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Hey there Big Guy — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
@Yuka Mid-Day

deep into that darkness peering,
i long stood there, wondering, fearing...

It was a beautiful day outside, in all truth. Not too hot, but not too cool either, just perfect. The weather had thankfully cooled since the morning's blaze.

She had gone hunting earlier that morning and had managed to catch something good. 2 something goods in all actuality. 2 big, plump, rabbits. She had dropped them into the catche a little while back, and that is why she found herself walking around the birthing den now. Deciding to just be lazy for a while longer, the petite wolf headed to a sunny patch of grass, a couple of yards away from the birthing den.

Plopping onto the lush green grass, Inali got comfortable, placing her paws neatly under her chin. Closing her eyes and drinking in the warm sun, she found herself thinking of home. Pleasant memories for a change.

Inali, as a little newborn pup, just a month old, stepping out of the den for the first time.

Curiosity getting the best of her, the runt of the litter blinked her eyes to adjust to the bright light of outside. It was pretty different from the cool darkness of the birthing den.

Girls her age should be out of the den by now, play fighting with their father as he called them, 'My little princess.' But Inali was different from other girls. She didnt have a 'daddy'. She had a 'King.' Her father was a cold hearted man, who didnt pay attention to his little girl. At least she had her mother.

Pawing at a ladybug, Inali's tinkling laughter flowed through the air, happiness radiating through her small body. It's such a cute little thing, Inali thought with a smile.

"What are you laughing at sweetheart?," she heard her mother's voice behind her. Turning around, Inali smiled brightly. The ladybug, who had by this point, crawled onto the young pup's paw, scurried around. Thrusting her small paw into her mother's face, she exclaimed brightly, "Isnt it pwetty, mummy!?" Laughing, her mother responded, "It's beautiful, honeybee."

Softly lowering her daughter's paw onto the ground, the ladybug flew away, and before her daughter could start to cry, the mother of Inali nipped her daughter playfully on her shoulder and ran.

A hearty game of 'Tag' thus began, which ended with both of the females tangled together onto the ground, their clear laughter flowing through the air. When they had both sobered up, Inali face was placed right in the crook of her mothers shoulder. "I wove ou mummy," Inali whispered. "I love you too baby girl. My little princess," her mother whispered back, with all the love she possessed.

Present-day Inali grinned wistfully at the memory. It was one of the few precious ones she had of her childhood days.

(This post was last modified: Jul 04, 2013, 05:05 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben
It seemed that now as the children grew older and older, Yuka had finally gained much needed weight and height. Even though he was still smaller than his other siblings, he had come a longer way than they had in the long run. They had not had to deal with the hardships of being a runt and the smallest Thorben knew that he was proud of how he pulled through. He was stronger now and he knew he would do whatever he could to prove to both Malia and Titan that one day he was not the weakest of the trio. It was not revenge he wanted; he wanted to feel confident, knowing that he was not the letdown in the family. He had seen the way Sloane, their father, walking around, his shoulders set back as he stood tall before them, something that could only be hinted at as pride. Yuka wanted to be like that, almost like his father, only better than him. He just wanted to prove himself and he would do anything to earn such a thing.

The young boy even knew then that he would have to work hard for what he wanted and work hard he would do. The gray boy with red hues would not try and take advantage of anything or anyone. He would earn his place with work and being truthfully. Just as Narimé and Sloane was and would raise the siblings up to be. While Malia and Titan had intimidation and size on their sides, Yuka had the cunning looks and brains. Eventually, he would be the most intelligent of his siblings, being able to look over information with open eyes and always planning before acting on something. He knew he was over thinking himself and knew that he would end up getting himself a headache if he did not put such thoughts to a rest for the time being. While doing this his eyes had remained closed and when he opened them he was not surprised to see that the den was already empty. Narimé and Sloane(he preferred to call them as their formal titles) were probably out and about and Titan and Malia were probably already exploring without him. The two never liked to bring Yuka along with them because of his silence, sometimes they found him boring and a mood killer to be around, when really it bad him all the more alert. He was able to pay much more attention when there was silence.

