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The Guest — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
Life should have been normal. It was normal again for the white girl, still there was a odd feeling that made her stomach turn. Just when she got back, when Kyrie thought everything had end well, she heard about Koda. Her big father-like figure who had hurt himself in those same mountains. When it actually happened she had no idea, Shade had been there. Kyrie wanted to speak to the brown Guardian as he too had changed. Not in bad ways, hell no! She was already on the state of crying rivers for her alpha. He looked like Koda had lost his memory, so that meant Kyrie herself didn't even existed in his world. Did Nina already know? How would her brown friend be faring after the bad news? The fae shook her heavy head. Stop thinking, if she kept going on clinging on bad news she would be useless. Instead she should congratulate Shade for his rank. She was sad for Reed and happy at the same time that Shade had taken his place. They both deserved that place but only one could have it. Somewhere it made her fire up, with their pack growing challenges would be unavoidable. It made her exited but she didn't see it coming among their females. Above her was Rose, though Kyrie had been longer in the pack than the little woman Kyrie had not yet the urge to challenge the huntress. May be somewhere in the future she would. Just, she should be much more mature and responsible to take the weight of being Second or even a higher rank. Her place in the family was good, for now nothing needed change.

The white fae walked out in the open. Within their lands things had been safe. Last time she had searched out for her grey friend, Narimé to go out for a hunt. However the yearling had been missing. Missing was actually not the right word, they did know where their precious girl was but she was.. stuck. The pack went great deal making a exit for the girl to crawl through. However Narimé was not the little one in their pack. Being a yearling she had already outgrowth both Kyrie and Rose. Kyrie was worried but at the same time knew everything would be alright again when she was back in the open air. Kyrie really wanted her to give her support and help with the exit. However she had her own tasks. Winter coming at it's end plants would pop out again. The ground was softer and not frozen so the roots were ready to be harvest. So as the nature told her to the girl went out to fill their stack. Her paws became brown of mud and soft ground. While the bitter taste of herbs and plants mixed in her mouth with the groundwater. Meeting the borders of her land she stopped. Looking at her pile of fresh herbs and plants she smiled satisfied. It was long not enough but those would already cure many of their members. Continuing her job she was completely lost in her focus, not knowing that Steel was on his way.
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Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Steel Kaldorr
Steel hurried down the mountain, his now tough paws taking little notice of the rugged terrain as he traveled towards the Willows, where he was hoping to find Kyrie, the healer that had cured his paws some time back. One of his pack mates needed a healer and she was the only one that he knew. Although he didn't know Namara, she was a pack mate and important to Athena for that. She also didn't deserve to die without some effort being put out to save her life. His response was not emotional, merely practical. The pack needed every member. Sparing a bit of oxygen to grunt in irritation at himself, the burly man shook his head to rid himself of thought. He didn't need to think, he merely needed to find Kyrie as soon as possible and return with her to Namara if she would come. He was not a fast wolf, but he possessed a decent amount of stamina, which had improved during his time in the mountains out of necessity. His steady pace soon brought him to Drooping Willows. He didn't know where exactly to go from there, so he slowed to a brisk walk, catching his breath and scanning the area with his stormy blue eyes, nose twitching as he scented for any wolf.

He hoped that the fates were on his side and he'd find Kyrie with little interaction with other wolves. Willingly seeking out even one wolf went against every fiber of his being. It seemed that something was going his way as after about another half hour of travel, he scented the very fae he'd been seeking. Keying in on her peculiar scent, intermingled with the earthy tone that seemed to permeate her white fur. What might be taken as a grimace by an onlooker was nearly a smile of success on his stoic face as he zeroed in on her location

When he finally came upon her, he came to a stop and eyed her silently for a moment as she worked. Her creamy fur was now clean and not caked with dirt and mud as it had been on the mountain when she'd been lost and treated him for his help. All was clean, save her front paws and her muzzle which she'd apparently been digging with. With a soft grunt to get her attention, Steel finally spoke in his deep gravely voice. "Kyrie. I need your help."