hunger while worrying about losing her mind and trying to find Slimtail.

Dipping her head she tried to take a sip of the cool water. Almost immediately her throat convulsed and closed up as the water slid past her tongue. Coughing up the liquid and stepping back away from the lake Anne cursed the stinky bastard a billionth time. The liquid quickly turned to foam in her throat and she began choking on the incessant bubbles slipping into her windpipe.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
scars remind us who we are

The White Queen stood a far upon a concealed pedestal, observing the sickly wolf below her. The woman was clearly sick with her stumbling steps and the obvious smell of death that accompanied her. It had been a long time since Athena had smelled that signature scent that her mother called rabies. The tawny woman had warned her to stay away from any who wore that scent because if they bite you, you would become like them. Her uncle had contracted the deadly disease when she was about three months old, so she knew about the rabies and what usually happened to poor soul that contracted it. Death.

Fiery eyes watched the tawny soul try to drink from her lake, but failed. A white paw twitched towards the poor woman, knowing it was almost time for the girl. A part of her wanted to help, but the rational side told her to stay away. Athena could afford contracting the disease, but she also didn’t want any of her pack to get it either. However, after a few moments, she leaped down from her shadowy pedestal and began walking towards the sick wolf.

Releasing a bark, announcing her arrival, Athena stopped many yards from the woman for her own safety. Tail curled over her back, like usual, her fiery eyes looked over the girl now that she was closer. The foam that protruded out of the tawny female’s mouth was once again another sign of the disease. If this woman didn’t have the disease, Athena would be attacking her for trespassing on her lands, but that would be very unwise of her at the moment. The sick girl could somehow get a piece of her and then the leader would be done for. With no cure that she knew of, she would surely die in now time, so she had no intentions on fighting the poor girl. “Who are you?” She inquired, her fiery eyes still trained on the girl, watching for any sudden movements towards her.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by TABs who has 51 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Terra Anne

Her good eye settled upon a white figure coming towards her. For a moment she thought it was her dear sister come to save her and bring her back to the human pack. The humans always had a cure for the most debilitating illness'. Her coughing ceased as her rust and cream head hung low letting the bubbles slide out of her move by the force of gravity.

For a moment her mind was clear again, remembering her past. Her white sisters and three gray and rust brothers like herself. Unlike wild wolves Anne's mother could have more pups due to her excellent health and "plumpness". The humans took good care of her. The savage wild wolves could only have two or three young? Maybe four? because they breed to early, are too thin, and ect.. Anne knew all of this. And yet.. I digress... She brought her attention off of wild versus human kept wolf health and watched the white she wolf. Her heart ached noting the woman had the same eyes as her most beloved sister as well, though the scars on her face marred her beauty. When did sis get those scars?

"Sis? You don't recognize me? It's me Anne..Terra Anne..Maybe..those scars..scars..fighting..scars.. where did you get them? I'll kill whoever gave them to you.. Oh sis..Do you remember me?" Her mind was all in a jumble. One topic colliding with another, colliding with a memory, which mixed into reality. She was a mess, but... For once the need to bite was not directed to the wolf before her. It was directed at the wolf who'd hurt her sister. The wolf who'd hurt Athena.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
scars remind us who we are

The white leader stood there ready to make a move if the sick female decided to come after her. If worse comes to worse, she could perhaps lure her into the mountains and the delusional wolf would most likely miss a step and fall to her death. That sounded extremely painful, but if the girl wanted to attack her that was probably the best bet she’d have. But if the girl kept her teeth to herself, Athena could perhaps have to girl eat some nightshade. That would be a little bit less painful then falling off a cliff. As she pondered the ways to kill the young girl, she answered her question and began to ramble on about various things.