Though the young man’s body was still developing and had much more developing to do, he still had decent enough senses. The same amount than any pup his age would have, but he tried to use such things to his advantage and learn from his developments as he went along. He had learned much from one of his other family members…Malia, he thought her name was. He had accidently snorted some liquid and she had helped him get the awful stuff out of his nostrils. It had hurt, but Yuka had learned that he was to not sniff the large wet area out there. What he had thought others had sniffed they had licked and the young boy was truly embarrassed that he had made such a mistake. He was now started to realize that this was the only way you learned from such things: making mistakes. As he made his way out of the den, he saw another large form in front of him. So wagging his tail curiously behind him, he made his way forward ears twitching towards the new form in front of him. He smelt like Narimé and Sloane, so he assumed that she was what Malia called ‘okay.’
Thank you TABs
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali's developed senses easily picked up the footfalls of another wolf, wondering about near her. Her ears pricking backwards, and her muzzle taking a sniff of the air, she tried to pinpoint exactly who it was. Obviously, it was a Whisper Caverns wolf. It definitely wasn't Minka, since by the scent of the wolf around her she could tell he was a male.

Now curious, the young fae lifted her head up and took a deeper sniff of the air. It was an unfamiliar scent, for sure. Taking one last sniff, the young girl let a small smile grace her features and placed her head back onto her paws, her curiosity now satisfied. It was a pup. All the wolves of Whisper Caverns smelt like Narimé and Sloane, but this one smelt more like them than usual. Adding the distinct smell of a nursing mother, Inali knew it was one of the rascals she had been waiting to see. Which one, she didn't know.

She could now hear the pup getting closer. The young woman did not want to frighten the small thing, so she casually lifted her head, a warm smile spreading across her muzzle. Turning to the boy, an equally warm greeting escaped her lips. "Hey there Big Guy." In the future, that would be how the woman would always greet the child, an affectionate, teasing lilt in her voice. Cocking her head curiously, Inali asked the blue-eyed kid, "Are you Titan or Yuka?"

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben
It seemed as though he had not been quiet enough, for soon enough, the wolf in front of his small body lifted her head. She seemed nice enough and did not try to hurt Yuka as soon as he had approached her, which he easily took as a good sign. The lady in front of him was extremely beautiful by his standards. Perhaps not as beautiful as Narimé but it came to a close cut as he looked even closer at the pretty lady in front of him. When she spoke, he tilted his head slightly, thinking about what she had called him. Big Guy, she had said. The small dark gray boy did not mind the sound of his nickname. Perhaps he had gotten bigger over the passing weeks, and it was true that perhaps his progress had been fantastic. The fact that this new lady was complimenting him, made him feel even better about himself. Then there was the fact that the lady was having a hard time deciphering if he was Titan or himself, which made a small, goofy smile form upon his black lips.

Wagging his short tail behind him, his small voice squeaked out, "Me, Yuka. You is?" He spoke confidently, in the way that he had seen Father and Mother do so often. His looked up at her with his innocent blue eyes. He was not much of a talker and the fact that this pretty lady was getting words out of him was impressive. It was why the next words brought a warm feeling upon his skin as he said them. "You is pwetty." His baby eyes looked up at the woman again, liking that she was still lying down so that he would not have to strain his neck to look up at her. She seemed nice enough and she did not look threatening. He kind of wandered if they were related. It could explain why she was so pretty, but she looked nothing like Narimé or Sloane and somewhere in his developing brain he knew that the facts did not add up, but instead of dwelling on them, he pushed them away and paid more attention to the beautiful lady in front of him.

Thank you TABs
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Sorry I took so long, my muse was totally dead:/ Anyway, Yuka is so cute<3 You play him beautifully:)

The woman smothered a chuckle as the young boy squeaked out an answer. He had spoken with such confidence in his developing tone, no doubt because of Sloane and Narimé's own voice and actions.

