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What Is This Place? — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
For {Cisco} <3

It was a very cold day. The sky was almost unseeable by passing clouds and the air was frosty. But none of this bothered Ace. His thick coat protected him from most of the cold and he loved the cold anyway. He had been travelling for a while now and the scenery around him had changed drastically in the past week or so. The trees had been quite short with leafy branches and bushes scattered everywhere. The usual. And then suddenly as if crossing a boundary line, Ace had found himself among young trees and had come upon a spring with creeping vines that made it seem as if there were curtains around its banks. He had stopped there for a drink and then moved on, after checking if there was any wolves in the immediate area.. After a few days it changed yet again. Instead of being full of trees and shrubbery, the land opened up into long fields with tall grass and blackberry bushes were dotted everywhere. He had found lots of small game, mostly rabbits that were easy to catch. But so far, he had found no wolves, so continued on his way, hoping to find atleast one other wolf in this strange land.

Then he had come upon short, stubby trees with cherries on them. He saw that there was still quite a few on the trees, but the ground was absolutely littered with them. He had to step very carefully to avoid them but, alas, it was unavoidable. At one point, the large grey male wasn't watching where he was going, and stepped on an extremely juicy one. It had spurted out and caught him directly on the face. He wandered around, trying vainly not to step on any more, but failing to do so. Eventually, he found a stream and entered the icy waters. The water rushing past him attained a red hue as it washed off the red cherry stains. Once he decided he was clean enough, Ace stood up and shook out his waterlogged fur. Water sprayed everywhere around him, leaving his coat damp and sticking out everywhere. His fur was longer than average so he battled with this particular look every time he got wet.

There seemed to be no wolves in this area either, but he could scent lots of game. Lifting his grey muzzle into the air, he pinpointed the location of a rabbit. Stalking forward, he made sure that he was upwind of it, and caught sight of it nibbling on a piece of grass. The scent of the rabbit left no room for any other scents. He bunched his haunches and kept his tail completely still. The rabbit perked up its ears, looking in his direction. He held his breath, hoping that it didn't see or scent him. After a few moments it returned to its task and Ace slowly let out the breath he was holding in. He made sure he was in the correct position before springing forward and pouncing on the rabbit. It gave a squeal and squirmed in his grip before he killed it with a quick nip to the throat. Picking up the morsel in his mouth, he carried it back to the stream and lay down.

Keeping his ears perked for any dangers, he chomped down the rabbit in quick bites. Once he finished it, the grey wolf looked around. Was there even any wolves in this land. He certainly hoped so, for he was a pack wolf. These thoughts, they reminded him of Jasmine. His sweet sister with her emerald green eyes and slender but large frame. He missed her friendly personality and, well, just everything about her. That was one reason why he was wandering around. And the other was that his pack was in ruins. They had been attacked by a large group of rogues. He and Jasmine had fled, but they got seperated. So now he was on a journey to find her, and possibly join a pack in the meantime. With these thoughts chasing each other around, he fell into a light sleep, for he never slept deeply in unknown areas.

(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2013, 09:07 AM by Ace.)