As soon as the girl asked if she was her sister, she wasn’t exactly sure what path she should take. Would it be better to lie to the girl and perhaps give her some sort of pseudo comfort before her death or tell the girl to truth, but make her angry and have her possibly lash out at her? Deciding the best path was to just go along with this Anne. “It’ll be alright Anne, I’m here for you. She didn’t exactly lie to the girl, Athena would indeed be here for her. Anne went on asking about the scars that she got in a fight with the black female, Shadowstorm. “I got these in a fight with a black female, Shadowstorm. She stole a rabbit from me and she wouldn’t leave, so I attacked her.” She answered her mind wandering back towards that day. Athena was indeed curious how the young girl before her got that sickness. “Who did this to you, dear Anne.”

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by TABs who has 51 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Terra Anne

She snarled as Athena spoke of this "Shadowstorm" wolf. Perhaps it would do Anne well to visit this shadow wolf. Why was it black wolves were the one's hurting her family most? Though the guy who made me sick wasn't black..but still.. She growled imagining a black female with ruby red eyes staring at her to the left. The Anne snapped at the figment of her imagination, her teeth slicing through the air and sending foam flying to her left.

At least she's alive and well.. I'm glad she remembered me, even though I look like hell right now. Anne looked back to Athena with a slimy smile then flinched as a rod of pain struck through her back again. She closed her eyes waiting for the pain to subside while a low groan escaped her twitching maw.

"Who did THIS to me....this..this pain.." She whimpered trying to get out the sentence fully. "HE did..did.." The pain rolled up her neck and locked her legs together pulling them forward to her dusty cream chest. "Gray male..did..did..did..das doe meh.. Moundin olf.." She answered Athena's question with slurred words as her body tilted sideways and fell to the ground. No more words would come from her. Only snarls and the sound of gagging as the disease did its worst.

Her tail whipped around in circles as the seizure took hold of her. Her once kind face turned into a permanent snarl as the pain raced around her body. Her legs were folded up to her chest, both back and front, while they shook practically moving the sick wolf laying on her side.



When will it end?

(She'll survive this one if you let her, but only barely)
Played by xexes who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank

A little while ago he'd wandered onto Lost Lake, Poison Path by accident. He had been too feral, too lazy, too forgetful to remember to scent for pack borders, or even to remember what they meant or why they were important. It was nearly a fatal mistake. It seemed one minute he was taking a bite of tree trunk for nutrients, and the next he was being mauled to death by a big wolf, tawny, with timber wolf markings.There was a darker, redder wolf there, too, one who had been punished. And then there was hurt, overwhelming hurt. He realized later what it had all meant. He'd tresspassed, and that was bad, because this land was owned by the two, Kamota and Ash. He didn't know their names. He didn't know anyone's name, except his own.

He'd meant to get away from this place, but as happenstance had it, he'd gotten lost and ended up at the borders of the pack all over again. It was sounds in the distance that attracted his attention, and he watched two females talk. Neither was happy. One looked like they were ill. When the sick one fell over and began writing, he had realized what was happening. Surely the sick one was trying to trespass also on the pack, perhaps to join it! He could smell them, and where one smelled like Ash and Kamota, the other smelled like him, of the dirt and wild.

He couldn't watch. He simply couldn't stand there and watch.

"Noooo! You have to run away or they'll kill you!" He was shouting, but nothing seemed to be happening. He broke into a run, crossing onto the borders towards the female who was shaking and shuddering on the ground like a violent earthquake was inside her bones. His face was full of fear. "They'll hurt you! You have to get out! Follow me! Hurry!", he was still running towards her and had reached her now.

He remembered the other female, the one that smelled like Ash, and froze, mid-stride. His move caused him to loose his balance and he toppled over. He quickly rolled, as if a ritual, exposing his belly. "I'm not the boss you're the boss!", he directed at Athena, his voice was hurried but sure.

"We have to get out! They'll hurt you!", he was on his feet again, nearing Athena in a half walk and half crawl of terrified submission lest Athena devour him whole. He was risking his life. He tried to nudge the woman, and then he tried to push her to her feet. "Hurry! We have to get out! Please!", he was pushing with all his might. Considering how his skin dipped between his ribs sickeningly, there wasn't much might, and spending this much energy would cost him dearly later. He tried to push and heave, trying to use his body as a wedge to get her on her feet. "They'll eat us alive! Please! Hurry!"