He was just so adorable, she couldn't get over it! She had to be careful though. She was pretty sure that men and boys alike did not like to be called 'adorable.' With a soft chuckle she responded, "I'm Inali."

Turning her body completely, Inali got comfortable. She was now facing the young boy. Yuka, her mind corrected her. She watched him curiously as his baby blue eyes looked up at her face and she wondered what was running through his mind.

"You is pwetty."

Inali's blue eyes brightened at the compliment from Yuka and this time she couldn't help but release the coo that she had not spoken previously. "You are so adorable!" Her right paw lifted and she gently swiped his muzzle. The playful touch made her soft laughter flow through the air and she teased the small boy as she sobered up. "Your a handsome one yourself, Yuka."

The fae was speaking the truth. He was going to grow up to be handsome boy and she guessed that Narimé and Sloane were proud of that fact. Among other things as well she supposed. She wondered about the boy in front of her, and soon her curiosity got the best of her. Like always.

The lovely woman smiled at the growing boy and asked, "What do you like, Yuka?" She was generally curious. Pups seemed to like many things, that was a no-brainer.

(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2013, 11:31 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben
Thank you very much! I'm glad to hear that. Looks like Yuka has a little thing for Inali. ;)

He enjoyed his time with the woman in front of him, taking the time to match her own appeal and plopped down on his side, a goofy grin crossing over his features. He liked this lady a lot! She seemed to have a certain light about her that she had not found in any other wolf here. He tried to listen to her words and make sense of them, but all he could really tell was that she had a nice note in her voice, which Yuka enjoyed hearing. Wagging his short tail, he listened to her words as much as he could, grinning with pride at the compliments he was receiving left and right. Due to him always sticking to the shadows, not much attention was ever drawn to him when he had been with his siblings, but now that this woman was paying him some kind of attention and actually acknowledging him, he felt a sense of pride growing in his heart. When she asked him a question, he tilted his head slightly to the side, confusion spreading through him. He felt foolish if he would have said that he liked her, but then…what did he like?

Thinking over his thoughts in his head and wondering what he truly liked. Sure he liked a bunch of things, but what did he treasure? Without thinking, he spoke softly, "Caves and shimmy tings." He was mostly referring to the caves and how when they were filled with water and the sun hit the area how beautiful the site was. Nodding his head he spoke up, curious as to what she liked too, "Wha does you like?" The young Thorben tilted his head to the side in curiosity, his teal blue eyes gleaming what could only be admiration for the woman in front of him.

Thank you TABs
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali was obviously completely obliviousl to the thoughts of her going through the boy's mind. The young woman smiled as Yuka answered her. "Caves and shiny things?," she repeated in question, making sure she had understood him correctly.

"What do I like?," she retorted. She liked many things, for sure. She liked going off scouting, she liked her friends, she liked to explore. What could she say to this boy? It wasn't just a simple answer. Or maybe it was?

"Well, I like to explore." She pronounced the last word in a tone of mock fascination, in order to capture his attention. With a silly smile playing upon her lips that only a child could produce, she continued. "I like to explore caves, and forests, and all around. It's very fun Yuka." An idea suddenly popped into her head. But she didn't know if Nari would agree with it. She didn't know what Yuka would end up being as he grew up, it was too soon to tell. Maybe he would grow up to be a hunter, like Minka, or a Healer, like Simaea, or even a Scout, like her.

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, she spoke. "Maybe we can even go exploring together? What do you think of that?" A grin graced her features when she finished speaking. If she could gain her alpha's permission, then maybe when Yuka was a bit older, she could take him out on a true adventure. Of course, not too far from the borders. She'd have to talk about that with Narimé later on, now, it was all about her new friend.

(This post was last modified: Jul 31, 2013, 04:55 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben
He really did like to hear Inali talk for some odd reason, but he found he really did not mind. Her voice was smooth and calming to him and he found that he could sit and bask in her presence forever. When she asked him a question to clarify what he had said, he simply nodded, knowing no better way to do so. He was comfortable as she answered her questions and even though she pushed on some of the words that she was saying, Yuka needed no help in holding his attention on her. She captivated him and would not let him go and though Narimé may have minded the gray pup certainly did not. He would tilt her head at her ever now and then, when she fell silent, his now teal eyes stared at her for a few moments as he let her words process in his brain. She seemed excited and as long as Yuka got to stay by her side, he didn’t mind.

With an enthusiastic nod he jumped to his paws, his little tail wagging behind him as he hopped over to Inali’s side, looking up at her with wide eyes. He did adore her, even though they had just met, for something stuck out to him about her, and he definitely liked that. He hoped they would get to see something extremely pretty. Yuka liked pretty things and had an extreme fascination with sites. Much like the crystals hanging from the tops of the caves that water dripped off of so frequently after it rained. It was a beautiful sight, but little did the young pup know that there would be so much in the future. So much that would prove that things were beautiful. Like a simple flower or a flowing waterfall. The whole world had so much to offer him, he just didn’t know it yet.

Thank you TABs
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali's laughter echoed through their small haven of trees that hid their pack from view. Yuka's happiness was contagious, and his bounciness toward her was the thing that brought her laughter out. He was too cute for words.

Lowering her head she nuzzled her muzzle against his fur affectionately. This little man had already carved a place of his own in her heart. She knew she would protect him with her life. Aligning her head back to its normal place, she sent him a grin as she once again plopped down in front of him. Now they were at eye level.

She stretched her neck and took a hold of his ear in playful abandon, giving it a gentle shake.

She hadn't felt this playful and at peace with life in a long time. She would make sure to enjoy it as long as it lasted.

As she let go her blue orbs brightened as a playful growl escaped her maw. This little game that she had begun brought memories back. Good memories. Memories long forgotten. Her mother delaying her alpha duties for a bit just to play with her daughter in the grass. She still remembered her mother's laughter, even if she couldn't remember her face.

That last thought dimmed the light in her eyes slightly, but not completely. For as long as she could, she would play with this pup, remembering the innocence that she felt she had long since shed.

Giving him a smile she opened her maws to speak. "Come, sweetheart. Follow me, were going on a little adventure. I promise, you'll love it." Nudging his muzzle with her own, she stood up. Stretching quickly, she turned around. They'd probably wonder around the borders, maybe even enter the caves. No matter what they did, she would make sure that it would be an experience that Yuka would never forget.


(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2013, 10:01 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben
The little Thorben was completely content where he was right now. There was no need for him to worry about anything else expect for the pretty lady in front of him. She would make sure that nothing bad got to him and harmed him. Right now she was his light and he did not ever want to let that beautiful light go. He hoped that in the future, when they did have to part, that Yuka would be able to see her more. She seemed like one of the wolves that Narimé and Sloane had classified as the good ones, the ones that the young pup would be able to trust. Their silence ended all too soon and Yuka watched on a Inali got up and stretched her legs. Curious teal blue eyes looked up at her, filled with many questions. It upset him to think that she was already leaving him when they had barely had any time together in the first place. Perhaps she thought that he was too weak just like his siblings did and did not wish to spend time with him anymore. He dearly hoped this was not the chase because he much preferred to spend time with the adults rather than his idiotic group of siblings.

When the beautiful woman in front of him spoke, he did not fully comprehend what she was saying, but the word follow stuck out to him and he felt his pulse slightly quicken at the thought of Inali wanting him to go along with her. Yuka did not have a problem going with the young woman, so when he got up on his small paws, he scrambled over to Inali, and curious as to if she was going to show him something unique. Wagging his short tail, he was relieved that he did not have to jump over a million things to keep up with the lady. She was going a pace that he could easily keep up with and he appreciated such thought. He continued to follow her, having complete faith that the woman was not leading him to his death and loyally followed her along the way.

Thank you TABs